
How to grow gastrodia elata

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, When it comes to gastrodia elata, I believe everyone is not unfamiliar, because it is more common in our lives. Gastrodia elata food value is very high, moderate consumption of the body has a lot of benefits, and eating methods are more. So how do you plant and cultivate Tianma? Below and Small

When it comes to Gastrodia elata, I believe we are no stranger to it, because it is more common in our lives. The edible value of Gastrodia elata is very high, moderate consumption has a lot of benefits to the body, and there are many edible methods. So how to plant Gastrodia elata? Let's go and know more about it with the editor.

How to grow Gastrodia elata

1. Planting time and site selection. The mountain area is suitable for 300-1800-2600 meters above sea level. Low-altitude areas such as basins and plains are required to be indoors, shade sheds, basements, caves and other places that can shade and cool down.

2. Build a bed. Indoor flat ground cultivation can be made of bricks or boards divided into border ponds with a width of 80 cm, a height of 20 cm and unlimited length. We are shooting and editing the latest full set of technical videos of indoor box cultivation of Gastrodia elata. Please pay attention.

Field or mountain slope border, dig 10 cm deep, 80 cm wide, unlimited length, conducive to operation, border and border spacing of 50 cm, easy to dig drainage ditch and walk.

3. Sowing and cultivation. At the bottom of the border, the pine leaves are 5 cm thick, and the thick sticks are placed one by one at an interval of about two centimeters, either horizontally or horizontally, with the cut facing up, fill the sand until the surface of the thick rod is flat, but can not cover the surface of the thick stick, spray water until the sand is drenched, sprinkle a thin layer of leaves to cover the thick stick, sow branch fungus, each seed interval is 6 cm, order hemp seed, each flax seed interval is 10 cm Put a thick rod with a diameter of about 5 cm at an interval of 40-50 cm, spread loose hair to the surface of the rod, do not press it, and require looseness. The rod is covered with twigs and forks about 3-5 cm thick, and the cover soil is about 15 cm thick. The branches can be breathable if they are opened.

Cultivation techniques of Gastrodia elata

1. Selecting and raising seedling sites

Select loam or sandy loam with good moisture permeability and good permeability, loose and rich in humus, and dig holes with a depth of 35 cm and a width of 85 cm. When choosing a land, it is better to choose a wasteland. Soil pH5-6 is suitable. Avoid clay and waterlogged waterlogged land, avoid stubble. In addition, Gastrodia elata can be planted in air-raid shelters, caves, basements and other places.

2. Cultivate bacteria bed

Armillaria mellea or fungus bed should be cultivated before planting Gastrodia elata. General broad-leaved trees can be used as materials for cultivating Armillaria mellea, but mistletoe, oak, chestnut, cork oak and other tree species are better.

3. Seed treatment

Seed selection: select the Gastrodia elata dug up in that year, remove the commercial hemp, select and screen all the flax species, and get rid of rotten hemp, deformed hemp and other inferior hemp species. Finally, Gastrodia elata, which is similar in size, strong, neat in appearance, large in size, good in color and non-invasive, is determined to be used in the following year.

4. Seed propagation

Choose Gastrodia elata with a weight of more than 100 grams, plant with picking, prevent sunlight when heading, and carry out artificial pollination when flowering. The time of pollination can be chosen at about 10:00 on a sunny day, when the edge of the cap appears slightly. Cover the ear with a plastic bag after pollination.

Post-planting management

After planting, Gastrodia elata does not need to apply fertilizer, do not need to loosen the soil and weed, and keep it wild. The soil water content should be kept at about 40% and the ground temperature should be kept at 15-28 degrees. Spraying Gandaling solution on the leaf surface during the rhizome expansion period can promote the transport of foliar photosynthetic products (nutrients) to the root system, improve the nutrient conversion rate and the ability of loosening soil, make the rhizome expand rapidly, and the content of effective substances is greatly increased. Sunshade net or branches should be used to shade and cool down in summer high temperature season to prevent people and animals from trampling. In case of drought, you can water it appropriately. At the same time, pay attention to prevent stagnant water during the rainy season. Before overwintering, it is necessary to thicken the soil and cover the leaves against freezing; during the high temperature period from June to August, we should build a shed or intercropping tall stalk crops to shade, clean up the drainage ditch before the rainy season, and remove stagnant water in time to prevent tubers from rotting. In spring and autumn, you should receive the necessary sunlight to maintain a certain temperature.

Efficacy and function of Gastrodia elata

1. Analgesic effect: Tianma injection made from Gastrodia elata has obvious analgesic effect on trigeminal neuralgia, vascular nerve headache, cerebrovascular headache, toxic polyneuritis and so on. In recent years, through the clinical trial of more than 1000 patients in some medical units, the effective rate is up to 90%.

2. Sedative effect: some medical units use synthetic gastrodin (gastrodin) to treat patients with neurasthenia and neurasthenia syndrome, with an effective rate of 89.44% and 86.87%, respectively. It can also inhibit the central excitatory effect caused by caffeine and enhance the sleep time effect of pentobarbital.

3. Anticonvulsant effect: certain curative effect of Gastrodia elata on facial nerve convulsion, limb numbness, hemiplegia, epilepsy and so on. It also has the effect of relieving smooth muscle spasm, relieving angina pectoris and biliary angina.

4. The effect of lowering blood pressure: Gastrodia elata can treat hypertension. Long-term service can calm the liver and replenish qi, benefit waist and knees, strengthen muscles and bones, increase peripheral and coronary blood flow, and protect the heart.

5. The effect of enlightening eyesight and increasing intelligence: Gastrodia elata still has the function of enlightening eyesight and significantly enhancing memory. Gastrodia elata has obvious protective and regulatory effect on human brain nervous system, and can enhance the distinguishing ability of optic nerve. Gastrodia elata has been used as brain health food or brain health drug for high-altitude pilots. In Japan, Gastrodia elata injection is used to treat Alzheimer's disease, with an effective rate of 81%.

The above are some of the planting techniques of Gastrodia elata summarized by the editor. I hope they can help you. Gastrodia elata belongs to herbs, which is mainly used in medicine for its tuber. it is a very famous precious traditional Chinese medicine in China, and it has been very popular in the traditional Chinese medicine market. The prospect of planting Gastrodia elata is very broad.