
What vegetables can be grown in winter? What should I pay attention to?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Winter weather is cold and dry, we should eat more vegetables to supplement water and vitamins. What vegetables can be grown in winter? What should I pay attention to? What vegetables can be grown in winter? 1, lettuce lettuce is lettuce vegetables, like cold

The climate is cold and dry in winter. We should eat more vegetables to replenish water and vitamins. So, what kind of vegetables can be grown in winter? What do you need to pay attention to?

What kind of vegetables can be grown in winter?

1. Lettuce

Lettuce is a kind of lettuce vegetable, which likes cold and cool environment, and it has the advantages of fast germination, strong adaptability, easy cultivation, short growth period, low temperature tolerance, and is very suitable for winter planting. Secondly, lettuce is rich in protein, fat, sugars and various vitamins. So it also has a good dietotherapy effect.

2. Spinach

Spinach is a hardy vegetable with strong cold tolerance, suitable for sandy soil or clayey soil growth, roots and leaves can be eaten, except in midsummer, can be planted all year round, can be cultivated everywhere, overwintering spinach tastes better.

3. Artemisia annua L.

Artemisia annua L. is a semi-cold-tolerant vegetable, which is suitable for growing in cold environment. It is cultivated in Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guangzhou, Hainan, Hebei, Hunan, Jilin, Shandong and Zhejiang. Artemisia annua has the special smell of Compositae plants and has the effect of invigorating stomach.

4. Chinese cabbage

Cabbage likes cold and humid weather, and warm weather is needed in the seedling period, but after the beginning of the heart, even if the frost is not afraid, it can adapt to the winter temperature. On the contrary, the severe cold makes the cabbage heart stronger and tastes more tender.

In addition to the above several leafy vegetables, there are rape, rape, fast vegetables, chicken feathers, amaranth, Wutan vegetables and other vegetables are also suitable for growing in winter.

5. Radish

White radish can be planted all the year round and belongs to semi-cold-tolerant vegetables. Seeds can germinate at 2 ℃-3 ℃. Autumn and winter is the main season of the year. Carrots like cold climates and relatively dry air conditions, and can be sown when the soil temperature is stable above 8 degrees.


6. Coriander

Parsley is shady and cold-tolerant, long-sunshine plant, suitable for cool and humid environmental conditions, poor growth in high temperature season, so it is very suitable for winter planting, followed by the role of eating coriander and stomach digestion, very suitable for winter planting and consumption.

7. Chives

Spring onion is a low-temperature and long-day crop, which is not resistant to heat. Its seeds can still germinate at 2 ℃-5 ℃. It has strong adaptability and is easy to cultivate. It has been planted all over the north and south of China.

8. Garlic

Garlic is a cold-tolerant and long-sunshine plant with a suitable temperature of minus 5 ℃-26 ℃. Garlic seedlings have the strongest cold tolerance at 4-5 leaf stage, can survive the winter, and have the function of sterilization and disinfection in our life.

9. Leek

Chives like cold climate, cold and heat resistance, strong adaptability, easy to cultivate, can be planted all over the country.

4. Broccoli and cauliflower

Is a low-temperature long-day crop, like cold and humid weather, not resistant to high temperature and drought, strong adaptability, easy to cultivate.

What do you need to grow vegetables in winter?

1. Pour antifreeze water well

According to soil moisture, combined with plant growth status, timely watering overwintering water to enhance the cold resistance of crops.

2 spraying foliar fertilizer to improve stress resistance

Foliar fertilizers such as "Da Tianyuan No. 1" and "Tianda 2116" were sprayed to improve the frost resistance and disease resistance of vegetables and ensure safe overwintering.

3. To prevent the strong wind from blowing the film

Windy weather in winter, if the plastic film cover is not tight, it is easy to be blown up by the strong wind, can not play the effect of increasing temperature and preserving soil moisture. Therefore, before the arrival of the severe winter, check the plastic film cover of the vegetable field and compact it with soil properly to avoid the strong wind blowing the plastic film.

4. Proper heat preservation

In winter, the application of corn, wheat and other crop straw, or mature cow dung and chicken manure in garlic and spinach fields can not only play a role in heat preservation, but also prevent the strong wind from blowing the film.

There are many varieties of vegetables suitable for growing in winter divided by the 9 varieties introduced above. You can choose the right varieties according to the local soil and climate conditions.