
Is it easy to raise the latest stone flowers? share the breeding experience of raw stone flowers.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Stone flower is a kind of succulent plant with high ornamental value. Its appearance is so unique that it is not easy to distinguish it with small stones. At the same time, it is loved by many collectors. There are a lot of flower friends who raise stone flowers.

Stone flower is a kind of succulent plant with high ornamental value. Its appearance is so unique that it is not easy to distinguish it with small stones. At the same time, it is loved by many collectors. There are many flower friends who raise raw stone flowers, so is it easy to raise raw stone flowers? below, the rich tree house will share the breeding experience of raw stone flowers for everyone.

Culture experience of stone flower

1, soil allocation requirements

Is it easy to raise stone flowers? if we want to raise them well, we must prepare suitable soil for them. The cultivation of stone flowers should not contain too much humus. It is recommended to use granular and well-drained soil for conservation. You can use a mixture of peat, perlite and river sand, and if you find it troublesome, you can also go directly to the market to buy special nutrient soil for maintenance.

2, potting skills

Stone flowers do not have high requirements for flowerpots, plastic plates, purple sand pots and earthen pots can all be used for maintenance, but there must be drainage holes at the bottom of the flowerpots. After preparing the soil, the pot skills are very critical. Before putting on the pot, it is recommended to cover the bottom of the flowerpot with a layer of small gravel or broken tiles, which can increase the permeability of the soil and make the stone flowers grow better.

3. Suitable environment

The growth of stone flower needs a suitable environment, it likes to grow in warm, dry, ventilated and well-lit places for maintenance. Therefore, when we breed, we should pay attention to the temperature of the environment, do a good job of cooling in summer and heat preservation measures in winter, and in addition, we need to place it in a place with good ventilation and good lighting for maintenance.

4, fertilizer and water requirements

The growth of stone flowers needs suitable water and nutrients, for the watering of stone flowers, we need to water according to the dry humidity of the soil, we should not control the amount of watering, keep the soil slightly moist, not too moist. For the fertilization of stone flower, we need to grasp the principle of more application of thin fertilizer, choose thin liquid fertilizer and fertilize once in about 20 days in its growing season.

5. Disease and pest control

The growth of stone flowers will inevitably suffer from a variety of diseases and insect pests, among which leaf spot disease and nematodes are the most common. We need careful observation in the usual breeding process, and in the summer season when diseases and insect pests occur frequently. Spray carbendazim solution once a month to prevent. Once the plant suffers from diseases and insect pests, it needs to be controlled with the corresponding drugs in time.