
(black black bone) what is the effect and function of stone orchid? What's the difference between Eucommia and Eucommia ulmoides? How can I take it with good effect?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Stone orchid, also known as black black bone, stone cowpea, stone orchid, etc., is the whole grass of Gesneriaceae. It has the effects of dispelling wind and dampness, resolving phlegm and relieving cough, eliminating phlegm and dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, falling damage.

Stone orchid, also known as black black bone, stone cowpea, stone orchid, etc., is the whole grass of Gesneriaceae. It has the effect of dispelling wind and dampness, resolving phlegm and relieving cough, expectoration and menstruation, dysmenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, falling injury and other diseases, so what is the effect and effect of stone orchid? What's the difference between Eucommia and Eucommia ulmoides? How can I take it with good effect?

What are the effects and functions of stone orchids?

Clearing lung and eliminating phlegm, cooling blood and stopping bleeding, removing dampness and resolving stagnation, dredging collaterals and relieving pain. Treat lung heat, cough, hematemesis, avulsion band, bacillary dysentery, chancre, rheumatism arthralgia, fall injury. Stone orchid can have the role of dredging collaterals, it is good for relieving pain and relieving rheumatism, and it is also a good choice for falling injury, and it can also have the effect of removing moisture, which is good for clearing heat and moisturizing dryness.

① "A textual Research on the name and reality of plants": "all-limb segments, treatment of falls and beats, alcoholism."

② "vegetation convenience prescription": "eliminating phlegm, chasing poison, dispelling food, nourishing yin and blood. Treat rheumatism, emphysema, dizziness, deficiency."

③ "classified herbal medicine": "treat hematemesis, waist and knee pain, remove wind and dehumidification, fall and injury."

④ "Compendium of Folk commonly used herbs": "clearing lungs and relieving cough, cooling blood and stopping bleeding."

⑤ "Sichuan Wulong Pharmaceutical Map": "treatment of women's blood gas disease."

⑥ "Sichuan Journal of traditional Chinese Medicine": "treatment of women with broken band, rheumatism arthralgia, infantile diarrhea and internal injury wheezing cough."

⑦ "Wenshan Chinese Herbal Medicine": "clear heat, dryness and dampness, reduce swelling and pain. Treat bacterial dysentery, rheumatism pain, skin suppurative infection. Stone orchid can dehumidify the effect, for the emergence of dysentery and rheumatic diseases have a conditioning effect.

Second, what is the difference between Cymbidium and Eucommia?

Stone orchid, also known as stone cowpea, is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine. It can be used as medicine for the whole plant and can be dug all the year round. It grows in Jiangxi, Hunan, southwest Zhejiang and other places in China, and its stems vary in length. On the surface, it looks grayish brown or yellow, and there is no smell, but the taste is very bitter. It has the effect of dispelling rheumatism in the body, and people with cough can drink it with stone hanging orchid decoction, which can play the role of resolving phlegm and relieving cough. at the same time, it also has a good effect on women's irregular menstruation and dysmenorrhea. Stone orchid has a lot of therapeutic effects on women's blood gas disease or women's broken band, rheumatism and bone pain in the elderly and internal injuries and coughs in children. This traditional Chinese medicine can be taken with alcohol to treat injuries caused by falls. Can also be externally applied to the injury effect is very obvious, the only taboo to take stone orchid is that pregnant women can not take stone orchid.

Eucommia ulmoides is also called Bakelite. The dried bark of Eucommia ulmoides is generally used as medicine, and it is a valuable nourishing traditional Chinese medicine in China. Du has the effect of tonifying the liver and kidney, middle-aged and elderly people taking Eucommia ulmoides can lower blood pressure, pregnant women taking Eucommia can calm the fetus, many patients with hypertension prefer Eucommia ulmoides, because the antihypertensive effect is very obvious, people with kidney deficiency, yin deficiency and exuberant fire need to take it carefully. Eucommia ulmoides can help the human body to remove the residual garbage, strengthen the metabolism of human cells, decompose the cholesterol content in blood vessels, prevent vascular hardening, restore vascular elasticity, and have a significant effect on enhancing human immune resistance.

Third, how to take stone orchid with good effect?

1. Take 9 grams of stone orchid and 9 grams of Eucommia ulmoides and take them with clear water. Can treat hand and foot pain, low back pain.

2. Take 15 grams of stone orchid, 6 grams before, 3 slices of ginger, and boil them with clear water. It can treat colds and coughs caused by wind blowing and catching cold.

3. Take 15 grams of stone orchid, 15 grams of herring bile grass, 15 grams of rock cabbage, and boil them with clear water. Can treat stagnation due to old lung diseases, long-term bad, expectoration, damaging yin and fluid; or liver disorder, emotion stimulating qi depression and fire, liver fire invading the lung; or improper diet, smoking and good alcohol, endogenous fire, phlegm-heat stagnating the lungs; or wind-cold and dry-heat; or fever caused by wind-cold, resulting in lung loss, coughing or expectoration

4, 30 grams of stone orchid, 15 grams of trichosanthin, 15 grams of wild cowpea root, 9 grams of seven leaves a flower, all together with rice hogwash to take. It can cure the suppuration of lung bacteria.

5. 15 grams of stone orchid boil in clean water, take out and mash it, and apply it to the affected area together with the wine. It can treat sports injuries, abrasions, stab wounds, flashes, beatings, falls, knives and guns, etc.