
Four Life Ecotourism, Organic Farms Become Conservation Biological Paradise

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Organic certified ecological farm, a paradise for rare animals and plants The original site of the former sugar cane field, after 60 years of customary monoculture cultivation, the ecology is relatively simple. After the manor lease took over, after 16 years of efforts, the original land, transformation

Organically certified ecological farms become a paradise for rare animals and plants

The original site of the manor is the sugarcane field of Taiwan Sugar. After 60 years of single crop cultivation, the ecology is relatively simple. After taking over the lease of the manor, after 16 years of efforts, the original land has been transformed into the present leisure farm of the Benevolent Nature Manor. At present, more than 70 kinds of animals have been recorded in the park, and more than half of the native plants in the area. It is hoped that eco-tourism can promote the development of organic agriculture.

In order to activate the utilization of water resources and maintain organically verified water safety, in addition to constructing the recycling application of Rain Water, the park planned an ecological drainage system in 2009, in which domestic wastewater and discharge from bath toilets were introduced into seven gravel ponds, which were stratified and filtered by the high and low drop between the ponds, and then recycled by aquatic plants, and then recycled. It is also used to irrigate the surrounding cultivated land and practice the circulation of water resources.

The manor is a good field for food farmers' education, allowing tourists to experience organic farming and establish the best connection from the place of origin to the table.

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The management characteristics and future development goals of Tzu Xin Nature Manor have the following two points:

1. Four-student education field, organic environmental protection and natural coexistence

Tzu Xin Nature Manor is a farm with education as the starting point, with the goals of ecology, production, life and life. At present, the farm has set up green buildings, organic composting and ecological ponds. And other organic characteristics of the environment, to restore the earth's vitality and nature's harmonious coexistence, but also for the next generation to carry out unlimited vitality.

The application system for admission to the park will not restrict the eligibility for admission, but it will be subject to total quantity control to maintain the quality of the ecological tour. The park can provide catering, accommodation and conference management. for the post-epidemic era, people prefer outdoor natural experience, and the manor period can create a physical and mental journey with both ecological and healing characteristics.

two。 Model of food farmer education, five senses from place to table

In addition to ecological experience, the manor is also a good field for food farmers' education, allowing tourists to personally experience organic farming and establish the best connection from the producing area to the dining table. The manor will also sell products from hemp garden organic agricultural producers' cooperatives, combining production-local consumption-tourism, and linking first-level, second-and third-level agriculture to create a platform for friendly and peaceful eating in Taiwan.

Tzu Xin Nature Manor is a leisure farm developed by the Zi Xin Organic Agriculture Development Foundation, which mainly promotes the concept of compassion of daily old wizards and provides food farmers with education and experience.