
The latest culture methods of cornstone

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cornstone, also known as Rhodiola, is a perennial herbaceous succulent plant of the family Sedum, with inflated leaves ovoid or cylindrical, small and beautiful, leaves glittering like emerald pearls, potted plants decorate the desk, several cases are very elegant, very ornamental value, below

Cornstone, also known as Rhodiola, is a perennial herbaceous succulent plant of Sedum family. Its leaves are ovate or cylindrical, the plants are small and beautiful, the leaves are crystal clear like emerald pearls, potted plants are decorated with desks and several cases are very elegant, and they are of great ornamental value. Let's take a look at the cultivation methods of cornstone.

The living habits of cornstone

Cornstone originated in Europe, like plenty of sunshine, but also resistant to semi-shade. Sandy loam with good drainage is required. Do not need to apply too much fertilizer, should pay attention to the coordination of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, do not simply apply nitrogen fertilizer. Not resistant to moisture, to prevent the basin soil from getting too wet, we should pay more attention to control watering in winter.

Propagation methods of cornstone

Cornstone is propagated by ramet and cuttage, and cuttings can be cut with twigs or leaves, which is easy to take root. Extremely resistant to drought, avoid wet and waterlogging. The overwintering temperature is above-15 ℃.

Culture method of cornstone

1. Soil: 2 parts of sandy loam, 1 part of rotten leaf soil, 1 part of river sand and 1 part of broken brick gravel can be used to cultivate and raise soil in corn basin. Fertilization is applied once a month from April to September. Increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in autumn and stop fertilizer in winter.

2. Watering: cornstone is a xerophytic flower, so watering should be strictly controlled. Dry and thoroughly irrigate from spring to early autumn, little or no watering in winter. Too much watering, the plant type is scattered, the leaves are easy to fall off.

3. Lighting: cornstone should see more light except for shade in midsummer. Under long-term light conditions, the leaf color becomes purplish red, and when it is overcast, the leaf color becomes emerald green.

4. Temperature: cornstone likes sufficient sunshine and can withstand semi-shade. Overwintering should be put in a place with sufficient indoor light, keep the temperature above 10 ℃, and the leaf color will easily turn purplish red when the temperature is low.

5. change the basin: the cornstone changes the basin once in spring for 1 ~ 2 years, and its stems and leaves are easy to break and fall off, so we should pay attention to it when changing the basin. When changing pots, proper pruning should be carried out to make the plants plump.

6. Fertilization: corn stone does not need to apply too much fertilizer, we should pay attention to the combination of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, do not simply apply nitrogen fertilizer.

7. Diseases and insect pests: too much water, poor soil ventilation, easy to suffer from stem rot and root rot, we should pay attention to control the amount of watering, strengthen ventilation, and choose the soil with good drainage.