
How to prevent low temperature freezing injury of the latest Chinese cabbage

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The winter temperature is relatively low, and the cold air will come suddenly, which makes people unprepared. Many people are often busy for a season, and the harvest is often destroyed by a frost injury. So how to prevent Chinese cabbage from freezing? The editor brings you some prevention and control measures. I hope

The winter temperature is relatively low, and the cold air will come suddenly, which makes people unprepared. Many people are often busy for a season, and the harvest is often destroyed by a frost injury. So how to prevent Chinese cabbage from freezing? The editor brings you some prevention and control measures, hoping to help you.

I. low temperature freezing injury

1. Low temperature hazard

Low temperature damage, also known as chilling injury, mainly occurs in the middle and late stage of autumn cabbage heading. When the temperature is lower than 10 degrees, the growth rate of Chinese cabbage is very slow, and once it is less than 5 degrees, it is almost futile. Therefore, in the north, because of the cold snap ahead of time, the temperature drops rapidly, and the lack of heat often leads to poor ball setting and low yield and quality.

2. Freezing injury

In November in northern China, generally two weeks before autumn cabbage harvest, there will be a sudden cold spell or snow, and the temperature is consistently lower than 0 degrees. At this time, Chinese cabbage has not yet adapted, coupled with relatively high water content, the lower temperature will often freeze in the intercellular space. When the temperature rises, the water can return to the cytoplasm, making the cells return to normal, but if the temperature suddenly drops below 0 degrees, it is difficult for the leaves to recover after freezing, and the normal freezing damage is serious.

II. Prevention and control measures

1. Seedling refining at seedling stage

When raising and transplanting seedlings, the seedling bed should be ventilated, and the ventilation rate should be gradually increased with the warming of the weather, and the seedlings should be trained at low temperature in order to improve the cold resistance of seedlings and adapt to the low temperature environment.

2. Increase protection facilities

First, the erection of wind barriers can block the cold wind, and the wind barriers should keep a close distance, which is generally about 2 times the height of the wind barriers. Second, trench planting, covering plastic film, early spring vegetable planting, you can use trench planting method, ditch depth is required to exceed the height of vegetable seedlings, and then cover plastic film on the ditch, pay attention to plastic film mulching can not suppress vegetable seedlings, otherwise the top of vegetable seedlings will suffer frost damage.

3. Temporary heating

When the cold spell comes, a simple coal stove can be set up in the seedling shed for temporary heating to increase the temperature in the shed and prevent frost damage, but open fire should not be used to avoid causing fire.

4. Watering

After the cold air, when the weather is clear, there is no wind or breeze at night, when the temperature drops rapidly, especially when the surface temperature drops below 0 degrees Celsius, a large amount of well water can be poured on the ground to increase the ground temperature.

5. Heavy application of wax fertilizer

1000-500kg of pig and cow manure or soil fertilizer per mu can be applied to cabbage rows before overwintering, which can not only increase the ground temperature by 2-3 degrees, but also play a role in winter and spring.

6. Smoking

Before the occurrence of frost, smoking in the field can effectively reduce and avoid the harm of frost, but it should be noted that first, the fireworks should be properly dense, so that the smoke screen can basically cover the whole garden; second, the lighting time should be appropriate and should be in the upwind direction.

The above is the introduction of how to prevent low temperature freezing injury of Chinese cabbage. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please pay attention to us.