
Is the sheep horn pepper the king of vitamin C in the dish sweet or spicy? What kind of variety should I plant? How do you plant it?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Sheep's horn pepper is a kind of pepper shaped like sheep's horn. Its meat is thick, spicy and colorful. It is not only edible, but also can be used to extract pigment. Because of its wide use, high output value and good market, it is favored by farmers. Is the sheep horn pepper sweet or spicy? What kind of variety should I plant? How to plant

Sheep's horn pepper is a kind of pepper shaped like sheep's horn. Its meat is thick, spicy and colorful. It is not only edible, but also can be used to extract pigment. Because of its wide use, high output value and good market, it is favored by farmers. Is the sheep horn pepper sweet or spicy? What kind of variety should I plant? How do you plant it?

Is the sheep horn pepper sweet or spicy?

Sheep horn pepper, also known as Jize pepper, moderate spiciness, to purple-red smooth, slender, pointed with hooks, shaped like sheep's horn named. It is characterized by thin skin, thick meat, fresh color, fragrant taste, capsaicin and vitamin C ranking first in the country.

Second, how to grow high-yielding sheep horn pepper?

1. Select improved varieties

The varieties with purple-red fruit color, long stalk, compact plant type, many fruits, partial concentration, consistent red ripening, low pulp water content, high dry pepper rate and rich lycopene content were selected, such as Honglong 3, Honglong 1 and Lufeng 3.

2. Fine land preparation

It is better to choose high-dry, well-drained, fertile and deep loam or sandy loam, avoid low-lying stagnant water and avoid continuous cropping with eggplant crops. The land preparation reaches the standard of "leveling, broken soil, sufficient moisture and neat edges". Ridging and film laying. The width of the ridge is 65 cm, the width of the groove is 50 cm, and the depth of the groove is 25 cm. The error between height and height shall not exceed 5 cm. Film laying quality requirements: straight and uniform, flat film surface, good lighting surface, tight soil cover.

3. Early sowing at the right time

When the ground temperature of 5 cm under the film passes steadily over 15 ℃, the seeds can be sown. Drill holes by hand and plant some seeds. Requirements: sowing depth 1.5 cm 2.0 cm, soil thickness 1.0 cm 1.5 cm, not less than 10 grains per hole, hole rate not more than 2%. It is suitable to keep seedlings at 1:2:1 and 10 000 to 12 000 seedlings per mu.

4. Strengthen the field management

Pepper not only likes temperature, fertilizer and water, but also does not resist high temperature, thick fertilizer and waterlogging. according to this characteristic, meticulous field management is required to promote root and seedling in the early stage, attack and fruit in the middle stage, and protect seedling and increase income in the later stage.

(1) Fertilizer management: at the big seedling stage, combined with watering and applying organic fertilizer once, the main purpose of this period is to promote and squat seedlings properly; less nitrogen fertilizer is applied in the full flowering period to avoid overgrowing and causing falling flowers; when the door pepper grows to a certain size, when the pepper plant enters the stage of vegetative growth and reproductive growth, combined with squatting seedlings, fertilizer and water are given. In the full fruit period, topdressing and watering in time (15,18kg of diammonium phosphate per mu, 10kg of urea, 2kg of potash fertilizer, 40kg of fertilizer per mu).

Topdressing should pay attention to three points: first, we should pay attention to "early" and apply it before the arrival of prickly ash; second, we should pay attention to avoid injuring the root; third, we should prevent the loss of fertilizer effect, and seal the fertilizer soil in time after topdressing.

(2) Water management: the time of head water is usually carried out in the first ten days of June, and the second water is irrigated closely after head water irrigation. Cultivate the soil to protect the root before sealing the ridge to prevent lodging. After entering the peak period of flowering and sitting pepper, we should often keep the soil moist in order to attack rice seedlings to protect fruit and prevent premature senescence of superfluous seedlings. In order to reduce the node position of fruit branches, the four-water time can be postponed appropriately. The whole growth period was irrigated for 5 to 6 times. After the red ripening of the fruit, control watering, promote the red ripening of the fruit, avoid planting beads greedy and reduce the yield.

(3) to prevent falling flowers, fruits and leaves: "three falls" is an important problem in the production of sheep horn pepper, which has a great impact on the yield. The fundamental measure to prevent "three falls" is to cultivate strong seedlings, strengthen fertilizer and water management, and enhance plant resistance. Especially in summer high temperature, it is necessary to fertilize, irrigate and drain waterlogging in time. In the process of management, the management technical measures centering on "promoting root, protecting root, hairy root and strong root" must be taken. For falling flowers caused by too high or too low temperature, 20-30 mg / kg p-chlorophenoxyacetic acid (PCPA) can be sprayed at flowering stage, which has a certain effect.

5. Disease and pest control

(1) Agricultural control: selecting disease-resistant varieties; rational crop rotation; leveling as ridge cultivation; cultivating strong seedlings; doing a good job of turning over the land in spring, killing weeds in summer, clearing the garden in autumn and irrigation in winter; meticulous field management.

(2) Chemical prevention and control: virus disease: fenvalerate 30 g / mu or monocrotophos 100 g / mu, while 1.5% Zhanshuling EC was sprayed with 500-fold solution or 20% virus A1-1 500-fold solution, sprayed once every 7 to 10 days, continuously sprayed 2 times 3 times, and the effect was better with high toxic passivator. Phytophthora: spray 72% metalaxyl manganese zinc and 70% methyl topiramate 600 times, 30 kg liquid / mu, every 7 days for 2 times. The main pests are aphids, tobacco green insects, Plutella xylostella and so on, which can be controlled by 1000-2000 times solution of aphids and pyrethroids. Pay attention to alternate use of drugs.

6. Harvest

The fruit can be harvested when the fruit is fully red-ripe and the red fruit rate reaches 90%. Control water for 1 week before harvest. Avoid picking white flowers and fruits, avoid squeezing pepper fruits and destroying the waxy layer of the epidermis.