
Three key points of vegetable planting in the latest spring

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, When the temperature rises in spring, it is a good time to grow vegetables. Most of the vegetables on the market in summer are sown and raised at this time. As the saying goes, half of the seedlings are harvested, and half of the strong seedlings are harvested. That is to say, it is important to cultivate strong seedlings. Let's go with the editor.

Spring temperature rise, is a good season for planting vegetables, most of the summer vegetables are seeded seedlings at this time, as the saying goes, there are seedlings half harvest, strong seedlings more harvest half, that is to say, the importance of vegetable planting and cultivation of strong seedlings. Let's take a look at the three points of spring vegetable planting together with Xiaobian.

1, warm water germination

Although the temperature in spring is gradually rising, the climate is still changeable, and the low temperature weather is also relatively high. The temperature required for seed germination may cause delayed germination and serious seed rot. Therefore, in order for vegetable seeds to sprout smoothly and shorten the germination time as much as possible, they should be soaked in warm water for 4-5 hours before sowing. Different seeds can be placed in a separate container to avoid confusion. The number of soaked seeds is determined according to the size of the container, not too much or too little, and the germination time is relatively long. After soaking, the seeds can also be treated in time.

2. Reasonable assurance

Before the seed is guaranteed, the seed can be dressed with a new lipid membrane, which can not only keep the temperature and moisture, effectively improve the germination rate of the seed, make the seedling grow strong, but also repel underground pests and isolate virus infection. Pay attention to the gap when sowing, according to the type of vegetable decision, such as sprouts for appropriate sowing dense point, and root vegetables need to be sparse. Summer sowing is best to choose in the morning or evening, avoid high temperature period, sprinkle a layer of 1-2 cm fine soil after sowing, and then properly irrigate some to promote early emergence of seeds.

3. Fertilizer and water management

Reasonable watering and fertilization can avoid excessive drought in the process of vegetable growth, thus affecting the morning growth of crops. Timely application of vegetable stem strengthening spirit and new lipid membrane can make vegetable seedlings grow luxuriantly, stem thick, leaves plump, high yield and high quality, and prolong shelf life. In addition, growers should carry out reasonable planting according to the growth of vegetables. Watering and fertilization are beneficial to the growth of vegetables and improve yield and quality.

The above is the introduction of three key points of spring vegetable planting, I hope to help you, want to know more about the relevant knowledge. Please follow us.