
7 kinds of flowers suitable for growing in the bedroom to improve sleep and make them healthier!

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Insomnia is the most painful thing in life, especially for the elderly. If you can't sleep, you can't sleep. Here are 7 kinds of flowers suitable for putting in the bedroom, which can not only promote sleep, but also purify the air. 1. Tiger Pilan

Insomnia is the most painful thing in life, especially for the elderly. If you can't sleep, you can't sleep. Here are 7 kinds of flowers suitable for putting in the bedroom, which can not only promote sleep, but also purify the air.

1. Tiger Pilan

The succulent stem of Tiger Pilan is different from other plants, which is closed during the day and opened at night. When people sleep, absorb carbon dioxide, release oxygen, increase the indoor oxygen content, increase the number of negative ions, ensure that the human body can breathe and sleep normally, which is very beneficial to human health.

Tiger skin orchid can also remove formaldehyde, benzene, trichloroethylene, heavy metal particles and other harmful substances, about 15 square meters of the bedroom, put 2-3 pots of tiger skin orchid, can absorb about 80% of toxic gases. There is nothing to lose by putting a basin in the bedroom.

Key points of maintenance:

1. Drought tolerance and waterlogging, watering once a month in spring, summer and autumn, and once a month in winter.

two。 The root system is shallow, the flowerpot is shallow but the mouth is relatively large, the soil is mixed with sand, and the root is not rotten.

3. Bury a few slow-release fertilizers on the edge of the basin every month, or pour once rotten rice water, it will grow fast.

Aloe vera

The emerald green color of aloe makes people relaxed and happy, and it can also absorb the dirt in the air at night, make the sleep environment cleaner, improve the air quality, and let the family rest better.

Aloe is also a versatile player in air purification. It can absorb harmful gases such as sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide and formaldehyde in the air, and kill unbeneficial microorganisms in the air.

Key points of maintenance

1. For fear of waterlogging, water less, 2-3 times a month, and once in January in winter.

two。 Not cold-resistant, easy to frostbite, winter to ensure that the maintenance temperature is above 10 degrees.

3. Soil mixed with sand to prevent root rot, more sun, nitrogen fertilizer will grow fast!

Third, longevity flower

Longevity flower, also known as longevity flower, means good, easy to feed, broad leaves, can inhale carbon dioxide and release oxygen at night.

Longevity flowers can also increase air humidity, reduce indoor dryness in autumn and winter, purify the closed indoor environment at night, and improve the quality of our sleep.

Key points of maintenance

1. Drought tolerance and waterlogging can be irrigated once a week in spring and autumn and about once in winter and summer.

two。 When more nitrogen fertilizer is applied during the growing period, potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be sprayed on the leaf or irrigated with roots before flowering.

3. Pick more hearts during the growing period, prune more branches after flowering, and blossom for more than half a year.

Fourth, one-leaf orchid

The leaves of one-leaf orchid are wide and can absorb harmful substances such as formaldehyde and hydrogen fluoride in the air, as well as dust, which can purify the indoor air and improve the quality of sleep.

Not only that, the viability of the leaf orchid is strong, generally will not be raised to death, nor will it attract diseases and insect pests, so it is necessary to stay at home.

Key points of maintenance

1. Like wet but also resistant to drought, 1-2 weeks can be irrigated once, multi-foliar spray.

two。 Like astigmatism environment, not direct sunlight.

3. It is generally propagated by ramet method, which is suitable for spring and autumn.

5. Ivy

Ivy can absorb particles, dust and other pollutants in the air, purify the living room environment, ensure smooth breathing during sleep, and ivy shape is beautiful, fresh, but also help to alleviate visual and mental fatigue, tension, and improve sleep quality.

In addition, Ivy can also absorb nicotine, formaldehyde, hydrogen sulfide, benzene, hydrogen fluoride and other pollutants in the air, and convert them into harmless ingredients, which is one of the best air purification plants.

Key points of maintenance

1. Like moist, avoid stagnant water, spring, summer and autumn watering 1-2 times a week, winter 2 weeks watering once.

two。 Once a month, dilute the rotten bean cake water, or spray potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution on the page.

3. Astigmatism environment can be maintained, such as brightly lit bedrooms and living rooms.

6. Cactus

Cactus, which absorbs carbon dioxide at night and releases oxygen, can increase the oxygen content in the bedroom at night and promote sleep.

In addition, cactus can also absorb formaldehyde in the air, absorb dust and purify indoor air. Note: try not to put the cactus in the children's room to avoid stabbing.

Key points of maintenance

1. Drought tolerance, avoid too much watering, spring and autumn 1-2 weeks watering 1-2 times in winter.

two。 Put it on the ultra-south or east-west windowsill to bask in the sun.

3. If the cactus does not burst the cub, it will be cut off and give birth to a circle of cubs within a month.

7. Bergamot

Bergamot will soon be on the market in autumn and winter. Huahua especially likes its smell, fresh and elegant, relieves mental tension, anxiety, depression and other emotions, relieves insomnia and makes you sleep soundly all night.

In addition, bergamot can also fight dust mites in the bedroom, play a role in preventing the spread of the virus, purifying the air, is a great air cleaner.

Key points of maintenance

1. Shallow roots, frequently watered, touch the surface of the basin soil dry to water, spray more water.

two。 Like the sun, put it on the sunny windowsill or balcony maintenance.

3. More application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer results in more fruit, such as bone meal, animal viscera, compound fertilizer and so on.