
The latest course of planting techniques and methods

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, It has the functions of dispelling wind, dehumidification, dispelling cold, relieving pain and so on. It is often used to treat rheumatic arthralgia, wind-cold headache and wind-cold-damp arthralgia. Clinically, it is also an important raw material of proprietary Chinese medicine. Medicinal use

Angelica pubescens is one of the traditional Chinese medicinal materials in China. It has the effects of expelling wind, removing dampness, dispelling cold and relieving pain. It is often used to treat rheumatic arthralgia, wind-cold headache and other diseases. Clinically, it is also an important raw material for Chinese patent medicine. The medicinal value is extremely high, so how should Angelica be planted? Let's get to know each other.

1. Land selection and preparation

Angelica pubescens generally grows in alpine valleys, hillsides and streams at an altitude of 1400-2600 meters, suitable for cool and humid climate. It is suitable for planting in sandy loam with deep soil layer, loose soil, good drainage and rich humus. Before planting, the soil is deeply ploughed by 30- 35cm, 3000- 4000kg of decomposed organic fertilizer is applied into each mu of ploughing as base fertilizer, the organic fertilizer is ground and evenly scattered, then the organic fertilizer is raked and leveled, and a high ridge is prepared for planting.

2. Reproductive methods

The propagation methods of Angelica pubescens are mainly seed propagation and root bud propagation. Seed propagation is generally carried out by direct seeding, which can be winter sowing or spring sowing. Winter sowing is generally carried out in October, and spring sowing is carried out around Qingming. Sowing method can choose drilling or hole sowing, drilling in the ridge surface according to the row spacing of 50cm ditch, seed evenly scattered into the ditch can be; hole sowing according to the plant spacing of 50 * 30cm, each hole sowing 10-15 seeds, covering soil can be. Root bud propagation in autumn, plant ground part began to wither, the plant root dug out, cut off the root head with buds, in the ridge surface according to the hole planting plant spacing open holes, each hole into the root head 1-2, require buds to stand up, cover the soil slightly after watering can be suppressed.

3. Field management

After emergence in spring, field management should be done well. When seedlings grow to 15cm, intertill and weed in time to promote root growth of seedlings. After weeding, water thin dung water once, and remove grass at seedling stage. When the seedlings grow to 20-30cm, they should be thinned in time, and the seedlings should be thinned to remove sick seedlings and weak seedlings. If you want to grow well, fertilization is inevitable. In spring, autumn and winter, combine weeding and topdressing farm manure once. In winter, fertilization should be combined with soil cultivation to avoid lodging and make it safe for winter.

4. Diseases and pests

When Angelica pubescens is cultivated artificially, there are few diseases, mainly pests. From June to July every year, when aphids and red spiders are rampant, they will suck stem and leaf juice. In the early stage, it can be controlled by killing pine, and when it is serious, it can be sprayed with dimethoate. There are yellow butterfly harm plant leaves, flower buds, pedicels, in the insect stage can spray trichlorfon control, every 5-7 days once, 2-3 times in a row.

The above is an introduction to the planting technology of Angelica. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please pay attention to us.