
Analysis of carrot price forecast in 2020: what are the prospects for growing carrots?

Published: 2024-07-25 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/25, Carrots are nutritious and can be eaten raw or cooked. They are a popular food in the market. Let's take a look at the price forecast of carrots in 2020. What are the prospects for growing carrots? I. Forecast and Analysis of Carrot Price in 2020

Carrots are nutritious and can be eaten raw or cooked. They are a popular food in the market. Let's take a look at the price forecast of carrots in 2020. What are the prospects for growing carrots?

I. Forecast and Analysis of Carrot Price in 2020

The price of carrots is expected to change little in 2020 and 2019, and there may be a small rise or fall. The price of carrots fluctuates between 1.6 yuan and 3 yuan in 2019, and prices are not expected to rise or fall much in 2020. Carrots usually mature in summer, autumn and winter, and the price of carrots may be on the high side in spring. On the one hand, due to the advent of the Spring Festival, the price of vegetables will generally rise to a certain extent, on the other hand, there is no output of carrots and insufficient supply in that season. After the carrots mature, the price will fall.

Price trend of carrots

What are the prospects for growing carrots?

Carrot is one of the traditional crops, which is easy to master and adaptable, and can be planted almost all over the country. in recent years, some excellent varieties have appeared, which have obviously improved the quality of carrots. It is a good raw material for deep processing of agricultural products. Both experienced enterprises and small and medium-sized growers can grow carrots.

Carrots are nutritious and rich in vitamins, which can remove phlegm, digestion, distension and asthma, as well as improve the ability of the body to prevent cancer and resist disease. it is a healthy, nutritious and delicious food. And carrots can not only be eaten directly, but also can be used as processed products, such as Fresh Carrot Juice, dehydrated carrots, canned carrots, etc., the market demand capacity is relatively large, the prospect of planting is still considerable.

Although the price of carrots in the market is not high, but loved by the majority of people, the acceptance of it is very high, whether large-scale planting or small-scale planting is OK.