Planting Technology Lists
How to calculate the cost of cotton production?
Cotton production mainly pays seed, fertilizer, artificial. ** Cotton seeds are mainly based on wool seeds, and one mu of land needs 5 - 6 kg, and each kg is basically about 5 yuan, so the seed cost is about 30 yuan/mu. The Yangtze River Basin is dominated by hybrid species, and one mu of land needs 7 two seeds. The market price per catty is 50 - 60 yuan, and the cost is also 35 - 40 yuan. The Yellow River Basin is also basically around 40 yuan. Pesticides and fertilizers are basically around 50 - 60 yuan. The labor cost is basically 400 - 500 yuan/mu.
2019-01-16 -
Cotton boll red rot of cotton
Symptoms of cotton boll infected with the initial amorphous disease spot, in wet weather or continuous rain, the disease spread rapidly, throughout the whole boll, some spread to the cotton fiber, producing a uniform pink or light red mildew layer, easy to stick together after rain, become a pink lump, resulting in the disease boll can not crack, cotton fiber rot into a rigid petal, seed infection, the germination rate decreased. The pathogen is the same as cotton seedling red rot. The route of transmission and the conditions of the disease are weak parasitic bacteria, which can not directly infect cotton bolls, but mainly cause the disease from the wound.
2019-01-16 -
How to control the red leaf disease of cotton?
Cotton red leaf disease is a physiological disease, which has a great influence on the yield and quality of cotton. The disease usually begins at the early flowering stage. If the disease is not prevented and treated in time, the area of the disease will expand from the full flowering stage to the bolling stage, and the disease will be aggravated. At the beginning of the disease, the leaves showed dark green, then gradually thickened and wrinkled, brittle, yellow spots appeared between the veins, and the veins were still green. with the aggravation of the disease, the edge of the leaf began to roll down, and withered and fell off from yellow to purplish red until the cotton plant was completed and withered. The main pathogen of Cotton Red Leaf Disease
2019-01-16 -
Root system of cotton
Cotton is native to tropical and subtropical regions and is a perennial plant. After long-term artificial selection and cultivation, it gradually moved northward to the temperate zone and evolved into an annual crop. Within a year, sowing, budding, flowering, boll setting, seed maturation, and completion of the growth cycle. In the process of growth and development, cotton still retains some characteristics of the original perennial crops and has unlimited growth habits. Under suitable conditions, fruit branches can constantly proliferate fruit branches, fruit nodes, buds, blossoms and bolls. Cotton is a straight root crop with developed root system, deep main root and wide distribution of lateral roots.
2019-01-16 -
Seedling release technique of Cotton covered with plastic Film
The temperature of the cotton field covered with plastic film was high, and the seedlings emerged quickly and evenly. The seedlings were sown until 8 days after emergence, and the seedlings could be completed 3 to 4 days after emergence. After the seedlings, if the late frost has passed, you should break the hole and release the seedlings. Release seedlings too early. Can not complete the seedlings, the whole seedling, too late is not good for strong seedlings, in case of high temperature, often cause hot seedlings. Strip sowing should be drilled according to the plant, hole sowing, punching according to the seedling. After breaking the film and releasing seedlings, bury the soil at the break to prevent moisture, cooling, strong wind and weed growth. When releasing seedlings, it is necessary to keep green rather than yellow, that is, cotton seedlings with spreading cotyledons can be released, and unspreading yellow-petal seedlings can be released.
2019-01-16 -
A Single Recessive Photoperiod and Temperature Sensitive Genic Male Sterile Line Yahuang 396a in Cotton
1. The present situation and problems of breeding and seed production by using heterosis 1.1. The technique of artificial or chemical emasculation hybridization is simple, any two varieties can be parents of each other, anthesis emasculation and artificial pollination can be used, and chemical emasculation hybridization can also be used for seed production. The advantages are easy to make full use of existing variety resources, strong randomness of hybrid selection, free combination, and partial combination can use F2. Disadvantages are labor intensity, labor, high cost, F2 heterosis than F1 more decline. 1.2 cells
2019-01-16 -
Cultivation Techniques for Cotton with a Yield of 150 kg or More
In the past two years, our regiment has vigorously promoted new technologies of high-density cultivation and assembly in cotton production, strengthened the selection and promotion of new varieties, and still obtained a bumper harvest despite natural disasters and pests. What is more gratifying is that high-yield strip fields with lint yield of 150~180 kg have emerged in batches for two consecutive years. In 2003, the cotton yield (lint) of our regiment reached more than 150 kg, accounting for 37.7% of the total cotton planting area, and the cotton yield (lint) of more than 180 kg was about 1093 hectares.
2019-01-16 -
Which parts should be paid attention to when administering cotton medicine?
Practice has proved that management is the key to high yield of cotton. Spraying is an important link in the growth and management of cotton. Cotton pests often occur: aphids, red spiders, blind Toona sinensis, red bollworm, cotton bollworm, gold steel drill and so on. The spawning and harmful parts of these pests are different, so attention must be paid to the parts when administering medicine. Cotton seedling stage, aphids, red spiders and other harm on the back of cotton leaves, spraying pesticides, the potion should be sprayed on the back of the leaves. In the middle and later stage of cotton, red bollworm lays eggs on the back of tender tip, tender stem and tender leaf, and sets bolls.
2019-01-16 -
Cotton topping needs to be fattened.
After cotton topping, it is the most fierce competition for nutrients among all parts of the organs. the development of young bolls after flowering needs nutrients, the enlargement of buds and flowering need nutrients, the elongation of upper fruit branches and the emergence of new leaves and buds need nutrients. If the nutrient supply is insufficient, either the bolls in the middle and lower parts are reduced, or there is no boll in the upper part, or the plant senescence, leaf shedding and boll weight are reduced after boll setting, which can not achieve the purpose of high yield. It should be supplemented by the combination of rhizosphere fertilization and foliar spraying in time, mainly nitrogen and potassium fertilizer, and appropriate supplementary application in phosphorus deficient soil.
2019-01-16 -
Cotton topping is expensive at the right time.
Cotton has unlimited growth habits, under certain temperature conditions, the top continues to grow and elongate, and continue to differentiate into new stems, leaves and fruit branches. Topping is to knock off the top manually, so that it no longer produces new fruit branches, so that most of the cotton bolls can open bolls before frost. Therefore, this is a key task to manually regulate the growing period of cotton. Before topping, cotton plants had apical dominance, giving priority to the supply of water and nutrients, while after topping, priority was given to the organs with the fastest growth and development. It can be seen that topping is related to the transport and distribution of nutrients in cotton plants.