
round spot root Learn more about round spot root

  • Control of round spot root rot of Hawthorn

    Control of round spot root rot of Hawthorn

    Round spot root rot is one of the important causes of Hawthorn tree death. First, the symptoms show that the fibrous root first turns brown and dies, and a reddish-brown round spot occurs around the base of the fibrous root. In severe cases, the lesions fuse and rot as deep as the xylem, resulting in blackening and death of the whole root. II. Dissemination

    2020-11-08 Species Hawthorn round spot root rot control is
  • Special Topics on Orchid Diseases and insect pests

    Special Topics on Orchid Diseases and insect pests

    Look at the special topic of orchid diseases and insect pests and treat the disease "two".

  • What diseases and insect pests do Japanese cherry trees suffer from?

    What diseases and insect pests do Japanese cherry trees suffer from?

    Root nodule disease occurs on or near the root neck of the ground, resulting in short plants and poor growth. When the disease occurs, the root of the plant produces nodules of different shapes, showing brown, rough epidermis and often accompanied by cracks. The initial stage of anthrax.

  • Identification and diagnosis of main diseases and pests in melons and vegetables

    Identification and diagnosis of main diseases and pests in melons and vegetables

    Identification and diagnosis of main diseases and pests in melons and vegetables

  • The difference between yellow tiger spot and yellow beaver flower

    The difference between yellow tiger spot and yellow beaver flower

    Yellow tiger spot and yellow raccoon flower are two common kinds of cats in daily life. They are very popular because of their lovely appearance and good color. What is the difference between yellow tiger spot and yellow beaver flower? Yellow tabby: the head of the tabby is round, the distance between the ears of the tabby is relatively close, and the size is moderate.

    2020-11-11 Yellow tiger spot and yellow beaver flower difference yellow tiger spot beaver flower
  • Special Topics on Orchid Diseases and insect pests

    Special Topics on Orchid Diseases and insect pests

    Orchid diseases and insect pests special picture treatment, white silk disease usually preventive medicine: pesticide name: methyl Likuling EC; action characteristics: internal absorption 20% sterilization.

  • Special Topics on Orchid Diseases and insect pests

    Special Topics on Orchid Diseases and insect pests

    Orchid diseases and insect pests special picture treatment, ring disease + anthrax "spiny spores" usually prophylactic use: pesticide name: 77% can kill wettable powder.

  • How often are round-leaf taro watered? what about the rotten roots of round-leaf taro?

    How often are round-leaf taro watered? what about the rotten roots of round-leaf taro?

    Round-leaf taro is a kind of plant with large leaves, the leaves are more common and green, there are some striped distribution above, there is a certain ornamental value. Now many families like to raise it, but in the process of breeding, if it is not taken care of properly, it will be possible.

    2020-11-08 Round leaves taro how long watering once water rotten roots how to do round leaves
  • Control methods of Leaf spot of Pelargonium

    Control methods of Leaf spot of Pelargonium

    [symptoms] at the beginning of the disease, chlorotic spots appeared on the susceptible leaves, and then the lesions gradually expanded to form large round spots. The disease spot is dark brown and has concentric rings. In the later stage of the disease, a black-green mold layer appeared on the disease spot, which was the conidia of the pathogen.

  • Diagnosis and Control of Cotton Seedling Diseases

    Diagnosis and Control of Cotton Seedling Diseases

    Diagnosis and control of cotton diseases at seedling stage there are many kinds of diseases in cotton seedling stage, but there are mainly two types of diseases: root disease and leaf disease. Root diseases often lead to rotting before emergence, rotten buds, root rot and stem base rot after emergence are the main causes of lack of seedlings and broken ridges in cotton fields, such as standing blight, anthracnose, red rot, quenching and so on. The leaf disease is harmful to the cotyledons, true leaves and stems of cotton seedlings, and when it is serious, the top of the stem and leaves wither and fall off, such as black spot, brown spot, cotton seedling blight, stem blight and so on. This film focuses on an overview of several

  • Control of diseases and insect pests of atractylodes macrocephala

    Control of diseases and insect pests of atractylodes macrocephala

    Control of diseases and insect pests of atractylodes macrocephala

  • Clove brown spot

    Clove brown spot

    Symptoms and pathological changes: mainly formed brown spots on the leaves, disease spots round, nearly round or irregular, dark brown edge, light brown center, severe brown spots, early defoliation, leaving only a small number of leaves in the whole plant. The pathogen is fungus, Cercospora lilac, the seed is spherical, dark brown, the conidium is fascicled and erect.

  • Common leaf spot disease of geranium

    Common leaf spot disease of geranium

    Geranium leaf spot is a common disease in spring and summer. It is most likely to occur in high temperature and rainy season, which often causes most of the susceptible leaves to die and fall off. When the stem was infected, it blackened, wilted and rotted, and the vascular bundles browned and blackened at the base. Cuttings can not take root, from the stem began to rot, and upward development, resulting in leaf wilting and death. Symptoms of geranium leaf spot, including black brown disease and brown spot. Primary watery spots on black spot leaves, semicircular to amorphous, later round, 2 to 3 mm in diameter

  • Learn to grow geraniums from me (part 2)

    Learn to grow geraniums from me (part 2)

    Moisture. Pelargonium is not resistant to water and humidity, and requires good ventilation of the cultivation medium, otherwise the proportion of rhizomes is easy to be out of balance; excessive water is easy to cause root rot (Pythium rootrot) and gray mold (Botrytis) caused by fungi (Pythium); but the cultivation medium should not be too dry. Because this will cause salt accumulation around the roots and cause burning, when the medium is too dry, the lower leaves of the plant often turn red to yellow. Pelargonium stems and leaves with pilose, fertilization, watering should avoid contaminated with fertilizer water,

  • Control of Leaf spot of Platycodon grandiflorum

    Control of Leaf spot of Platycodon grandiflorum

    Platycodon grandiflorum is a perennial herbal medicinal plant, which is used as medicine by root. The control methods of leaf spot disease of Platycodon grandiflorum are as follows: 1. Symptom identification: this kind of disease mainly harms the leaves of Platycodon grandiflorum. The main results are as follows: (1) when infected by Alternaria solanacearum, white round or subround spots appear on both sides of the leaves.

    2020-11-08 Species Platycodon grandiflorum leaf spots disease control for perennial herbs
  • Avocado is a fruit with high nutritional value, which is comparable to cream and has the laudatory name of forest cream.

    Avocado is a fruit with high nutritional value, which is comparable to cream and has the laudatory name of forest cream.

    Avocado (Butyrospermum parkii Kotschy) generally refers to avocado (scientific name: avocado), a deciduous tree with a height of 10-15 m and a DBH of 1-1.5 m.

  • The leaves of sweet-scented osmanthus dried up

    The leaves of sweet-scented osmanthus dried up

    Sweet-scented osmanthus, also known as sweet clover and rock cinnamon, is an evergreen shrub or small Qiao of the sweet-scented osmanthus family, but it does not seem to be easy to raise. Summing up the situation of flower friends, it is found that in the process of culture, many people will encounter the problem that the leaves of sweet-scented osmanthus dry or even turn brown or black.

  • Symptoms, causes and control measures of white gourd charcoal rot

    Symptoms, causes and control measures of white gourd charcoal rot

    Wax gourd is one of the vegetables we often eat. It tastes refreshing and light. It is a green and healthy vegetable. In the process of planting wax gourd, it will be attacked by diseases and insect pests for various reasons, especially wax gourd charcoal rot is very common, once it occurs, for wax gourd,

    2020-11-08 white gourd charcoal rot disease symptoms causes and control measures
  • Occurrence characteristics and control measures of main diseases and insect pests of cloves

    Occurrence characteristics and control measures of main diseases and insect pests of cloves

    What are the common diseases and insect pests of cloves? How to prevent and cure it? Today, the editor of Huinong Network is going to introduce a fund project, which is mainly to discuss the occurrence characteristics and control management of clove diseases and insect pests. Interested farmers come and learn as soon as possible.

  • How to prevent and cure the latest tobacco red spot?

    How to prevent and cure the latest tobacco red spot?

    Tobacco red spot is a disease caused by fungi. Tobacco farmers in China are commonly known as erythema, root tiger eye, fire bubble spot and so on. Tobacco leaf spot disease occurs in all tobacco areas in China, which not only makes the tobacco leaves incomplete and degraded, but also because of the internal products.

    2020-11-10 The latest tobacco red star disease how prevention