
Document No. 1 of the CPC Central Committee in 2015 (full text)

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Beijing, 1 Feb (Xinhua) the CPC Central Committee and the State Council recently issued "some opinions on increasing the intensity of Reform and Innovation and speeding up Agricultural Modernization." The full text is as follows: 2014

Some opinions on strengthening Reform and Innovation and speeding up the Construction of Agricultural Modernization

Beijing, 1 Feb (Xinhua) the CPC Central Committee and the State Council recently issued "some opinions on strengthening Reform and Innovation and speeding up Agricultural Modernization." The full text is as follows:

In 2014, all localities and departments conscientiously implemented the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, stepped up efforts to deepen rural reform, achieved "11 consecutive increases" in grain output, continued rapid growth in farmers' income, and sustained development of rural public undertakings. Rural society is harmonious and stable, and has made outstanding contributions to stable growth, structural adjustment, reform and the benefit of the people's livelihood.

At present, China's economic development has entered a new normal, which is changing from high-speed growth to medium-to-high-speed growth. How to continue to strengthen the basic position of agriculture and promote the continuous increase of farmers' income under the background of slowing economic growth is a major issue that must be solved. The cost of domestic agricultural production is rising rapidly, and the price of major agricultural products is generally higher than that of the international market. How to innovate agricultural support and protection policies and improve agricultural competitiveness under the "double squeeze" is a major test that must be faced. China has a shortage of agricultural resources, excessive development and serious pollution. How to ensure the effective supply, quality and safety of agricultural products and improve the ability of agricultural sustainable development under the hard constraints of resources and environment is a major challenge that must be addressed. The flow of urban and rural resource elements is accelerated and the interaction between urban and rural areas is strengthened. how to speed up the pace of new rural construction and achieve common prosperity in urban and rural areas under the background of the in-depth development of urbanization is a major problem that must be solved. Solving these difficult problems is a major task for the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" in the future. We must always take solving the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers as the top priority of the work of the whole party, rely on reform to add impetus, take the rule of law as the guarantee, and speed up the modernization of agriculture with Chinese characteristics.

In 2015, agricultural and rural work should fully implement the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress and the third and fourth Plenary sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee, and be guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of "three represents" and the scientific concept of development. we should thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important speeches, actively adapt to the new normal of economic development, and continue to deepen rural reform in an all-round way in accordance with the general requirements of stabilizing grain income, improving quality and increasing efficiency, and innovation-driven. We will comprehensively promote the construction of the rule of law in rural areas, promote the simultaneous development of new industrialization, informationization, urbanization and agricultural modernization, strive to tap new potential in improving grain production capacity, and open up new ways to optimize the agricultural structure. we will seek new breakthroughs in changing the mode of agricultural development, achieve new results in increasing farmers' income, take new steps in building a new countryside, and provide strong support for sustained and healthy economic and social development.

I. speeding up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development around the construction of modern agriculture

If China wants to be strong, agriculture must be strong. To strengthen agriculture, we must shift as soon as possible from the extensive operation of mainly pursuing output and relying on resource consumption to paying equal attention to quantity and quality benefits, to improving competitiveness, to agricultural scientific and technological innovation, and to sustainable and intensive development. take the road of modern agricultural development with high output efficiency, product safety, resource saving and environment-friendly.

1. Continuously increase grain production capacity. We will further improve and implement the system of grain governor responsibility. We will strengthen the policy tilt towards major grain-producing provinces and counties, and ensure that major grain-producing counties attach importance to agriculture and obtain substantial benefits and development. The main grain selling areas should earnestly assume their own responsibility for grain production. The delineation of permanent basic farmland will be carried out in an all-round way. The overall plan for the construction of high-standard farmland across the country will be implemented as a whole. Implement actions to protect and improve the quality of cultivated land. We will comprehensively promote the reuse of cultivated land occupied by construction and stripped off the tillage layer. We will explore the establishment of functional areas for grain production, implement the production capacity of food rations in the fields, and implement safeguard measures in specific projects. We will innovate the investment and financing mechanism, increase capital investment, and concentrate our efforts on speeding up the construction of a number of major water diversion projects, key water source projects, and backbone projects for the treatment of rivers and lakes. The compensation for land expropriation and the balance of cultivated land occupation and compensation for the construction of major water conservancy projects for water conservation and water supply will be the same as those for major national infrastructure projects such as railways. We will speed up the continued construction and water-saving transformation of large and medium-sized irrigation districts, accelerate the construction of modern irrigation districts, and strengthen the construction of small-scale irrigation and water conservancy infrastructure. We will implement scientific and technological projects for high grain production and scientific and technological demonstrations for the transformation of saline-alkali land. We will further promote the establishment of high grain production and tackle key problems in the green production model. We will carry out plant protection and construction projects and carry out professional and unified control of crop diseases and insect pests.

2. Further promote the adjustment of agricultural structure. We should scientifically determine the level of self-sufficiency of major agricultural products and rationally prioritize the development of the agricultural industry. We will launch and implement the construction plan for the production capacity of oil, sugar and natural rubber. We will speed up the development of grass and animal husbandry, support the cultivation of forage such as silage corn and alfalfa, carry out pilot projects of grain conversion to feeding and the combination of planting and breeding, and promote the coordinated development of the ternary planting structure of grain, cash crops and forage. Based on the advantages of local resources, vigorously cultivate characteristic agriculture. We will promote the adjustment of the layout of comprehensive agricultural development. We will support major grain producing areas to develop animal husbandry and grain processing industries, continue to implement the policy of subsidies for the initial processing of agricultural products in producing areas, and develop the intensive processing of agricultural products. We will continue to establish a standard garden for horticultural crops and implement projects to improve the quality and efficiency of horticultural products. We will increase support for the construction of standardized large-scale farms (residential areas) for pigs, dairy cows, beef cattle and mutton sheep, implement improved breed projects for livestock and poultry, speed up the promotion of large-scale, intensive and standardized livestock and poultry farming, and enhance the competitiveness of animal husbandry. We will improve policies for the prevention and control of animal diseases. We will promote healthy aquaculture, strengthen the transformation of standard ponds, continue to support the renewal and renovation of ocean-going fishing vessels, and strengthen the construction of fishery infrastructure such as fisheries administration and fishing ports.

3. Improve the quality of agricultural products and food safety. We will strengthen the supervision and control of agricultural product quality and food safety in counties and townships. Strict management of agricultural inputs and vigorously promote standardized agricultural production. We will implement the subsidy policy for the cost of quality and safety inspection in important agricultural production bases and wholesale markets. Establish a traceable, interconnected and shared agricultural product quality and food safety information platform. We will carry out activities to create agricultural products quality and safety counties and food safety cities. We will vigorously develop famous, special, excellent and new agricultural products and cultivate well-known brands. We will improve the comprehensive coordination system for food safety supervision and strengthen the legal responsibilities of local governments. We will step up efforts to prevent exotic pests and protect the safety of agricultural and forestry production. We will implement the main responsibility of producers and operators, severely punish all kinds of illegal and criminal acts of food safety, and improve people's sense of security and satisfaction.

4. Strengthen the driving role of agricultural scientific and technological innovation. We will improve the incentive mechanism for agricultural scientific and technological innovation, improve the talent flow and part-time systems for scientific research institutes, university researchers and enterprises, and promote pilot reforms in the use, disposal, revenue management and equity incentive of scientific and technological personnel, to stimulate the enthusiasm of scientific and technological personnel to innovate and start businesses. We will establish a mechanism for optimizing and integrating agricultural science and technology planning, planning and coordination of scientific and technological resources, and improve the mechanism for opening up the country's major scientific research infrastructure and large-scale scientific research instruments to the public. Strengthen the guidance and support for enterprises to carry out agricultural science and technology research and development, so that enterprises become the main body of technological innovation and application. We will speed up innovation in agricultural science and technology and make major breakthroughs in biological breeding, intelligent agriculture, agricultural machinery and equipment, and ecological and environmental protection. Establish agricultural science and technology collaborative innovation alliance, rely on the national agricultural science and technology park to build agricultural science and technology financing, information, brand service platform. Explore the establishment of a trading center for agricultural scientific and technological achievements. Give full play to the role of scientific research institutes, universities and their new rural development research institutes, vocational colleges and science and technology commissioners in the transformation of scientific research achievements. We will actively promote the pilot reform of the distribution of rights and interests in scientific research achievements in the seed industry and improve the adult sharing system of scientific research achievements. We will continue to implement seed projects and promote the construction of three national breeding and seed production bases in Hainan, Gansu and Sichuan. We will strengthen research, safety management and scientific popularization of agricultural genetically modified biotechnology. Support the technological innovation of agricultural machinery, chemical fertilizer and pesticide enterprises.

5. Innovate the circulation mode of agricultural products. We will speed up the transformation and upgrading of the national agricultural product market system, strengthen the construction of facilities and supporting services, and improve the trading system. We will improve the national backbone network for the circulation of agricultural products and strengthen the construction of warehousing and logistics facilities for important agricultural products. We will speed up the construction of a new warehouse capacity of 100 billion jin of grain, form a grain collection and storage mechanism with a clear division of responsibilities between the central and local governments as soon as possible, and improve the ability of grain collection and storage security. We will continue to implement the scientific grain storage project for farmers. We will strengthen the construction of markets for producing areas of agricultural products, speed up the construction of a cross-regional cold chain logistics system, and continue to carry out pilot projects for the construction of public welfare agricultural products wholesale markets. We will promote the docking of cooperatives with supermarkets, schools, enterprises and communities. We will clean up and rectify the problem of random charges for the transportation and marketing of agricultural products. Develop futures trading of agricultural products and develop new varieties of futures trading of agricultural products. Support e-commerce, logistics, commerce, finance and other enterprises to participate in the construction of agriculture-related e-commerce platform. Carry out a comprehensive demonstration of e-commerce in rural areas.

6. Strengthen agro-ecological management. We will implement the overall plan for the treatment of outstanding problems in the agricultural environment and the plan for sustainable development of agriculture. We will strengthen the control of agricultural non-point source pollution, carry out in-depth soil testing and formula fertilization, vigorously promote bio-organic fertilizers, low-toxic and low-residual pesticides, and carry out regional demonstrations on the resource utilization of straw, livestock and poultry manure and the recovery of residual film in farmland. enjoy the relevant fiscal and taxation policies in accordance with the regulations. We will implement the environmental impact assessment system for large-scale livestock and poultry breeding and vigorously promote the development of agricultural circular economy. We will continue to implement the subsidy and incentive policy for grassland ecological protection, and carry out pilot projects for the sustainable development of agriculture and animal husbandry in arid areas of northwest China, the management of reclaimed grasslands in the ecotone of agriculture and animal husbandry, and the protection of black land in Northeast China. Increase the proliferation and protection of aquatic biological resources. We will establish and improve the water resources demonstration system for planning and construction projects and the national water resources supervision system. We will vigorously promote water-saving technologies and comprehensively implement regional large-scale, efficient and water-saving irrigation actions. We will strengthen the prevention and control of water pollution and the protection of water ecology. We will implement a new round of projects of returning farmland to forests and grasslands, expand the scope of restoration of cultivated land polluted by heavy metals, comprehensive control of groundwater overmining areas, and pilot projects of returning farmland to wet land, and promote the construction of key soil and water conservation projects such as ecologically clean small watersheds in important water sources. We will vigorously promote major forestry ecological projects, strengthen the construction of forest construction projects, and develop the forest industry and characteristic economic forests. We will promote ecological protection and restoration in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, the Silk Road Economic Belt and the Yangtze River Economic Belt. Find out the bottom number, do a good job in planning, increase investment, and protect the country's natural forests. We will raise the standards for subsidies for natural forest resources protection projects and compensation for forest ecological benefits. We will continue to expand the pilot project to stop commercial felling of natural forests. We will implement the policy of compensation for ecological benefits of wetlands, pilot projects for incentives for wetland protection and subsidies for closed protected areas of desertified land. We will speed up the implementation of projects such as returning grazing to grassland, disaster prevention and reduction in pastoral areas, and the development and utilization of grasslands in the south. We will establish and improve the responsibility system for the protection of the agricultural ecological environment, strengthen accountability and supervision, and seriously investigate and deal with all kinds of acts of damaging the ecological environment in accordance with the law.

7. Improve the ability to make overall use of two kinds of resources in both international and domestic markets. We will strengthen the regulation and control of the import and export of agricultural products, actively support the export of superior agricultural products, and grasp the scale and rhythm of the import of agricultural products. We will improve the management of import and export and tariff quotas of important agricultural products such as grain, cotton and sugar, and strictly implement the policy of sliding quasi-tax on cotton. Severely crack down on the smuggling of agricultural products. We will improve the trade policy of the border mutual market. We will support stronger trade in agricultural products and speed up the cultivation of internationally competitive agricultural enterprise groups. We will improve the system of inter-ministerial joint meetings on agricultural foreign cooperation and step up efforts to formulate plans for agricultural foreign cooperation. We will innovate the model of agricultural cooperation with foreign countries, focus on strengthening cooperation in the processing, storage and transportation of agricultural products, and trade, support the development of overseas agricultural cooperation, promote the construction of science and technology demonstration parks, and provide services such as technical training, demonstration of scientific research achievements, and brand promotion. We will improve policies on investment, finance and taxation, finance, insurance, trade, customs clearance, inspection and quarantine that support agricultural cooperation with foreign countries, and implement policies to support the exit of agricultural equipment and agricultural inputs needed for agricultural production abroad. Give full play to the role of information services, legal consultation and dispute arbitration organized by various chambers of commerce.

Second, focus on promoting the increase of farmers' income and strengthening the policy of benefiting farmers

If China wants to be rich, farmers must be rich. Rich farmers must fully tap the internal income potential of agriculture, develop the income space of secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas, broaden the external income channels in rural areas, and strengthen policies to help farmers increase income. efforts should be made to maintain the momentum of continuous narrowing of the income gap between urban and rural residents under the new normal of economic development.

8. Priority should be given to ensuring investment in agriculture and rural areas. In order to increase farmers' income, we must make clear the government's responsibility for improving the conditions for agricultural and rural development. We will continue to regard agriculture and rural areas as priority areas for fiscal expenditure at all levels, speed up the establishment of a mechanism for stable growth of input, continue to increase fiscal expenditure on agriculture and rural areas, and central investment in infrastructure continues to tilt towards agriculture and rural areas. We will optimize the structure of fiscal expenditure on agriculture, focusing on increasing farmers' income, major rural reforms, agricultural infrastructure construction, agricultural restructuring, sustainable agricultural development, and the improvement of rural people's livelihood. We should change the mode of investment, innovate the operation mechanism of agriculture-related funds, and give full play to the guiding and leverage role of financial funds. We will reform the agriculture-related transfer payment system, delegate the authority for examination and approval, and effectively integrate financial investment in agriculture and rural areas. We will earnestly strengthen the supervision of agriculture-related funds, establish a standardized and transparent management system, put an end to any form of misappropriation, interception, and false claims, and ensure that the use of funds is effective.

9. Improve the effectiveness of agricultural subsidy policies. To increase farmers' income, we must improve the national support and protection system for agriculture. We will maintain the continuity and stability of agricultural subsidy policies, gradually expand the scale and scope of the "green box" support policy, adjust and improve the "yellow box" support policy, and give full play to the effect of the policy on increasing farmers' income. We will continue to implement policies such as direct subsidies for grain farmers, subsidies for improved varieties, subsidies for the purchase of agricultural machinery and tools, and comprehensive subsidies for agricultural materials. Some localities will be selected to carry out pilot reforms to improve the orientation and effectiveness of subsidies. We will improve the policy of subsidies for the purchase of agricultural machinery and tools, tilt towards the main producing areas and new types of agricultural operators, and expand the scope of subsidies for the purchase of water-saving irrigation equipment. We will implement the policy of subsidies for the popularization of major technical measures in agricultural production. We will implement financial incentives and subsidies in major grain and oil production counties, grain crop seed production counties, pig production counties, and cattle and sheep breeding counties. We will expand the scope of awards and subsidies for modern agricultural demonstration zones. We will improve the system of interest compensation, cultivated land protection compensation and ecological compensation in major grain producing areas.

10. Improve the price formation mechanism of agricultural products. To increase farmers' income, we must maintain a reasonable level of prices of agricultural products. We will continue to implement the policy of minimum purchase prices for rice and wheat and improve the policy of temporary procurement and storage of important agricultural products. Summarize the pilot experience of soybean target price reform in Xinjiang, Northeast and Inner Mongolia, improve subsidy methods, reduce operating costs, and ensure that subsidy funds are cashed in full and timely to farmers. We will actively carry out pilot projects for the price insurance of agricultural products. We will rationally determine the reserve scale of important agricultural products such as grain, cotton, sugar and meat. We will improve the adjustment mechanism for the handling of national grain reserves and strengthen the supervision of grain reserves. We will implement the plan to increase the scale of local grain reserves, establish a storage system for important commodity trading enterprises, and improve the storage system for sugar-making enterprises. Use modern information technology to improve the statistical survey of planting area and output, and improve the methods of cost and price monitoring.

11. Strengthen the socialized service of agriculture. To increase farmers' income, we must improve the agricultural service system to help farmers reduce costs and control risks. We will do a good job in the pilot project of innovating the socialized service mechanism in the whole process of agricultural production, with emphasis on providing farmers with services such as ploughing and harvesting, unified prevention and control, drying and storage. We will stabilize and strengthen public welfare institutions such as grass-roots agricultural technology extension, improve the funding guarantee and incentive mechanism, and improve the working and living conditions of grass-roots agricultural technology extension personnel. Give full play to the role of rural professional and technical associations in agricultural technology popularization. The purchase of services and other ways to encourage and guide social forces to participate in public welfare services. We will increase the premium subsidies provided by the central and provincial governments to the insurance of major grain crops. Seed production insurance for major grain crops will be included in the catalogue of premium subsidies from the central government. The insurance claim of the central government-subsidized insurance should cover the direct materialization cost. We will speed up the study and introduction of the central financial policy of substituting awards for the insurance of agricultural products with advantages with local characteristics. Expand the scope of forest insurance. Support the postal system to better serve "agriculture, rural areas and farmers". Innovate the mechanism of meteorological service for agriculture and promote the integration into the socialized service system of agriculture.

12. Promote the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas. To increase farmers' income, we must extend the agricultural industrial chain and increase the added value of agriculture. Based on the advantages of resources and guided by market demand, we will vigorously develop characteristic farming, agricultural products processing, and rural service industries, support the development of one village, one product, and one township (county), strengthen the county economy, and promote farmers' employment and prosperity. We will actively develop various functions of agriculture and tap the values of rural ecological leisure, tourism, culture and education. We will support the construction of a number of landscape tourism villages and towns with historical, regional and ethnic characteristics, and create various forms and distinctive rural tourism and leisure products. Increase investment in rural tourism and leisure infrastructure construction, enhance online and offline marketing capabilities, and improve management level and service quality. Study and formulate land, financial and financial support policies to promote the development of rural tourism and leisure, and implement preferential tax policies. Activate rural factor resources and increase farmers' property income.

13. Broaden the channels to increase external income in rural areas. To increase farmers' income, we must promote farmers to transfer employment and start businesses. We will implement a plan to upgrade the vocational skills of migrant workers. We will implement the policy of equal pay for equal work, protect the rights and interests of labor remuneration of migrant workers in accordance with the law, and establish a long-term mechanism for the normal payment of wages for migrant workers. We will ensure that migrant workers and their families have equal access to basic urban public services, expand the coverage of urban social insurance for migrant workers, and carry out actions to prevent and help migrant workers' occupational diseases. we will improve the relevant policies on local compulsory education and participation in the college entrance examination for migrant children, and explore specific ways for migrant workers to enjoy affordable housing in cities and towns. We will speed up the reform of the household registration system, establish a residence permit system, and promote the settlement of agricultural migrants in cities and towns and enjoy the same treatment as local residents. At the present stage, farmers' settlement in cities shall not be linked to the withdrawal of the right to contracted management of land, the right to the use of homestead and the right to distribute collective income. We will guide migrant workers with skills, capital and management experience to return home to start businesses, implement policies of targeted tax cuts and universal fee cuts, and reduce entrepreneurial costs and enterprises' burdens. We will optimize the industrial development environment of small and medium-sized cities and small towns in the central and western regions, and create conditions for farmers to transfer employment locally.

14. Vigorously promote poverty alleviation and development in rural areas. To increase farmers' income, we must speed up the pace of rural poor people getting rid of poverty and becoming rich. Focus on focusing on a series of poverty-stricken areas, increase investment and work, speed up the implementation of district planning, and do a good job in the battle to help the poor through development. We will promote accurate poverty alleviation and formulate and implement measures to help poor villages and poor households to set up archives and cards. We will strengthen infrastructure construction, ecological protection and basic public services in poverty-stricken areas, increase policy support for land use, and implement projects such as village promotion, relocation, and poverty alleviation through rural tourism. In principle, the power of examination and approval of poverty alleviation projects should be devolved to counties, and provinces and cities should earnestly fulfill their regulatory responsibilities. We will establish a public announcement system and comprehensively disclose the targets of poverty alleviation, funding arrangements, project construction, and so on. We will improve the mobilization mechanism for social poverty alleviation organizations and build a platform for social participation in poverty alleviation and development. We will improve the system of assistance for cadres stationed in villages. We will strengthen poverty monitoring and establish and improve mechanisms for assessment, restraint and withdrawal in poverty-stricken counties. Economically developed areas should constantly raise the level of poverty alleviation and development.