
How much is the price of the black tiger per jin in 2019? What is the effect? Is there any prospect of planting?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The root of black tiger can be used as medicine, it can promote qi and blood circulation, reduce swelling and relieve pain, treat stomach disease, rheumatism and bone pain, fall and bruise pain, and is a common medicine in gynecology. How much is the price of the black tiger per jin in the market? What is the effect? Is there any prospect of planting? 1. 2019

Black tiger root can be used as medicinal, can promote qi circulation, swelling pain, stomach disease, rheumatism bone pain, bruise stasis pain, and for gynecological commonly used medicine. How much is the price of a black tiger in the market? What's the effect? Is there a planting prospect?

I. How much is the price of black tiger in 2019?

The market price of black tiger will vary according to variety and origin. For example, the price of deep red black tiger is relatively expensive. The general market price is 60-70 yuan per catty, the price of pink black tiger is 18-30 yuan per catty, and the market price of purple black tiger is 20-45 yuan per catty. Black Tiger market price for reference only, everything or according to the actual situation shall prevail,

2. What are the effects and functions of Black Tiger?

1. Edible: black tiger unique flavor, fruit nutritional value is high. It is rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, amino acids and a variety of trace elements, pulp like grapes, pulp, sweet fragrance, meat color such as litchi, milky white, fragrant, taste good, is a favorite wild fruit.

2. Medicinal: its root to leaf whole plant can be used as medicine, with clearing away heat and detoxification, expelling wind and activating collaterals, regulating qi and relieving pain, clearing liver and improving eyesight, tonifying kidney and consolidating essence, enriching blood and beautifying, etc. For chronic gastritis, ulcer disease, gastroenteritis, arthritis, traumatic swelling pain, dysmenorrhea, postpartum blood stasis, etc. have curative effect.

III. Does Black Tiger have a planting prospect?

Black tiger has a certain planting prospects, black tiger can be used as medicine, fruit can be taken directly, taste sweet, eat more to promote health. Black tiger can fight cancer, protect liver, is also commonly used gynecological medicine, female friends can eat more black tiger, can resist oxidation, delay skin aging, is the best beauty. The market value of black tiger is also relatively high, the price of one catty is twenty or thirty yuan, and the profit of planting is also considerable. Moreover, there are not many people planting black tigers at present, and the economic value of planting is relatively high.

Black tiger is a very high-quality traditional Chinese medicine, can promote health, can be eaten directly, planting prospects are very good.