
What are the key points of planting techniques of Toona sinensis? In what month did you eat the specialty?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Toona sinensis is a kind of plant with special smell, which is generally common in rural areas and is rich in certain nutrients. With everyone's pursuit of these game, there is also Toona sinensis on the market, the price is not very expensive. Let's take a look at the main points of planting techniques of Toona sinensis.

Toona sinensis is a plant with a special smell, which is generally common in rural areas and rich in certain nutrients. With everyone's pursuit of these game, there are also Chinese toon sales on the market, the price is not very expensive. Let's take a look at the technical points of Chinese toon planting. What month is it special?

1. What are the key points of Chinese toon planting technology?

1. Seed selection and germination

Select the same year, full particles, red and yellow seeds, then germination treatment, in order to improve germination rate, promote the emergence of neat.

First, the seeds are soaked in warm water at about 40 DEG C for 5 - 8 minutes, continuously stirred during soaking, and then taken out and soaked in normal temperature water for one day. After the seeds absorb water, the seeds are taken out and excess water is removed.

Then spread the seeds on the mat, the thickness of the spread should not exceed 3cm, so as not to cause damage to the seeds caused by heat accumulation, cover them with towels after spreading, and then put them into the environment of 20~25℃ for germination. When germination, the seeds should be turned over from time to time, and washed with clean water at the same temperature as the germination environment. After controlling excess water, continue germination, and sow when one third of the seeds begin to sprout.

2. Sowing seedlings

Sandy soil with flat terrain, sufficient illumination, convenient irrigation and fertile and loose soil is selected as a seedbed, the soil is raked and leveled, some fertilizers are applied for planting and seedling emergence, the fertilizer is evenly spread and then deeply ploughed, the ditch is opened for sowing, the width of the ditch is 5 - 6cm, the depth of the ditch is 5cm, and the row spacing between the furrows is 1m. Sprinkle the germinated plants evenly, cover a layer of fine soil, control the temperature at 20~23℃, weed regularly, keep the soil moist and air humidity, germinate and sprout within a week, strengthen fertilizer and water management in seedling stage, and promote seedling growth.

When the seedlings grow out 4~6 true leaves, they should be thinned and fixed in time. When the plants grow to about 50cm, they should be dwarfed. 15% paclobutrazol 200~400 times solution can be sprayed once every 10~15 days for 2~3 times continuously to control excessive growth, promote dwarfing of seedlings and increase material accumulation. The number of branches could be increased when paclobutrazol treatment combined with topping.

3. Planting

As a good plant dwarfing treatment, you can carry out planting, planting to choose greenhouse cultivation, generally through greenhouse technology to create a greenhouse environment, planting first soil preparation fertilization, each mu needs decomposed organic fertilizer 5000kg, other fertilizers a number, spread evenly deep ploughing, and then the whole ridge planting seedlings, generally about 1 meter wide. After these preliminary preparations are made, planting can be carried out. When planting, roots and soil should be taken together, and attention should be paid not to cause root damage. The planting density is about 30,000 plants per mu, and the plant spacing is 15×15cm.

4. Management after planting

After planting, in order to make it grow fast and yield high, we must strengthen management, pay attention to temperature, light, fertilizer and water. The best growth temperature of Chinese toon is 20~25 ℃. It likes light but does not tolerate shade, but avoids strong light irradiation. Therefore, attention should be paid to the duration of illumination. Artificial supplementary light can be carried out on rainy days, and shading should be carried out in time when strong light is needed; Chinese toon likes humidity but avoids waterlogging, so it should be watered in time in case of drought, and drainage and waterlogging prevention measures should be taken in rainy season; intertillage and loosening should be carried out every year, and green manure can be interplanted between rows to increase soil fertility. As long as these tasks are done well, Toona sinensis will grow and sprout at an extremely fast rate.

5. Harvesting Chinese toon buds

Toona sinensis buds are purplish red, fragrant, when the Toona sinensis buds grow to 15~20 cm, and good coloring can begin to harvest. The first crop of Chinese toon buds should pick the terminal buds clustered on the sprouts. When picking, the buds should be slightly retained and the terminal buds should be picked, so that the remaining buds can continue to divide leaves. Harvesting should be done in the morning and evening. Toona sinensis buds can be picked once every 7~10 days in greenhouse, 4~5 times in total, and topdressing and watering should be applied after each bud picking.

2. What month does Toona eat?

March of the lunar calendar is the season of Chinese toon. The tender shoots of Chinese toon are crispy, sweet and nutritious. It can be called a rare vegetable on the table. Blanch with boiling water before eating. Boiling water can remove most of the nitrite in Chinese toon.