
Symptoms and control methods of lily mosaic leaf scorch disease in herbaceous bulbous plants

Published: 2024-10-08 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/08, Lilium is also known as Qiangshu, Mussel, Shandan, inverted immortal, Chongmai, atrium, Moro, heavy box, Zhongfeng flower, lily garlic, master garlic, garlic brain potato, night lily and so on. It is a perennial herbaceous bulbous plant of Liliaceae, native to China and mainly distributed in Asia.

The lily is also known as Qiangshu, Mussel, Shandan, inverted immortal, Chongmai, atrium, Moro, heavy box, Zhongfeng flower, lily garlic, master garlic, garlic brain potato, night lily and so on. It is a perennial herbaceous bulbous plant of Liliaceae, which is native to China and is mainly distributed in eastern Asia, Europe, North America and other temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. At least 120 varieties have been found in the world, of which 55 species are produced in China. In recent years, there are many new varieties produced by artificial hybridization, such as Asian lily, perfume lily, fire lily and so on. The bulb is rich in starch, edible and used as medicine.

Lily mosaic scorch disease, also known as leaf blight, leaf burn disease. The specific symptoms are as follows: leaf scorching occurs when the flower bud is not seen with the naked eye, the young leaves curl slightly inward before budding, and yellow-green to white spots appear on the leaf tip a few days later. In severe cases, the white spots become brown scorched, and the leaves and younger buds fall off. The main reason is the imbalance between plant water absorption and transpiration, which is related to excessive manganese and aluminum salts in soil, poor root development, calcium deficiency in young leaf cells, sharp changes in relative humidity in greenhouse, and also related to varieties and bulb size. large bulbs are more susceptible to disease than small bulbs.

Control methods: controlling root diseases and insect pests, regulating soil moisture, selecting suitable varieties and making use of small bulbs as far as possible are the main measures to control leaf scorch disease. At the same time, after bulb planting, the covering soil should be kept between 6 cm and 10 cm, the relative humidity of greenhouse should be kept between 75% and 85% as far as possible, temperature and relative humidity should avoid big differences, shade and water spraying in summer should avoid excessive transpiration and prevent excessive growth.

Attachment: lilies like cool, more hardy. Poor growth in high temperature areas. Like dry, afraid of waterlogging.

Too high soil moisture causes the bulb to rot and die. The requirements of the soil are not strict, but in the deep, fertile and loose sandy loam, the bulb is white and fleshy. Clayey soil is not suitable for cultivation. The root system is sturdy and well-developed and tolerant to fertilizer.

After being unearthed in spring, sufficient nitrogen nutrition and sufficient phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, N:P:K=1:0.8:1, fertilizer should be mainly organic fertilizer. Avoid continuous cropping, rotation once every 3 to 4 years, legume and gramineous crops are better for previous cropping.