
How to plant pear trees

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Planting according to the plant spacing of 2m × 3m or 2.5m × 4m, digging holes at a fixed point according to the plant row spacing, then putting a certain thickness of straw into the hole, and then compacting the soil of mixed organic fertilizer. Fertilize the soil deeply after the fruit is harvested in autumn, press certain

Planting according to the plant spacing of 2m × 3m or 2.5m × 4m, digging holes at a fixed point according to the plant row spacing, then putting a certain thickness of straw into the hole, and then compacting the soil of mixed organic fertilizer. Fertilizing the soil deeply after fruit harvest in autumn, planting pollinated trees with the same flowering period according to a certain proportion, thinning and pruning the seedlings at an appropriate time, preventing and controlling diseases and pests in spring, bagging the fruit after one month of full bloom and harvesting in time.

1. Planting density

Pear trees can be planted from defoliation to sprouting, and the planting density should be determined according to the topography and plot of the plantation. planned close planting can improve the growth rate and yield of pear trees to a certain extent. now the plant spacing is generally controlled at 2m × 3m or 2.5m × 4m.

2. Planting technology

When planting, dig the hole with 80cm width and 50-60cm depth according to the plant-row spacing, then put about 30-40cm rice straw, branches or green manure branches into the hole, then add the topsoil and press it, then apply 50-80kg organic fertilizer or 20kg chicken manure, and then add 1-2kg calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer mixed with soil to make steamed bread shape.

When planting, the grafting interface should be exposed to the ground 5-10cm, pay attention to the soil in the rhizosphere firmly, and then immediately irrigate enough water, if the planting place is a tuyere, in order to avoid seedling lodging, need to set up a pillar.

3. Soil improvement and fertilization

Deep ploughing of soil can improve the yield and quality of fruit trees. Generally, deep ploughing of soil can be carried out after harvest in autumn and before defoliation in winter. The methods of hole enlargement, full deep ploughing, interrow or interplant deep ploughing can be adopted. Generally, the depth of soil ploughing should be controlled at about 30-40cm. If conditions permit, we can adopt the method of turning every other year, and dig a depth of 80cm on both sides of the original hole in 1, 3 and 5 years. Apply for purchases with a width of about 50cm, while deep trenches are dug on the other sides in 2, 4 and 6 years, combined with the application of base fertilizer.

In order to improve the yield and quality of pear trees, 100kg organic fertilizer should be applied at least per 100kg pear fruit, and 2.25kg phosphate fertilizer should be mixed into it. In addition to the application of base fertilizer, topdressing should be carried out at different growth stages of pear trees. generally, the first topdressing is carried out after the fruit trees bloom in mid-April, when topdressing can make the branches and leaves of fruit trees grow better, promote flower bud differentiation and fruit expansion; the second topdressing is usually around mid-May to early June, in order to make the fruit grow bigger. The third topdressing was carried out after picking the fruit from late August to mid-September, mainly to increase the color of the leaves, prolong the life of the leaves and restore the seedlings.

Topdressing outside the roots can be combined with spraying drugs, applying appropriate amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other fertilizers when spraying pesticides, 0.3% of the commonly used concentration of uric acid, 0.5% of calcium superphosphate, 0.3-1% of potassium sulfate and 0.2-0.3% of potassium dihydrogen phosphate. In addition, 5-10% rotting acquaintance urine and 3-10% plant ash can be applied, and should not be mixed with pesticides.

4. Pollination tree equipment

Pear trees belong to the type of cross-pollination, and many varieties of pears only blossom but do not bear fruit. When planting pear trees, seedlings of pollinated varieties with similar flowering period must be planted in order to facilitate pollination. Generally, the ratio of main planting to pollinated varieties is 2:1 or 1:1, and at least 3:1 or 4:1 is necessary to ensure stable yield.

5. Three thinning techniques

Thinning flower buds: can be carried out at the same time in winter pruning, in the thinning of flower buds is based on the ratio of flower buds to leaf buds at 1:1, about the need to sparse the general flower buds on the tree, specifically according to the number of flower buds formed in the pear tree in that year, to ensure that backbone branches every 17-20cm distance to leave a flower bud, in thinning flower buds to pay attention to not thinning off leaf buds.

Sparse flower buds: if there is no flower bud thinning in winter, before pear blossoms, you can make up for it by thinning flower buds. Generally, keep a flower bud per 20cm when thinning buds, according to the principle of sparse flower buds, sparse small flower buds, big flower buds, dense flower buds, top flower buds, flower buds and accessory buds that sprout later, and pay close attention to the weather when thinning flower buds.

Fruit thinning: it needs to be determined according to pear varieties, seedling growth status, flowering period and climate. If the seedlings grow poorly but have more flowers, and the fruit setting rate is high, then fruit thinning should be done earlier, and the fruit thinning time of young or prosperous trees with less flowers can be postponed or thinned less. If the weather is normal that year, then it is necessary to early fruit thinning, if the weather is abnormal, it is necessary to postpone the fruit thinning time. When thinning fruit, make sure that each fruit has 25-30 leaves. In a normal year, a seedling can retain one fruit, and a variety of medium-sized fruit can retain 1-2 fruits per stand.

6. Shaping and pruning

The shaping is also different according to the variety, planting environment and site conditions of the pear tree. The main purpose of shaping is to increase the yield. Generally, the tree will be shaped into open stratification shape, multi-trunk happy shape and multi-main branch round head shape.

In the pruning of young pear trees, it is necessary to put more branches and less thinning branches, and the first fruiting pear trees should mainly cultivate their fruiting branches, and the cutting length of the extended branches of the main and lateral branches should be shortened year by year.

When a large number of pear trees bear fruit, their backbone branches are easy to droop, so the angle of the extended branches is too high. If the inner chamber of the pear tree is too dense, the overdense auxiliary branches need to be thinned or truncated. If there are too many fruits on the tree, it will make the branches droop, and the hanging branches can be hung evenly around with a vertical bamboo pole in the middle of the crown.

7. Prevention and control of diseases and pests

Comprehensive pest control of pear trees in spring can effectively reduce the incidence of diseases and insect pests throughout the year and improve fruit quality. at present, the main pear diseases and insect pests are pear heart-eating insects, aphids, pear planthoppers, stink bugs, red spiders and so on.

8. Promote early fruiting of pear trees.

Pruning technology can be used to improve the fruit of pear trees, but it should be carried out in accordance with the principle of promoting first, then slowing down, and promoting the combination of slowing down. The reason for promoting first and then slowing down is that the germination rate of young pear trees at the age of 1-2 is higher, but their branch-forming ability is generally low, so it is necessary to cut more branches to young pear trees to increase the total quality of the whole tree, and then, according to the situation, some take light cutting, some take slow release, if they are going to cultivate it into backbone branches, they should be lightly cut during construction, and other branches will be kept as much as possible after slow release. Promote the seedling to divide into middle branches and short branches, so as to increase the total number of branches and leaves of the whole tree. Only by doing this, the flowering and fruiting time of young pear trees can be advanced.

9. Adopt bagging technology

Bagging the fruit can reduce the rust and color spots on the pericarp, keep the pericarp bright and clean, and reduce the harm of diseases and insect pests to a certain extent, and increase the income. Generally, bagging is best when the transverse diameter of the fruit is less than 20mm 30-40 days after flowering, and the germicidal insecticide should be sprayed before bagging.

10. Timely harvest

If you want to improve the quality of the fruit, timely harvest is very important. when the skin of Huangpi pear changes from dark brown to light yellow, and the skin of green pear changes from dark green to light green or light yellow, their meat will change from rough and hard to delicate, crisp and sweet, and the planting in the fruit will also change from white to light brown.

In the harvest of fruit should be carried out in stages and batches, generally pick the larger size of the fruit, wait for 7-10 days after the small fruit gradually grow up before harvest, in the harvest action should be gentle, must not be hard to pull hard fold, which will lead to the loss of commerciality of the fruit, but also to protect the branches and leaves on the tree.

The storage time of fruit is closely related to the picking time, for example, if the harvest time of Cuiguan pear is delayed, the pulp will be spongy and prone to black skin disease, which can not be stored; the storability of early-maturing varieties is also slightly worse than that of medium-maturing varieties.