
How much is a jin of sweet potatoes in 2019? Will prices go up in 2020?

Published: 2024-07-09 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/09, Sweet potato has been one of people's staple grains since ancient times, and it is also an important raw material for food processing, starch and alcohol manufacturing industry. The status of sweet potato is relatively high, so how much is sweet potato per jin in 2019? Will prices go up in 2020? What is the price of sweet potatoes in 2019

Sweet potato has been one of people's staple grains since ancient times, and it is also an important raw material for food processing, starch and alcohol manufacturing industry. The status of sweet potato is relatively high, so how much is sweet potato per jin in 2019? Will prices go up in 2020?

First, how much is the price of sweet potatoes per jin in 2019?

The national price of sweet potato varies from 1.2 yuan to 4 yuan per jin recently, and the price will be different in different regions. For example, the price of Shunxing vegetable Wholesale Market of Xingtai City, Hebei Province, Shunxing vegetable Wholesale Market, Xianyang New Sunshine Wholesale Market, Shaanxi Province, and Xinjiang Haibao International Agricultural products Logistics Trade City is 3.8 yuan / jin. Hubei Baishazhou agricultural and sideline products market is 2 yuan / jin; Inner Mongolia Baotou Friendship vegetable Wholesale Market is 2 yuan / jin.

Will the price of sweet potatoes rise in 2020?

The yield of sweet potato is very high. At present, the yield of sweet potato per mu can reach 6000-8000 kg, and the high one can reach more than 10000 kg. From 2015 to 2017, the price of sweet potato will decline to a certain extent, and the price of good quality sweet potato will be slightly higher. But in 2019, prices are rising across the board, and the price of sweet potatoes has also risen to a certain extent. In addition, as the New year approaches, the price of sweet potatoes may rise to a certain extent again.

Third, what kind of sweet potato is better to plant?

1. Longshu 9, as the only precocious fresh food variety on the market at present, has made up for the market vacancy that the sweet potato in winter has been sold out and cannot be harvested next season, as long as the early harvest of Longshu 9 has been in a good market in recent years.

two。 Shangshu 19, as a starch sweet potato with a relatively large domestic planting area, many starch processing plants are happy to buy spring potato 19. It is suggested that spring potato commercial potato 19 must be mulched and planted early, and it is also a very good price to sell commercial potatoes around August. If the yield is more than 3000 jin, you can harvest it. After harvest, planting cabbage, cabbage and other vegetables can also play a role in changing stubble.

3. Sweet potato 25 is now large and medium-sized cities, roasted sweet potato chain is everywhere, sweet potato 25 with its excellent taste to detonate the baked potato market.

4. Xinxiang and Xushu 32, these two varieties have always made everyone feel good, the first choice for high-end gift sweet potatoes, as long as it is one or three, disease-free grooves, slender sweet potatoes are very popular.

5. Ji 25 and Ji 26, one starch sweet potato and one fresh processing and roasting sweet potato, the planting area has continued to expand in the past two years. The output is high, under the fine management, the potato type is beautiful, especially the hilly jishu 26 mouth feels great, as long as overcomes the black spot disease, does the good storage, sells before and after the Spring Festival, effectively solves the market supply and marketing tight problem, the price is very beautiful.

It is very good to grow sweet potatoes in 2020. If you don't know what to plant, you might as well try to grow sweet potatoes.