
contrast Learn more about contrast

  • The growth of florists is inseparable from the study of color matching.

    The growth of florists is inseparable from the study of color matching.

    In the process of growing up, every florist will go through the process of "color matching is not confident-the work has been modified-repeated practice to form color matching habits-break through and try again". In this process, we have gradually established our own aesthetic.

  • Succulent contrast: time witnessing growth

    Succulent contrast: time witnessing growth

    Follow Encyclopedia to meet Beautiful (WeChat account: duoroubaike) text begins: thank the author for the original contribution sharing date: 2018.04.13 Editing: encyclopedia coordinates: Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province.

  • Bonsai creation: dynamic and dynamic contrast, balanced and appropriate

    Bonsai creation: dynamic and dynamic contrast, balanced and appropriate

    The so-called momentum is to embody the spirit and pay attention to the problems of liveliness, momentum and balance. When creating bonsai, we must pay attention to momentum and balance, so as to give full play to the internal strength of the scene. Of course, this paspalum power is the infusion of the author's thoughts, feelings, ideals and wishes. If you ignore the momentum, the potential will stir up a lot of dead things.

  • Massive succulent contrast picture-- the greatest magician of time

    Massive succulent contrast picture-- the greatest magician of time

    Time Flight & nbsp; time Flight Bai Yu & nbsp; 00VOO 03VOR 06...

  • The benefit, dryness and rotten noodles of Lingnan bonsai are intriguing.

    The benefit, dryness and rotten noodles of Lingnan bonsai are intriguing.

    The original author of Lingnan bonsai: "Shili", "dry" and "rotten noodles". Ye Yijian (Jiangmen Xinhui, Guangdong) does not have the concept of "Shili" in Lingnan bonsai, only by using "dry" and "rotten noodles".

  • How to make a good plant configuration in a small courtyard? Learn this move quickly

    How to make a good plant configuration in a small courtyard? Learn this move quickly

    Due to the cost, location, area and other defects, we usually see small courtyards, small courtyards can often be as comfortable as large courtyards. But if the small courtyard is comfortable, plant configuration is a step that cannot be bypassed...

  • Caimei Mei Jianlan

    Caimei Mei Jianlan

    Jianlan color Meimei, after four seasons orchid inscription, red pole green red compound wheel, gorgeous color, pure fragrance, strong contrast, is a rare product, easy to cultivate. Color Mei Mei, the most special thing about this flower is that the outer petal is yellow-green and inlaid with bright purple-red wheel, the contrast is extremely strong, which is in the current four-season orchid and even the entire Chinese orchid strain.

  • Fuchuan Safflower Sun Moon Hongjian Orchid

    Fuchuan Safflower Sun Moon Hongjian Orchid

    Fuchuan Carthamus tinctorius comes from Fuchuan Yao Autonomous County, Guangxi, with short leaves and flowers. Outer petal transparent red, inner holding white, petal tip pink, strong contrast between inside and outside (personally think this is the biggest highlight of this safflower, through strong red and white contrast, more enchanting, colorful and appreciable, perhaps some orchid friends recognize.

  • Complex color flower spring orchid

    Complex color flower spring orchid

    This flower is produced in central Yunnan and was picked out and purchased from the fragrant flowers in the mountains in 2006. After several years of cultivation and observation, this flower has the advantages of bright color, stable complex color and obvious contrast, so it is a rare compound flower of spring orchid. The flower has several unique features, each blooming, each complex color is different, people never get tired of seeing; in addition, the petals of each flower are not the same.

  • Characteristics of Excellent Bonsai Works

    Characteristics of Excellent Bonsai Works

    Chinese potted landscape art pursuit of refined elegance, form and spirit, very particular about implicit beauty, hazy beauty, artistic conception far-reaching. Pay attention to the combination of real and virtual scenes; pay attention to levels and depth of field, so as to achieve finite to infinite, bounded to infinite, only to be understood, not to be explained, fascinating, fascinating, endless meaning

  • Understand the serenity and indifference of being a human being from some succulent contrast pictures

    Understand the serenity and indifference of being a human being from some succulent contrast pictures

    The preface follows the encyclopedia meets beautiful (WeChat account: duoroubaike) text begins: thanks to the author [Han Yan] for the original license to share editing: encyclopedia coordinates: Tianjin has formed a habit of buying meat for more than a year.

  • Yucheng Star Butterfly (Green Samsung) Jianlan

    Yucheng Star Butterfly (Green Samsung) Jianlan

    Yucheng Star Butterfly, also known as Green Samsung, is also known as Sister Flower with Lingyun Samsung. This variety can be regarded as one of the varieties with relatively high neutral price of Jianlan Samsung Butterfly. Diligent seedlings, diligent flowers, flowers out of the shelves, large flowers, rich fragrance, full standard three tongues, high contrast between outer three petals and three tongues, bright tongue spots.

  • Chicheng Emei Chenguang Jian Lan

    Chicheng Emei Chenguang Jian Lan

    Emei Morninglight, also known as "Chicheng", is the best blue flower in the four seasons. Produced in Emei Mountain, Sichuan Province, medium grass type, thin leaves, uneven leaves, often wavy patterns, strong waxiness of leaves, flowers out of shelves, red tongue, blue stems, obvious contrast of flowers and colors, very bright colors, stable opening products, fragrance of flowers, dragon lift when tender grass.

  • Red Furong Chunlan

    Red Furong Chunlan

    Variety characteristics: originated in Gulin County, Sichuan Province, it was selected by Mr. Chen Hongzao of Lanjia in Chengdu and named in early 2004. Single plant has 4-5 leaves, leaf length 25-40cm, width 0.8-1cm, leaf color light green; loose plant type, leaf posture erect or oblique; leaf sheath up to 7cm, light green, sparsely covered with purplish red fine ribbed, top to bottom, new bud.

  • [green plants] the environmental protection function of green plants

    [green plants] the environmental protection function of green plants

    [green plants] the environmental protection function of green plants

  • After Zhou Dongyu got rid of the recent photos at the airport, there was a strong sense of stripe.

    After Zhou Dongyu got rid of the recent photos at the airport, there was a strong sense of stripe.

    After countless fans of the contrast circle, Zhou Dongyu got rid of the "airport", and the recent photos were full of lines. The editor is always particularly fond of pure-looking girls, whether they are beautiful Internet celebrities or beautiful stars, as long as she looks very.

  • Han Jiangchun color Jianlan

    Han Jiangchun color Jianlan

    This variety is Jianlan new and old multi-color flowers, flowers more than similar Castle Peak, Caifeng. It is worth cultivating and collecting because of its small quantity. The name of this flower is introduced; it was circulated in the market in the name of 'colorful Phoenix' a few years ago. By chance, a pot of colorful Phoenix and this flower bloomed at the same time, and found that this flower is different from the colorful Phoenix.

  • Control methods and techniques of rose withered branch disease

    Control methods and techniques of rose withered branch disease

    Rose withered branch disease usually occurs in the branches, the spot is initially a small red spot, gradually expands and becomes dark, the center of the spot becomes light brown, and the brown and purple edges around the spot are in sharp contrast to the green of the stem. the conidium of the disease appears when it turns brown in the center of the spot, with the increase of the meristematic vesicle.

  • The creation principle of bonsai

    The creation principle of bonsai

    Bonsai is different from poetry and painting, they are living works of art, which determines the continuity of bonsai creation. The life process of bonsai is the continuous creative process of bonsai. As soon as the creation of a traditional Chinese painting is completed, it will not be changed. And bonsai.

  • What are the characteristics of Baibijia koi

    What are the characteristics of Baibijia koi

    The white nail brocade carp has white or red as the background color and the back is covered with ink spots of different shapes and sizes, which is in sharp contrast to the background color because of its small ink spot area, so it looks like a nail, so it is called a special nail. Don't armour is also called don't light.
