
Can pumpkin feed chickens for a long time

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Pumpkin is a common melon in life, many people like to make pumpkin pie, etc., in fact, pumpkin can still feed chickens, that pumpkin can feed chickens for a long time? I. Can pumpkin feed chickens for a long time? Pumpkins can feed chickens for a long time. Because pumpkin is rich

Pumpkin is a common kind of melon in life, many people like to make pumpkin pie and so on. In fact, pumpkins can still be fed to chickens. Can pumpkins be fed to chickens for a long time?

First, can pumpkins be fed to chickens for a long time?

Pumpkins can be fed to chickens for a long time. Because pumpkins are rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, arginine, methionine, calcium, zinc, potassium and other elements, which are of great benefit to the growth of chickens. Generally, it can be cut into small pieces and put in the trough. If the cooked pumpkin is mashed and mixed with corn flour, wheat flour and so on, it can be fed.

Second, what are the effects and effects of pumpkins?

1. Pumpkins have the effect of relieving bowels and moisturizing bowels. When you encounter gastrointestinal problems and constipation, you can eat some pumpkins properly to alleviate them. Because pumpkin can promote bile secretion, can improve gastrointestinal peristalsis, enhance excretion function. Pumpkin is rich in iron and cobalt and other nutrients, with the effect of tonifying blood and beauty, especially for female friends. In the menstrual period, the proper consumption of pumpkin can achieve the effect of tonifying deficiency. And pumpkin seeds are rich in tryptophan, which can form serotonin in the human body, which has some sleep-regulating effects.

2. Pumpkin is rich in pectin, because pectin has strong adsorption, can adhere to harmful substances such as bacterial toxins in the human body, and has the effect of detoxification. As I just said, pumpkins also contain more cobalt. Cobalt can promote the metabolism of human body, synthesize vitamin B12 and so on. Vitamin B12 is an indispensable substance in islet cells, which can lower blood sugar and prevent diabetes. Pumpkin can also inhibit the mutation of carcinogen nitrosamine, which can not only prevent cancer, but also protect the liver and kidney.

3. Pumpkin is actually a kind of allergen food, so people with allergic constitution should pay attention to the careful consumption of pumpkin. Otherwise, it is extremely prone to allergic phenomena such as redness, swelling, diarrhea and various gastrointestinal problems. Pumpkin should not eat too much, because pumpkin is a kind of warm food, if you eat too much, it is easy to cause dampness and heat in the body. In particular, some people with qi stagnation, dampness and heat should avoid eating. When eating pumpkins, be careful not to eat with sweet potatoes, mutton and other substances. Eating with sweet potatoes will lead to abdominal distension, while eating with mutton will lead to constipation.