
The prices of these fruits went down in the second half of 2019! Ordinary people easily realize "fruit freedom"

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, In the first half of 2019, Fruit Freedom brushed the screen on various major networks, and people said that they could not realize Fruit Freedom. But the prices of these fruits went down in the second half of 2019! People can easily realize the freedom of fruit! Grape grapes will be on the market in large quantities in autumn

In the first half of 2019, "Fruit Freedom" brushed the screen on various networks, and people said one after another that they could not achieve "Fruit Freedom". But the prices of these fruits went down in the second half of 2019! Ordinary people can easily achieve "fruit freedom"!

1. Grapes

Grapes will be on the market in large quantities in autumn, and their prices have always been very good, and many fruit growers will grow grapes. But this year's grape market prices have also suffered a lot of decline. Compared with previous years, the price of grapes in previous years is basically more than 8 yuan per jin, but the price of grapes in the second half of 2019 is only half of that in previous years, about 4 yuan. And this price is likely to fall further, because there are relatively few grapes on the market in some areas, and many local grapes are not on the market.

2. Winter peach

Peaches have always been a popular fruit in the market. However, the market price of winter peach in 2019 is also on the low side. Because winter peach is an off-season fruit, it belongs to a very high price in the market in previous years, but in recent years, the number of farmers planting winter peach has increased, and the yield has increased, resulting in a low price of winter peach in 2019. Because of the large investment, many growers say that they have made serious losses. Market prices are largely affected by output, so it is inevitable that fruit prices fluctuate up and down. Growers need to pay more attention to the market situation, grasp market information as accurately as possible, predict market trends, and strive to reduce losses and strive for profits.

Third, winter jujube

Winter jujube will be loved by many people when it is on the market, and it can be sold at a higher price when it is listed every year. The price of winter jujube in 2019 has also been greatly reduced. In previous years, many retailers went to wholesale winter jujube, the price is generally around 5 yuan, the price of winter jujube in 2019 is only half the price of a few years ago. The price of the seller in the market is also about 6 yuan per jin, and the price of winter jujube is indeed much lower than in previous years. The price of winter jujube is on the low side this year, mainly due to the great increase in output.

4. Apple

In the first half of 2019, due to the influence of weather, output and other objective factors, Apple's price set a new market high in many areas, setting a record of more than 10 yuan per jin. With the arrival of autumn, a large number of fresh apples begin to appear on the market one after another, the market price of apple is constantly falling, and there are a large number of apple production in many non-apple producing areas. Apple prices can be said to be falling to rock bottom. There are many places where the price of apples is 2 yuan per jin, while the prices of well-known varieties such as Red Fuji are also about 12 yuan per jin, and the market price of apples has suffered a serious decline.

The prices of these fruits fell to a certain extent in the second half of 2019. If people who like to eat fruits can buy these fruits appropriately, they can achieve "fruit freedom".