
Can cuttlefish be eaten raw?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cuttlefish are molluscs in temperate, subtropical and tropical waters, which spray ink to escape when they encounter enemies or hazards, which is the origin of the name cuttlefish. Cuttlefish are mainly distributed in China, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong, China.

Cuttlefish are molluscs in temperate, subtropical and tropical waters, which spray ink to escape when they encounter enemies or hazards, which is the origin of the name cuttlefish. Cuttlefish are mainly distributed in China, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong, China. They are delicious on the dinner table. Can cuttlefish be eaten raw?

Can cuttlefish be eaten raw

Cuttlefish can be eaten raw, but the toxins in them must be washed. There is a tradition of eating cuttlefish raw in Japan, South Korea and other regions. But cuttlefish is a high-protein and high-cholesterol food, with cold, so can not eat more, eating in moderation has a lot of benefits.

Cuttlefish generally live in the open sea or at the junction of the bay and the open sea, and inhabit an environment with shelter and a depth of at least 20 meters, such as seaweed or rocks. Its taste is crisp and refreshing, the protein content is high, and the shell contains calcium carbonate, shell cutin, mucus and a small amount of sodium chloride, calcium phosphate, magnesium salt and so on.

The common way to eat cuttlefish

1. Cuttlefish roast meat: add spring onions, ginger and cooking wine to blanch water, cuttlefish young also add spring onions, ginger, cooking wine James water, hot pot cold oil, first wash James good pork blood foam drain, then into the oil pan low heat slowly fry, all noodles are fried golden brown, let cool, cut into pieces, stir-fry ginger slices at the bottom of the pan, add meat pieces, pour in soy sauce, stir-fry material wine and color, add appropriate amount of water to boil and simmer for 50 minutes, add cuttlefish to simmer. Oiled bean curd. Light soy sauce, sugar, add the right amount of salt according to the salty light, then simmer for a few minutes and you can come out of the pot.

two。 Cuttlefish keel soup: cut the keel into pieces, add onion and ginger cooking wine to scald and wash. Then remove the head and skin of the cuttlefish, put the keel of James in the pot, put the corn and cuttlefish, and start the soup-making process. Ten minutes before the end of the program, put in the salt and pumpkin, after the end of the program can be out of the pot.

That's all we have to say about cuttlefish. Friends who want to try this delicious dish can go to the seafood market to buy some of their own stew.