
What is the alias of Radix Paeoniae Alba? Introduction of planting method and time is attached.

Published: 2024-07-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/20, Radix Paeoniae Alba is a common traditional Chinese medicine, which is mainly distributed in slopes, valleys and mountains in Sichuan, Xizang, Hunan and Guangxi. Next, let's take a look at the introduction of the alias of Radix Paeoniae Alba, planting method, planting time and so on. I. White

Radix Paeoniae Alba is a common traditional Chinese medicine, which is mainly distributed in slopes, valleys and mountains in Sichuan, Xizang, Hunan and Guangxi. Next, let's take a look at the introduction of the alias of Radix Paeoniae Alba, planting method, planting time and so on.

What is the alias of Paeonia lactiflora?

The name of Radix Paeoniae Alba is different in different places, such as Yunnan Province called it Qiansheng; Sichuan Province called it milk rattan; Yunnan Chuxiong called it Radix Paeoniae Alba; Kunming, Yunnan called Qingyang Ginseng, Qingyangshen; Yunnan Lijiang called Baiyao. In addition, the scientific name of Radix Paeoniae Alba is Qingyang ginseng.

In folk, Radix Paeoniae Alba is mainly used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic cold pain, lumbar muscle strain, limb convulsions, physical weakness, slow shock wind, dog bites and other diseases.

2. introduction of planting method and time of Radix Paeoniae Alba

1. Planting time of Radix Paeoniae Alba

The planting of Radix Paeoniae Alba is generally chosen to sow from September to November. Full and mature seeds of Radix Paeoniae Alba are collected in late August. If they are not sown in time, they should be mixed with moist yellow sand and placed in a cool and ventilated place. They can be sown in late September. It usually takes two or three years to plant the seedlings.

2. Planting methods of Radix Paeoniae Alba

(1) soil selection

The soil for planting Radix Paeoniae Alba requires strong fertility, good looseness and deep soil layer. in addition, a planting site with good light transmittance, good ventilation and strong drainage should be selected for deep ploughing. After deep ploughing, it is necessary to combine ploughing with stable manure or compost per mu to use 2500~4000kg as base fertilizer to rake the soil flat.

(2) planting density

If you plant Radix Paeoniae Alba, you should plant it densely and distinguish it according to the size of the bud head. The distance between plants is about like 50*30cm, put one or two bud heads in each hole, and put the buds up.

Because the height of the buds of Radix Paeoniae Alba is different, it is better to put the buds three to six centimeters above the ground. Covered with turf ash, applied a certain amount of human feces and urine, and then covered with a thin layer of fine soil piled into the shape of steamed bread to help it survive the winter. Wait until the first ten days of March next year, after the bud of peony sprouts flat ground, only need to retain about five centimeters of covered soil.

Generally speaking, four or five thousand seedlings can be planted on one mu of land.

The seedling transplanting method of seed propagation of Radix Paeoniae Alba is the same as above, it should be noted that when the seedlings of Radix Paeoniae Alba are not touched and Shanghai has reached the root.

(3) main points of fertilization.

Radix Paeoniae Alba in the case of adequate base fertilizer is generally not additional fertilization in the first year. But from the second year on, you have to top up three times a year. The three times of topdressing were from late March to early April to apply human manure; the second time was to apply human feces and urine in late April; and the third time was to apply ring fertilizer from October to November every year.