
Is it spinach? What are the effects and functions? How to cook delicious?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Muercai is named Muercai because it looks like Auricularia auricula, but it is not Auricularia auricula. It is a common vegetable in life. It is rich in vitamins and protein. It can be used to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis. It improves anemia. Therefore, many people like it.

Muercai is named Muercai because it looks like agaric, but it is not agaric. It is a common vegetable in life. It is rich in vitamins and protein. It can be eaten frequently to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis. It can improve anemia. Therefore, many people like to eat cold or fried food. Is Muercai spinach? What are the effects and functions? How do you cook it?

Is it spinach?

No, because both of them have great differences in appearance, efficacy, variety and taste, so be sure to pay attention to them when purchasing.

Efficacy and role

edible effect

Muercai nutrient content is extremely rich, especially calcium, iron and other elements content is the highest, in addition to protein content than amaranth slightly less, other items and amaranth comparable, medicinal when there are heat, detoxification, smooth intestines, cooling blood effect, can be used to treat constipation, dysentery, furuncle, dermatitis and other diseases. Because it is rich in vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C and protein, and low in calories and less in fat, it has the effects of lowering blood pressure, benefiting liver, clearing heat and cooling blood, diuresis and preventing constipation, which is very suitable for the elderly to eat. The calcium content of Muercai is very high, 2-3 times that of spinach, and the oxalic acid content is extremely low. It is the preferred economic dish for calcium supplementation.

therapeutic effect

Muercai taste sweet, sour, cold nature, heart, liver, spleen, large intestine, small intestine;

has the effects of clearing heat, detoxifying, smoothing intestines, moistening dryness, cooling blood and promoting granulation;

it can be use for treating constipation, dysentery, furuncle, skin inflammation, etc.


Muercai soup: Muercai 500g, boiled in water, seasoned with salt, soy sauce, vinegar, etc., food and drink soup.

This prescription takes the cold, smooth, clear heat and smooth intestines of the sunflower. Used for hot and dry stool knot.

The whole practice of ear.

Cold mixed kohlrabi


Dried Auricularia auricula, Muericola, salt, sugar, vinegar, sesame oil, garlic foam


1. Dried agaric soaked hair shredded, wood ear washed and shredded, boiled water together, cooled.

2, salt, sugar, vinegar, sesame oil, garlic mix well, taste good!

stir-fried kohlrabi


Ingredients: 350 grams of aria,

Seasoning: peanut oil 15g, white garlic 15g, sesame oil 8g, cooking wine 3g, salt 2g, monosodium glutamate 1g


1. Wash the wood ear vegetables with clean water, and then remove them for later use.

2. Cut garlic into minced pieces.

3. Set fire to the wok, pour peanut oil and heat it, add garlic and stir fry slightly.

4. Pour cooking wine, then add salt, monosodium glutamate and other seasonings. Stir-fry until cooked.

Mueria garlic puree


Muericai, garlic, salt, vegetable fresh (monosodium glutamate), edible oil


1. Pick the cabbage, wash it, and cut the garlic for later use.

2. Pour proper amount of edible oil into a large porcelain bowl in a microwave oven, add chopped garlic, cover the microwave oven on high heat for 1 minute and 30 seconds.

3. Put the prepared Muercai layer by layer into a large porcelain bowl, without stirring, cover and put it into the microwave oven for 2 minutes.

4. After turning well, add appropriate amount of cigarette case MSG to adjust the taste, turn for a while, and then out of the pot.