
Will the price of potatoes rise in 2020? What are the planting prospects?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Potatoes have always been a common food in many people's daily lives, but since 2017, the market for potatoes has not been very good, and prices have been falling all the way. So will the price of potatoes rise in 2020? What are the planting prospects? First, the price of potatoes will be in 2020

Potatoes have always been a common food in many people's daily lives, but since 2017, the market for potatoes has not been very good, and prices have been falling all the way. So will the price of potatoes rise in 2020? What are the planting prospects?

Will the price of potatoes rise in 2020?

Although potatoes are very common in daily life and the price is not high, the yield of potatoes is very high and they are very resistant to storage. The supply and digestion of potatoes in 2019 is less than 20%, resulting in poor sales of potatoes in 2019.

Affected by the weather, there are fewer good quality potatoes in 2019. Relatively speaking, average quality potatoes have no competitive advantage, leading to a further decline in the price of potatoes. Although the price of potatoes is falling, the price is about 1.2 yuan per kilogram, but compared with other low-priced dishes, it is still a high price.

Because the sales of potatoes in 2019 are relatively small compared with previous years, and the inventory is relatively large, which will affect the price of potatoes in 2020. When a new crop of potatoes comes out in 2020, prices are likely to fall. But it should also be determined according to the actual situation of the market.

What are the prospects for growing potatoes in 2020?

Potato is the main processing material of pasta, which is praised as "the second bread of mankind". The survival rate of potato is high and the planting cost is low, so in many poor areas, potato is the main food crop. China has exported a large number of potatoes to poor countries, and the subsidy for growing potatoes has always been high. So the prospect of growing potatoes is very good.

And in the "guidance on promoting the Development of Potato Industry" issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, it is proposed to take potato (potato) as a staple grain to expand the planting area and promote industrial development. By 2020, the planting area of potatoes (potatoes) will be expanded to more than 100 million mu, the proportion of varieties suitable for staple food processing will reach 30%, and the consumption of staple food accounts for 30% of the total consumption of potatoes (potatoes).

Although the price of potatoes is not too high, the prospect of growing potatoes is very good. In addition to being sold as agricultural products, potatoes can also be processed into a variety of non-staple foods.