
Agricultural products processing industry can not be separated from the field.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, One end of the agricultural product processing industry is connected to the field, and the other end extends to the consumer market. This successive characteristic determines the special importance of agricultural products processing industry to agricultural areas. to some extent, it is to speed up the transformation and development of agricultural areas and the first, second and third.

One end of the agricultural product processing industry is connected to the field, and the other end extends to the consumer market. This successive characteristic determines the special importance of agricultural products processing industry to agricultural areas. to some extent, it is an important starting point for accelerating the transformation and development of agricultural areas and the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries. Yueyang City, Hunan Province is a major agricultural city in the central region, which has made persistent efforts in the field of agricultural products processing in recent years, which has not only promoted the extension of agricultural products processing industry, but also promoted the integrated development of modern agriculture and processing industry. It provides a vivid example for the transformation and development of traditional agricultural areas keeping pace with the times.

The agricultural products processing industry cannot be separated from the fields, otherwise it will become water without a source and lose its effective leading role to the local agricultural and rural farmers. From this point of view, the development idea of "based on agriculture, benefits in farmers, and benefits in rural areas" is very realistic and targeted to promote the processing industry of agricultural products. Specifically, cultivating and strengthening the new type of agricultural management subject is a major theme of agricultural development under the new situation. How to guide the new type of management subject to make continuous breakthroughs in standardized and large-scale production, modern agricultural products processing industry has a direct and powerful leading role. Because only with the strength of the processing industry can the source of the farming industry become a river of living water.

Then, under the new situation, how to promote the integrated development of agricultural products processing industry and primary, secondary and tertiary industries? The construction of a standardized industrial base has become the first landing point for the development of agricultural products processing industry. This landing point requires all localities to proceed from the reality of the regional industry, find the right advantages in optimizing the regional layout, highlight the characteristics, and finally reflect the characteristics. For example, Yueyang City is located along the Yangtze River, and the waters of Dongting Lake are the production base of natural characteristic agricultural products. For this reason, relying on this general trend, Yueyang City has gradually formed a superior industrial pattern of "belt, two lines and multiple blocks".

The construction of standardized industrial base should also be combined with the innovation of agricultural organizations. Agriculture in China has always been a small-scale mode of production for thousands of households, which is difficult to directly connect with the standardized production needed for agricultural products processing. How to link the development of the processing industry with the innovation of farmers' organization requires local governments to play the role of organization, coordination, standardization and guidance. We should not only allow processing enterprises to organize farmers by means of land transfer and order production, but also play a role of encouragement and supervision in this process to promote the effective combination of various factors of production that can achieve win-win results between agriculture and enterprises. realize the real modernization of processing industry, farming industry and farmers. In the past, there were many varieties of high-quality rice, live pigs, fruits and vegetables, rape and other agricultural products in Yueyang, which were suitable for low processing rate. Now, the business models such as "processing and circulation enterprises + professional cooperatives + bases + farmers" are profoundly changing this situation.

While promoting the innovation and development of agricultural organizations, the focus of the development of agricultural products processing industry lies in the industry itself. There are differences in resource endowment, industrial characteristics and traditional culture in different places. if the processing industry covers all aspects, it may form a pattern of piles of products on the road, leading to low-end competition and homogenization competition. This is a common problem faced by the agricultural product processing industry at present. Therefore, it is necessary to use the limited funds on key areas, that is, to highlight key industries, key enterprises, key brands, and key parks. If we highlight these key points, we will be able to promote the prosperity of all industries, and the relevant supporting industries can also be like a fish in water.

This is how Yueyang City has come over over the years. In terms of cultivating advantageous industries, in the past, there were many and miscellaneous agricultural products in Yueyang City, and nothing stood out. Now, advantageous industries are concentrated in grain, feed, oil, vegetables, tea, livestock and so on. In terms of cultivating leading enterprises, Yueyang has implemented the "1351-year Plan" for the development of leading enterprises, focusing on building a number of large-scale, strong, high-level scientific and technological enterprises with long industrial chain among 49 leading enterprises at or above the provincial level. In brand integration, Yueyang City, led by 27 well-known brands related to agriculture, promotes the agglomeration of similar products to well-known brands and promotes each agricultural leading industry to cultivate one or two backbone brands; in terms of industry concentration to the park, Yueyang has formed Xiangyin Yangshahu Industrial Park and Pingjiangwu Industrial Park in accordance with the principles of reasonable layout, industrial agglomeration, functional matching, outstanding features and intensive development.

The other end of the agricultural products processing industry is the downstream market, the broader the downstream market, the more active the development of the processing industry. In the traditional pattern, the processing of agricultural products lacks not only the ability to develop products, but also the ability to open up markets. If the modern agricultural product processing industry wants to become a platform for the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, it must jump out of this traditional pattern and be closer to consumption and trend in product development and market development. At present, the agricultural products processing industry is facing such a rare opportunity, and the tertiary industry, represented by leisure agriculture, is showing a more and more active trend, which provides a new huge space for the development of agricultural products processing industry.