
How does the flower of pomegranate grow?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, pomegranate flowers like sunny and dry environment, its vitality is very tenacious, commonly used propagation method is cuttage propagation, as long as there is a branch, it can survive, really very fierce, and pomegranate flowers are also better planted, as long as the right water and fertilizer can be

Pomegranate flower likes the sunny and dry environment, its vitality is very tenacious, the common method of reproduction is cutting propagation, as long as there is a branch, it can survive, really very fierce, and pomegranate flower is also relatively easy to grow, as long as the appropriate water and fertilizer can grow very well, then let's take a look at its fertilization method.

How to propagate pomegranate flowers by cuttage

1. Insert selection

Select the current year's twigs for cuttage, because the tissue is delicate, the cuttage is tenacious after survival, but the result is relatively long. If you choose only long branches or exuberant branches as branches, it is not easy to take root and the result is late. Family cutting small bonsai had better choose more than 3 years of branches, after cutting, blossom and bear fruit earlier, and not easy to grow up, just right at home.

Generally, the gray-white 2-3-year-old branches on the robust tree are selected. The diameter of the limb branches is about 0.5cm, and the length is 15cm.

2, cutting method: in the container (flowerpot), put the soil, water thoroughly, put aside, and then trim the branches, cut the section into a horseshoe shape, cut off part of the leaves, so as not to consume too much nutrients, then insert the branches into the pot, put on a plastic bag to moisturize, put it in a half-shaded place, and it will take root and grow tender leaves in a month or so. Wait until there are 5 or 6 leaves, you can dig up and replant, and slowly turn your pomegranate into a beautiful little bonsai.

How to fertilize pomegranate flowers

1. Shallow ditch fertilization: dig a circular deep ditch in the outermost part of the flowerpot, apply fertilizer into it, and then cover it with soil. Be careful not to cut off the root system of pomegranate when digging. This method is suitable for the seedlings of pomegranate.

2. Hole fertilization: dig a small pit about 20 centimeters deep next to the pomegranate, pour fertilizer into it, and then cover the soil.

3. Foliar fertilizer: this method is simple and easy, the amount of fertilizer used is small, and the effect is fast. The fertilizer was mainly diluted and sprayed on the leaf surface, and it was absorbed obviously 10-15 days after spraying. This method can improve the nutritional status of the root, but foliar fertilization can not replace soil fertilization, and the two should complement each other.

Foliar fertilization is best before 10:00 and after 4 p.m., and try to spray when the temperature is moderate and the sun is not strong.

What if pomegranate flowers don't blossom?

It should be placed in a place with sufficient light. Ma Zhang tablets can be used as base fertilizer for changing pots in spring, and phosphorus and potash fertilizer should be applied before flowering. Apply thin liquid fertilizer once a month during the growing period, and be careful not to pick branches in spring, because pomegranate flowers mostly grow flowers from their own shoots, just cut off the dead branches and cut the long branches short.

How to preserve pomegranate flowers in four seasons

1. Spring maintenance

When the spring temperature rises to 10 ℃, move the pomegranate to outdoor maintenance (or open balcony), strengthen water and fertilizer management, half a year is a fertilizer, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium multi-element compound fertilizer, do not apply a single fertilizer, otherwise it will lead to branch growth, which is not conducive to growth.

Watering to see dry and wet, watering must be thoroughly watered, because the pomegranate bonsai basin soil is deep, it is difficult to water at one time, conditions can be used to soak the pot method to water, put the whole pot into the pool, let the water slowly soak the basin soil. But can not often use soaking basin method, once a month is good, other time normal watering.

2. Summer maintenance

Pomegranate blossoms in May, the management at this time is very important, pay attention to increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer before flowering, reduce the content of nitrogen fertilizer, and promote the differentiation of flower buds. Cut off some of the flowers when blooming, keep the large flowers, and remove the "triangle" at the connection between the flower and the stalk, this part will not bear fruit and will automatically fall off and consume nutrients in a certain period of time. During the flowering and fruiting period, fertilization should be suspended, and after the fruit, the management of water and fertilizer should be strengthened to promote the growth of pomegranate fruit.

3. Autumn maintenance

Autumn is the best time to appreciate the pomegranate, but after the pomegranate is removed, we should pay attention to fertilization, apply more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and apply little or no nitrogen fertilizer to prevent the plant from growing branches, which is not conducive to the fruit of the coming year. Cut off the long branches, disease and insect branches, overlapping branches and weak twigs after falling leaves, and then gradually reduce water and fertilizer as the temperature drops, and be ready to enter the house for the winter.

4. Winter maintenance

Pomegranate flowers hibernate in winter, if the hibernation is not enough, it will affect the pomegranate blossom the following year. Most families will move the pomegranate to a warm place with heating or air-conditioning before the beginning of winter, which is not conducive to pomegranate hibernation. The best overwintering temperature of potted pomegranate is-2 to-5 ℃, and frostbite will occur when the temperature is lower than-10 ℃. If the temperature is higher than 5 ℃, it is not conducive to its full dormancy.

The time of entering the house in winter also needs to be paid attention to, and entering the house too early will also affect the growth. The room should be re-entered when the temperature drops to about-5 ℃ in winter and placed in a low temperature environment not higher than 0-2 ℃. Watering should be controlled and can be watered once a month.

Although the pomegranate flower planting process is relatively easy, but if it is to grow well, careful care is very important, and the ways of nursing are also different in different seasons. According to the specific operation introduced above, as long as meticulous care waits until the pomegranate flower blossoms, I feel that my efforts have not been in vain.