
See how other countries play eco-agriculture.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Ecological agriculture first sprang up in Europe in 1924 and developed in Switzerland, Britain and Japan in the 1930s and 1940s. Many farms in Europe turned to ecological farming in the 1960s, and ecological agriculture began to be studied in Southeast Asia in the late 1970s. Take the road of sustainable development

Ecological agriculture first sprang up in Europe in 1924 and developed in Switzerland, Britain and Japan in the 1930s and 1940s. Many farms in Europe turned to ecological farming in the 1960s, and ecological agriculture began to be studied in Southeast Asia in the late 1970s. Taking the road of sustainable development has become a common choice for agricultural development all over the world. Now in China, the wave of ecological agriculture has also hit, and doing ecological agriculture has become a rather fashionable thing in this era. What can be done to make the name rise, make the plate bigger, let the pockets bulge up, and achieve a career that is not vigorous but with a long flow of water? it is a question worth thinking about by all farmers. If you know yourself and the enemy, you can be invincible. It may give you some inspiration to see what other countries are doing.

1. A model of ecological agriculture in the world-- Mayan Farm in the Philippines

The Philippines is one of the countries with early start and rapid development in the construction of ecological agriculture in Southeast Asia, among which Mayan farm is the most representative. Mayan Farm is located near Manila, the capital of the Philippines. Since the 1970s, after 10 years of construction, the farm's agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and sideline production has formed a virtuous circle of agro-ecosystem. The Mayan farm was formerly a flour mill, and operators set up livestock farms and fish ponds to make full use of the large amount of wheat bran produced by the flour mill, and meat processing and canneries to increase farm income. With the development of the farm, the owner opened up a 24-hectare hilly land and expanded the scale of production, which was named Mayan Farm.

In order to control manure pollution and recycle various wastes, Mayan farms have set up more than a dozen biogas production workshops, producing more than 100,000 cubic meters of biogas every day, providing energy for farm production and family life. In addition, some livestock feed can be recovered from the biogas residue after gas production, and the rest can be used as organic fertilizer. After the biogas slurry is treated by the algae oxidation pond, it is sent to the pond to raise fish and ducks, and finally the pond water and mud are taken to fertilize the field. The grain produced by farmland is sent to flour mills for processing and enters another cycle.

A large-scale agro-industrial joint production enterprise like this can maintain high profits without buying raw materials, fuel and fertilizers from the outside, and there is no pollution from waste gas, waste water and waste residue. This production process is in line with the principle of ecology, makes rational use of resources, and realizes the full recycling of biomass. In 1980, an international conference was held at Mayan Farm, and the participants spoke highly of the ecological farm.

2. Water scarcity and little land can also be used as ecological and water-saving ecological agriculture in Israel.

Israel is a country with relatively poor agricultural natural resources, and more than half of the country's land is located in arid and semi-arid areas, so land and freshwater resources are very scarce. In order to solve this problem, Israel developed drip irrigation and other micro-irrigation techniques in the late 1950s, which greatly improved the utilization rate of water resources. Water-saving has become the central task of its agricultural management, and the maximum economic benefit of unit land area and unilateral water is the main goal of water-saving agricultural research and management. Almost all crops, trees, grasslands and flowers are irrigated with drip irrigation. Drip irrigation transports water and nutrients directly to the roots of plants on time and according to quantity, avoids water loss, and achieves the best effect with a small amount of water. The utilization rate of water and fertilizer is as high as 800.90%, water saving 500.70%, fertilizer saving 305.50%. At the same time, it prevents the occurrence of soil secondary salinization, saves the occupation of traditional irrigation ditches, and doubles the output per unit area.

In addition, Israel also attaches importance to the research on the recycling of wastewater for farmland irrigation. They pass the waste water through different filtering devices to reduce the content of pollutants and bacteria and turn the waste water into a suitable source of irrigation. During irrigation, we should comprehensively consider the water quality, soil texture and state, formulate reasonable irrigation strategies and methods, and select suitable crops to facilitate the decomposition of substances in water and avoid the pollution of underground water quality.

With the help of scientific and technological means, water-saving agriculture with Israeli characteristics has not only ensured the quality and output of agricultural products, but also improved the degree of mechanization, intensification and scale in the whole process of agricultural production. To achieve the coordinated relationship of field water-soil-crop-atmosphere system with water as the center, and to maintain the balance of mutual transformation among precipitation, surface water, groundwater, soil water and crop water to meet the requirements of water use for agricultural production. It has improved the water use efficiency of the transformation link from water source to crop yield, and formed the maximum optimization and utilization of agricultural ecological environment.

3. Strict German strict German ecological agriculture

Germany has had the concept of ecological agriculture as early as 1924. Like the rigorous style of the Germans, Germany has very strict requirements on ecological agriculture: not using chemical synthetic pesticides and herbicides, but using beneficial natural enemies or mechanical weeding methods; not using soluble chemical fertilizers, but using organic or long-acting fertilizers; using humus to maintain soil fertility; planting by rotation or intercropping Do not use chemical synthetic plant growth regulators; control pasture livestock carrying capacity; use natural feed for animal feeding; do not use antibiotics; do not use transgenic technology.

The EU issued the regulations on Ecological Agriculture and the production of corresponding Agricultural products on June 21, 1991. the provision clearly states that the production of ecological products must comply with the standards of the International Association of Ecological Agriculture (FOAM), such as how the products are produced, which substances are allowed to be used, and which substances are not available. In the production process, the raw materials used in ecological products must be ecological. If the additional materials used must be used in the production process, some of the additional materials are allowed to come from traditional agricultural products, but not more than 25%. Once traditional agricultural additions are used, the proportion used should be indicated in the product. Only when more than 95% of the additional materials come from ecology, can they be sold as pure ecological products.

The standard of the German Association for Ecological Agriculture (AGOEL) is higher than that of the European Union's "ecological regulations". If an enterprise wants to join AGOEL and sell its products as ecological products, it must go through 3 years of complete adjustment. The enterprises applying for transfer to ecological agricultural production shall be inspected at least once a year by a testing center authorized by the state. In addition, random checks can also be conducted from time to time. If the inspection is unqualified, the adjustment period should be extended. In addition, the German Ministry of Agriculture has also set up an eco-agriculture award every year to reward enterprises that have made outstanding contributions to the improvement of ecological agriculture and the development of product technology, with a total bonus of 25000 euros, which is enough to show the strong promotion and support of the German government for ecological agriculture.