
What does it mean that the golden cicada is shelled? How long will it take for the cicada to get out of its shell? Why are you shelling?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cicadas, commonly known as cicadas, are full of products in the Central Plains, which are rich in nutrients, edible and medicinal. After being unearthed, cicadas have to shed a layer of skin when they become cicadas. This layer of skin is called cicada retreat or cicada skin. What does it mean by shelling golden cicadas? How long will it take for the cicada to get out of its shell?

Cicadas, commonly known as cicadas, are rich in nutrients, edible and medicinal. After being unearthed, cicadas have to shed a layer of skin when they become cicadas. This layer of skin is called "cicada retreat" or "cicada skin". What does it mean by shelling golden cicadas? How long will it take for the cicada to get out of its shell? Why are you shelling?

The meaning of golden cicada shelling

The original meaning of the word "golden cicada shelling" refers to the metamorphosis of cicada shelling. It means to create or use an illusion to get away, so that the other party can't find out in time. We now use his moral as a metaphor for fundamental changes in things.

The provenance of golden cicada shelling

The golden cicada came out of the second fold of the Yuan song Xie Tianxiang written by Guan Hanqing in the Yuan Dynasty: "A thousand worries broke my stomach, and it was a lie that I could not find a golden cicada out of its shell." What it means here is to create or use an illusion to get away. In qu Qiubai's "on the Literary Revolution and the problem of spoken and written language", he also mentioned the idiom that the golden cicada came out of its shell. The original text is "the ancient Chinese language has been reborn, reinvented, and revived with a clever plan to get rid of the golden cicada." Here, the meaning of cicada shedding has the meaning of transformation and transformation, which means that fundamental changes have taken place in ancient Chinese.

The usage of golden cicada shelling

We now use it as a metaphor to hide people's eyes and eyes; to divert other people's attention; to escape. It is generally used as predicate, object and attribute. For example, the guerrillas used the golden cicada to get out of the shell and successfully got out of the encirclement of the enemy. no, no, no.

The synonym of the golden cicada shedding its shell is to cover it up, which means that things have changed fundamentally and cannot be discovered. Like the meaning of the golden cicada shelling, it also means that things have changed fundamentally, but they have not been found. Both words are tricks in "36 stratagem".

The process of shelling the golden cicada

When there is a crack in the back of the cicada pupa, the golden cicada begins to shell. The cicada completely came out of its shell for about half an hour. After it came out, the cicada grasped the pupa shell and began to feather, and the soft wings spread slowly. It took about 20 minutes for the wings to be fully unfolded. At this time, the cicada is soft and light green with a little orchid all over. With the passage of time, the cicada slowly blackens its body, its wings become white and hard, and it climbs higher and higher, and it can fly after dawn.

The shell of the golden cicada is called cicada slough (sound tui). It is a traditional Chinese medicine that can cure many kinds of diseases. Cicada pupa is a favorite food of southerners. It is said that protein and other nutrients are extremely high, as well as medicinal value.

Why do cicadas shed their shells?

Cicada body surface has a relatively hard skin, this layer of skin so that the body material does not flow out, but also can prevent the invasion of harmful things from the outside world. In this way, it is very disadvantageous to the growth of cicada larvae, which limits the growth of young cicadas. For the growth of cicada larvae. So you have to shell frequently.

Idiom story

During the beginning of the Song Dynasty, Jin Bing repeatedly invaded the Central Plains. Bi, a general of the Song Dynasty, met again against the Jin army and won several battles. Jin Bing also mobilized tens of thousands of elite cavalry to fight the Song army. At this time, the Song army had only a few thousand men, and if they fought a decisive battle with the Jin army, they would undoubtedly be defeated. In order to preserve his strength, he is ready to retreat temporarily.

The Jin army is already under the city. If they knew that the Song army was retreating, they would certainly pursue and kill them. In that case, Song Jun must have suffered heavy losses. Once again, Bi thought hard about how to deceive Jin Bing and transfer troops. At this time, I only heard the sound of hoofs outside the account. I was inspired by the encounter again and came up with a plan.

He secretly made arrangements for the retreat and ordered the soldiers to beat the drums in the middle of the night. Hearing the sound of the drums, Jin Bing thought that the Song army had taken advantage of the night to hijack the camp and hurriedly gathered troops to prepare for battle. I only heard the drums rumbling in Song Bing's barracks, but not a single Song Bing came out of the city. Song Jun kept beating the drums so that Jin Bing could not rest all night. The leader of Jin Jun seems to have realized that Song Jun adopted the strategy of tired soldiers and disturbed us with war drums. All right, you beat your drum, I will never be fooled by you again.

The drums of the Song Camp sounded for two days and two nights in a row, but Jin Bing simply ignored them. On the third day, Jin Bing found that the drums of the barracks of the Song Dynasty troops gradually faded. The leader of the Jin army concluded that the Song army was tired, so he sent troops to outflank them, carefully approaching the Song camp, but saw that there was no response to the Song army's barracks. At the order of the leader of the Jin army, Jin Bing swarmed forward and rushed into the Song camp, only to find that the Song army had all been safely evacuated.

It turned out that the "golden cicada shelled out of the shell" method was used when I met again. He ordered the soldiers to tie the hind legs of dozens of sheep to a tree, kicking the front legs of the upside-down sheep desperately, and dozens of drums under the leg of the lamb, the leg of lamb kicking desperately, and the drums rumbling endlessly. This is the story of the golden cicada getting rid of its shell. Bi Zaiyu confused the enemy with the strategy of "hanging sheep beating drums" and used two days to move safely.

The idiom "the golden cicada comes out of its shell" comes from this.