
Collection and Preservation of Egg Branches in Cicada Farming

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Golden Cicada is actually what we usually call grasshopper. Many people know that grasshopper is an insect rich in protein. Grasshopper is a very good game in many places, but now only wild resources can not meet people's needs.

In fact, golden cicadas are what we usually call grasshoppers. Many people know that grasshoppers are insects rich in protein. In many places, grasshoppers are a very good game, but now wild resources alone are far from meeting people's needs, so artificial breeding of grasshoppers has become a favorite project for many people.

Collection and preservation of egg branches in golden cicada culture

The golden cicada lays eggs around August every year, and the collection of golden cicada egg branches in the process of golden cicada culture is a very important link. For the egg branches used in golden cicada culture, we generally use white wax strips (which is a kind of perennial plant, poplar strips, and other trees without pesticide spraying pollution are OK! )

For example, the egg strips of fruit trees are generally not used as targets for seed selection, because fruit trees are heavily sprayed with pesticides. The damage to the eggs is very great, although the poplar branches have no pesticide residues, but in the process of hatching, the branches are easy to rot. So the eggs that don't hatch will fall out and die! In the process of breeding and hatching of golden cicadas, cicada ants must climb out of the egg branches. If the egg branches rot early, there is no way to hatch the eggs that have not hatched at a later stage. So the main reason for its low hatching rate. So it's best to choose some tree species with hard wood. White wax strips are now the best kind of egg branch.

After the wild cicada cicada, the golden cicada, laid eggs on the newborn branches of that year, it can be seen in a few hours that the withered and dead egg branches. Seeing some punctured bark on the branches means that the cicada monkey has laid eggs. If not, it means that some branches that died of natural causes do not contain golden cicada eggs!

For the preservation of golden cicada eggs, the golden cicada egg branches collected that year were pruned manually and stored naturally in some cool, damp indoor rooms without other tubes. After the beginning of spring in the coming year, the temperature begins to pick up and the weather is dry. Starting from March in the Gregorian calendar, we will start to sprinkle some water on the golden cicada egg branches every week to keep it at a certain tidal temperature. in fact, golden cicada eggs begin to develop slowly after the temperature picks up. In this way, it is easy to hatch cicada ants after hatching in May, and the hatching rate will be greatly improved!

The culture process of egg branches of golden cicada

First, the golden cicada egg branch collection and storage: the golden cicada eggs are harvested in autumn after the golden cicada lays eggs, usually around August. The golden cicada uses a small thorn in its tail to stab into the annual twigs and lay eggs into the branches, mostly white poplar trees, succulent branches, and most of the branches will dry up within two hours after spawning, so most of the green branches at the lower end have cicada eggs. So we observed the development of golden cicada eggs every month through a year's experiment, and summed up a set of latest successful techniques for golden cicada culture.

Postharvest treatment and storage: after collecting the branches with cicada eggs, remove the dry leaves, cut off both ends, bundle 100 into a bundle, and store them in a dark, damp room for hatching in May next year, when golden cicada eggs will not hatch golden cicada larvae. You can collect some wild golden cicada eggs from September to June of the second year and put them under a microscope to observe. In May of the next year, spread a layer of sand on the bottom of the large laundry basin, put the bound branches into the basin upright, keep the temperature at 28 ~ 34 degrees, and keep the humidity moist, that is, spray when dry, and spray the branches thoroughly with a sprayer.

Third, hatching: larvae hatch in about 35 days. At this time, you will see some larvae climbing up and down the branches. At this time, we should pay attention to the number of larvae hatched, generally 4-5 days to spread the sand in the basin and the collected larvae into the forest, the specific method can refer to the technical diagram of golden cicada culture.

Fourth, in the process of golden cicada culture, it must be avoided that seed strips, eggs, and larvae should not be buried. This is basically a subjective imagination. In the natural state, golden cicada eggs can only grow underground after hatching into larvae. The egg will not move, nor can it enter the ground. Without natural temperature and humidity, cicada eggs would die, not to mention hatching larvae in the soil.

Nutritional value and efficacy of golden cicada

Golden cicada has extremely high nutritional value of medicinal diet and unique taste, especially the newly unearthed nymph contains the highest protein, is a rare high-protein, low-fat game delicacy. Cicadas not only have edible value, but also have high medicinal value. Grasshopper cicadas have unique flavor, rich nutrition and good health care. The dry powder of every 100g cicada contains 4G water, 7.19g fat, 71.4g protein, 10.9g carbohydrate, trace element potassium 30mg, calcium 17mg, zinc 8mg, so the nutritional value of cicada is very high.

According to the records of Chinese Materia Medica, golden cicada has the functions of invigorating yang, protecting lung and kidney, reducing blood pressure, relieving cough and promoting fluid, treating baldness and suppressing cancer. Cicada slough is rich in methotrexate, isoxanthine pterin and adenosine triphosphatase, which is often used to treat exogenous wind and fever, cough, hoarseness, sore throat, rubella, pruritus, eye nebula, tetanus, children crying at night and other symptoms. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that cicadas slough taste salty sweet, cold, can clear heat, extinguish wind, calm shock. The golden cicada is rich in protein, and the cicada slough is very effective in the treatment of stomach diseases.

How to cultivate golden cicada

The main results are as follows: 1. The primary provenance can be collected naturally in the field, and eggs, nymphs and adults can be collected as provenances. Various insect states can be collected from July to September; August to September is the best season to collect nymphs; September is the best time to collect cicada egg branches, which can be collected all the year round.

2. The ideal place where there are many cicadas can be selected for egg collection. The 1-2-year-old thin withered strips on the tree that are killed by grasshopper cicadas are lightly removed with fruit branch shears or long hooked poles at the top. Cicada eggs are those whose one side is flat and withered and the surface is incomplete, and the subcutaneous xylem is inlaid with a large number of milky white long oval eggs. Cut off the extra non-egg withered tip in the upper part of the egg-laying nest, leave 10-15 cm egg-free branches in the lower part of the egg-laying nest mark, tie up about 50 pieces into a small bundle, and put them into a plastic bag for use.

3. Capture the nymph, take the naturally mature old nymph as the object, the nymph can be captured by flashlight at the base of the trunk of the tree at 7: 12 in the evening, and then put into a cage to feather and lay eggs. Shrubby hosts are planted in spawning cages, mainly a variety of fruit trees.

4. There are many ways to catch cicadas on trees, such as using fire to trap them at night. In order to ensure that the adult cicada is not damaged, wheat gluten can be used. The method is to rinse the harmonious dough with water many times, remove starch, leave pure gluten, store it in broad lotus leaves and poplar leaves, stick to the top of the bamboo pole, and stick to catch adults in the early morning or during the day.

Although the golden cicada has high nutritional value, it has a certain health care effect on the human body. But for the golden cicada breeding is not a very simple thing, it has a lot of skills and methods. And at present, there are not many people raising golden cicadas, so it still has some room to dig.