
What kind of plant is crisp and tender cauliflower? Who can't eat? What are the nutritional values?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cauliflower, also known as sea frozen vegetables, red silk, chicken tail, etc., it is transparent, like jelly, taste crisp and tender, not only can be mixed with cold dishes, but also can be made into cold powder. What kind of plant is that cauliflower? Who can't eat? What are the nutritional values? What is cauliflower?

Cauliflower, also known as sea frozen vegetables, red silk, chicken tail, etc., it is transparent, like jelly, taste crisp and tender, not only can be mixed with cold dishes, but also can be made into cold powder. What kind of plant is that cauliflower? Who can't eat? What are the nutritional values?

What kind of plant is cauliflower?

Cauliflower, red algae, cauliflower family, is a kind of red algae, purple or brown red, flat erect, tufted into pinnate branches, branchlets opposite or alternate, the end of each branch sharp, generally high 10-30cm, is an important plant gum, belongs to fiber food. Cauliflower is also the main raw material for extracting Agar, which can be used to make cold food, jelly or microbial medium. Cauliflower is mainly distributed in Taiwan, Hainan and Xisha Islands.

Cauliflower grows below the dry tide line and on the seafloor rocks with a water depth of about 10m, and Xisheng is born in the sea area with clean water quality, smooth tidal current and high salinity. From August to October, the breeding period is the water temperature of 25-27 ℃. Growing on the seafloor rocks near the dry tidal line to a water depth of 6-10 m, the producing areas are generally the outer sea areas which are little affected by fresh water. The algae born in the place of clear water flow are large and clean, while those born in the place of turbid current are relatively small, and there are often many epiphytic bryozoans. The larvae of cauliflower were mostly seen from September to December, and the tetrasporangia, sperm cysts and cysts were the most common from July to October.

Nutritional value of cauliflower

Nutritive composition

Algae plants contain a variety of phycoproteins, vitamin B, carotene, unsaturated fatty acids, potassium, iron, iodine, phosphorus and other minerals. Due to the particularity of the cell structure, it is easy to be digested and absorbed by the human body, with a digestibility of 86%, so often drinking algae drinks can improve human immunity. Cauliflower is rich in minerals and a variety of vitamins. Cauliflower can clear lung and phlegm, clear heat and dryness, nourish yin and reduce fire, cool blood and stop bleeding, and has summer-relieving effect. In particular, the alginate it contains has the effect of reducing blood pressure, and the starch sulfate contained in it is a polysaccharide, which has the function of reducing lipid and has a certain preventive and therapeutic effect on hypertension and hyperlipidemia. Cauliflower is rich in dietary fiber.

Cauliflower, also known as cow hair, sand root, frozen vegetables, sea frozen vegetables, big Ben, seaweed, chicken feathers, grass coral and so on. This vegetable belongs to the red algal cauliflower family, which can be used as pickles, mixed vegetables, etc., and can be boiled into gel and added fruit juice to make jelly. Dried cauliflower contains 5.4 grams of protein, 0.1 grams of fat, 72.9 grams of carbohydrates, 0.06 milligrams of thiamine, 0.2 milligrams of riboflavin, 3.3 milligrams of niacin, 14.84 milligrams of vitamin E, 167 milligrams of calcium, 15 milligrams of magnesium, 2 milligrams of iron, 1.94 milligrams of zinc, 15.19 milligrams of selenium, algin, ergosterol and so on. According to traditional Chinese medicine, cauliflower tastes sweet and salty, cold and slippery, with the effect of heat-clearing and detoxification, and can be used to treat enteritis, perianal swelling and pain, pyelonephritis and so on. Folk use cauliflower to treat silicosis, tinea corporis, goiter and other diseases.

1. Cauliflower is rich in minerals and a variety of vitamins, especially the alginate it contains has the effect of reducing blood pressure, and the sulfate of starch is polysaccharides, which has the function of reducing lipids. It has a certain preventive and therapeutic effect on hypertension and hyperlipidemia.

two。 Often eat some "Agar" products, which can absorb water in the intestinal tract, expand the intestinal contents, increase the amount of stool, stimulate the intestinal wall, and cause defecation.

3. Cauliflower also has the functions of heat prevention, detoxification, heat clearing and so on.

How to eat cauliflower?

Cauliflower is mainly made into cold powder or cold food, the following teach you to make a simple cauliflower food.

Cucumber cauliflower cold powder

Materials: 300g cauliflower cold powder, right amount of cucumber, right amount of parsley, right amount of ginger, right amount of garlic.

Practice: 1 slice of ginger, 2 pieces of garlic, add all the seasonings and mix into a sauce. Shred cucumbers and lay them at the bottom of the plate. Cut cauliflower into thin strips and spread them on top of shredded cucumbers. Finally, sprinkle with chopped parsley, sprinkle with sauce and mix well.

Note: cauliflower is a relatively cold algal food, so adding a little minced ginger can relieve the cold.

Second, celery mixed with cauliflower

Ingredients: proper amount of cauliflower as the main material and a little celery as excipients.

Seasoning: a little salt, 1 tablespoon vinegar, right amount of chicken essence, right amount of ginger, right amount of garlic, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, a little sesame oil.

Practice: first of all, soak cauliflower in warm water of about 40 degrees for 2 hours, wash and drain into a large bowl. Boil the boiled water, blanch the celery and drain the water and put it in a bowl of cauliflower. Prepare minced garlic, minced ginger, 1 tablespoon vinegar, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, salt, chicken essence and sesame oil. Finally, pour the juice into the cauliflower and celery and mix well.

The practice of cauliflower

The general practice of cauliflower is cold, because it will melt after cooking for a long time. Here is an introduction to cauliflower.

Cauliflower salad

Ingredients: proper amount of cauliflower as the main material and a little celery as excipients.

Seasoning: a little salt, 1 tablespoon vinegar, right amount of chicken essence, right amount of ginger, right amount of garlic, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, a little sesame oil.

Practice: first of all, soak cauliflower in warm water of about 40 degrees for 2 hours, wash and drain into a large bowl. Boil the boiled water, blanch the celery and drain the water and put it in a bowl of cauliflower. Prepare minced garlic, minced ginger, 1 tablespoon vinegar, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, salt, chicken essence and sesame oil. Finally, pour the juice into the cauliflower and celery and mix well.

Who can't eat cauliflower?

Pregnant women should eat less, spleen and kidney deficiency and cold, large intestine is not suitable.

How to soak dried cauliflower

Cauliflower is bought as a dry product and needs to be soaked.

When soaking cauliflower, you should first heat the dried cauliflower in a cold water pan and add a small amount of alkali (cold powder should add a little vinegar), then bring it to a boil and remove it immediately after the water boils. Be careful not to cook for a long time, or cauliflower will dissolve and rot. Immediately cool in cold water, wash, and then soak in warm water for a few hours.

For salad dishes, soak it in about 40 ℃ warm water after cleaning, and then soak it in cold water to make it crisp, otherwise it will soften.

If it is to make cold noodles, add about 40 times water, but also add a little white vinegar to cook slowly over low heat, or use a pressure cooker to cook until soft. Filter while it is hot and cool to room temperature to form a clot.