
spray more Learn more about spray more

  • Double-spore mushroom spray water must be "five look"

    Double-spore mushroom spray water must be

    Look at the weather. Sunny and dry weather or when the temperature is appropriate should spray more water; rainy weather or when the temperature is high, low should spray less or stop spraying water. Second, look at the mushroom house situation. The mushroom house with serious air leakage and poor heat preservation should spray more water and less ventilation; the mushroom house with no serious air leakage and strong moisture retention should spray less water and pass more water.

  • Reasonable attention should be paid to "Nine look and Nine taboos" in Mushroom Water Management

    Reasonable attention should be paid to

    Reasonable attention should be paid to "Nine look and Nine taboos" in Mushroom Water Management

  • Peanut late spraying foliar fertilizer benefits more

    Peanut late spraying foliar fertilizer benefits more

    Peanut late spraying foliar fertilizer benefits more

  • Matters needing attention in spraying foliar fertilizer of soybean

    Matters needing attention in spraying foliar fertilizer of soybean

    Foliar fertilizer spraying of soybean has the advantages of low dosage, quick effect, high fertilizer efficiency and good effect, so it has been widely popularized and applied in recent years. However, because some farmers mistakenly believe that foliar fertilizer spraying is "beneficial and harmless, the more the better", there are random selection of fertilizer types, random increase of fertilizer dosage and so on in practical application.

  • Spray it to the flowers, the leaves are so green that they drip oil, and the flowers grunt and burst into the pot!

    Spray it to the flowers, the leaves are so green that they drip oil, and the flowers grunt and burst into the pot!

    Sometimes, in order to fertilize the flowers, the flower friends get the wrong amount of fertilizer, resulting in burning the roots, causing the flowers to wither or even die. In fact, spraying foliar fertilizer to leaves is a good way, not only will not burn roots, but also can promote more and colorful flowers, and inhibit diseases and insect pests. How do you spray it exactly? Huahua will teach you right away!

  • What should be paid attention to when spraying foliar fertilizer on vegetables

    What should be paid attention to when spraying foliar fertilizer on vegetables

    What should vegetables pay attention to when spraying foliar fertilizer? Please guide leafy vegetables such as cabbage, spinach, shepherd's purse, etc. need more nitrogen, spraying fertilizer should be mainly urea and ammonium sulfate, spraying concentration of urea should be 1% 2%, ammonium sulfate should be 1.5%, spraying 2% 4 times per season, it is appropriate to spray in the early stage of growth. Melons, fruits and vegetables such as.

  • In autumn, flower growers spray some of these things. thick leaves and green flowers are more effective than fertilization.

    In autumn, flower growers spray some of these things. thick leaves and green flowers are more effective than fertilization.

    After the advent of autumn, the weather becomes cooler and cooler, many flowers slowly resume growth, pregnant buds continue, different flowers have to be sprayed with different things, branches thick leaf green, flowers bloom sharply, more effective than flower fertilizer! 1. Give the green apple, the tree of happiness and get rich.

  • What's the difference between tomato flowers and spray flowers?

    What's the difference between tomato flowers and spray flowers?

    What's the difference between tomato flowers and spray flowers? Please introduce tomato flower spraying and flower spraying, although the ways are different, but there are similarities, relatively speaking, tomato flower spraying is more time-saving than point flower, mainly reflected in the two aspects. First of all, the number of spraying flowers is usually carried out during flower bud differentiation.

  • How do peanuts spray foliar fertilizer?

    How do peanuts spray foliar fertilizer?

    How do peanuts spray foliar fertilizer? Please introduce that foliar fertilizer spraying on peanuts has the effects of high fertilizer absorption and utilization, saving fertilizer, increasing production and so on. Foliar application of nitrogen fertilizer, peanut plant absorption and utilization rate of more than 55.5%, the number of full fruits significantly increased, economic benefits significantly improved; foliar application of phosphate fertilizer, generally can.

  • Some flowers are suitable for spraying. Some flowers are suitable for spraying.

    Some flowers are suitable for spraying. Some flowers are suitable for spraying.

    Growing flowers can not only cultivate sentiment, but also increase the interest of life. Many people like to plant some flowers and plants at home. But growing flowers still needs to be done by flower friends. Many flowers are so delicate that they will happen if you are not careful.

  • What is the effect of spraying foliar fertilizer on cotton in the later stage?

    What is the effect of spraying foliar fertilizer on cotton in the later stage?

    What is the effect of spraying foliar fertilizer on cotton in the later stage? How to spray foliar fertilizer on cotton? Also ask experienced netizens to help introduce the function and operation method of spraying foliar fertilizer in the process of cotton planting, which is listed in detail below for netizens' reference. First, spraying nitrogen fertilizer on cotton can prevent premature senescence: cotton in the later stage.

  • Six times to spray Pleurotus ostreatus with water

    Six times to spray Pleurotus ostreatus with water

    As soon as the climate is dry, we should spray more water, increase humidity, and spray less water when the climate is wet. Second, when the temperature of the mushroom house is above 25 ℃, it should be sprayed at night or in the morning or evening after the temperature drops. Third, the mushroom house with poor moisturizing performance should spray more water, otherwise it should be less. Fourth, look at the dry and wet material at both ends of the bacterial bag, the amount of spraying water should be sufficient, and the number of times should be reduced accordingly. Fifth, the mycelium in the mycelium is strong, the water consumption is more, the spurting mushroom and turning tide water is heavy, and vice versa. Six look at the number of ingredients mushrooms, mushrooms, mushrooms are large, need water

  • Management of mushroom emergence period of Pleurotus ostreatus: how to make it produce more mushrooms? The omen of high-yield cultivation techniques of Pleurotus ostreatus before mushroom emergence

    Management of mushroom emergence period of Pleurotus ostreatus: how to make it produce more mushrooms? The omen of high-yield cultivation techniques of Pleurotus ostreatus before mushroom emergence

    First, control the temperature and humidity. The cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus begins to produce mushrooms about 20 days after covering the soil, the temperature is maintained at 20: 24 ℃, and the air relative humidity is 80% to 85%. During this period, it is generally impossible to spray water on the material surface, too wet and breathable, the hyphae are difficult to extend into the soil layer, too dry hyphae are sparse, maintain suitable temperature and humidity, and the hyphae are white and exuberant.

  • The "stupid" spraying machine finished spraying the greenhouse in 5 minutes.


    The "stupid" spraying machine finished spraying the greenhouse in 5 minutes.

  • Foliar fertilizer spraying can not be "bathed" at will.

    Foliar fertilizer spraying can not be

    Foliar topdressing of vegetables is a method of dissolving fertilizer in water and spraying it on the leaf. this method has the advantages of simple, convenient, low cost, quick effect and high benefit. It is especially suitable for trace element topdressing, which plays a positive role in increasing the yield and quality of vegetables, but it should be scientific and reasonable. First, fertilizer species.

  • Types of foliar fertilizer and matters needing attention in spraying

    Types of foliar fertilizer and matters needing attention in spraying

    Foliar fertilizer is a type of fertilizer in which nutrient elements are applied to the surface of crop leaves and play a basic function through the absorption of leaves. Plant leaves have upper and lower layers of epidermis, which are composed of epidermis cells, and the outer side of upper epidermis cells have horny layer and wax. it can protect the mesophyll cells under the epidermis from photosynthesis.

  • Cherry tomato planting: how to spray cherry tomatoes?

    Cherry tomato planting: how to spray cherry tomatoes?

    How to spray cherry tomatoes? Please introduce the large amount of cherry tomatoes blooming, and it takes time to order, so most vegetable farmers use the method of spraying flowers. However, it is very popular for vegetable farmers to spray flowers twice per panicle in order to ensure the number of fine fruits. At the same time, a large amount of anther will be sprayed on the plant when spraying flowers.

  • How to beat the foliar fertilizer best?

    How to beat the foliar fertilizer best?

    How to beat the foliar fertilizer best? With the gradual increase of foliar fertilizer products, more and more farmers use foliar fertilizer. The farming network has sorted out five ways to increase the effect of foliar fertilizer, which are listed below for netizens' reference. Method 1. Prepare the best concentration of foliar fertilizer:.

  • Spraying foliar fertilizer varies from dish to dish.

    Spraying foliar fertilizer varies from dish to dish.

    Leafy vegetables such as cabbage, spinach, shepherd's purse and so on need more nitrogen, urea and ammonium sulfate should be used as the main fertilizer, urea concentration should be 1%-2%, ammonium sulfate should be 1.5%, spraying 2% 4 times per season, it is appropriate to spray in the early growth stage. Melons and fruits vegetables such as chili, eggplant, tomato, beans and all kinds of melons.

  • Gardenia, jasmine yellow leaves? Use it to gently spray once every 10 days, no more yellow leaves.

    Gardenia, jasmine yellow leaves? Use it to gently spray once every 10 days, no more yellow leaves.

    Many flower friends like to raise several pots of gardenia and jasmine at home. These are popular varieties of flowers with high appearance and good ornamental value, but they always exist in the process of maintaining these flowers.
