
What are the Qinghuo fruits?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Traditional Chinese medicine believes that when the human body is out of balance between yin and yang and the internal fire is exuberant, it will get angry. In addition to taking medicine for fire, it is also possible to eat some fruits that are under fire. What are the Qinghuo fruits? What are the fruits of Qinghuo? 1. According to the traditional Chinese medicine theory of watermelon, watermelon has the function of clearing away heat.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that when the human body is out of balance between yin and yang and the internal fire is exuberant, it will get angry. And fire in addition to taking medicine, eat some "under the fire" fruit is also possible. What are the Qinghuo fruits?

What are the fruits of Qinghuo?

1. watermelon

According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, watermelon has the functions of clearing heat and relieving heat, invigorating body and relieving thirst, diuresis and other functions. But watermelon belongs to cool food, eat too much easy to hurt the spleen and stomach, cause abdominal pain or diarrhea, belong to the right amount to eat.

two。 Grapefruit

Grapefruit is known as "canned natural fruit". It is very rich in protein. Grapefruit meat is also rich in vitamin c and insulin-like ingredients, which can reduce blood sugar and blood lipids. And traditional Chinese medicine believes that grapefruit flesh is cool, sweet and sour, has the effect of relieving cough and asthma, clearing heat and resolving phlegm, is a very good Qinghuo fruit.

3. Grape

Grapes can nourish the liver and kidney, clear eyes and reduce fire, and pass through the intestines and stomach. it is a fruit with good fire effect in the summer heat season.

4. Banana

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that bananas have the functions of clearing heat and relieving thirst, moistening the intestines, relieving bowels, reducing blood pressure and diuresis.

5. Dragon fruit

Dragon fruit has the function of clearing heat and detoxification, relieving intestinal fire and relieving defecation. Eating dragon fruit can also promote eye health, increase bone density, prevent anemia and fever, lower cholesterol and prevent black spots.

6. Mangosteen

Mangosteen has the effect of clearing heat and reducing fire, losing weight and moisturizing the skin. Thais call mangosteen and durian "husband-and-wife fruit", because when eating too much durian, it can be relieved by eating a few mangosteen.

7. Pear

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that pear has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, invigorating fluid and moistening dryness, clearing heart and reducing fire, and is known as "the king of Qinghuo fruit".