
What is the method of growing potted grapes? How to survive the winter safely?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Grape is a common fruit with many varieties, and now it can be eaten all the year round. Grapes taste sweet and have a lot of juice. in addition to fresh food, they can also be used to make wine, raisins and other food. The common way to grow grapes is in greenhouse.

Grape is a common fruit with many varieties, and now it can be eaten all the year round. Grapes taste sweet and have a lot of juice. in addition to fresh food, they can also be used to make wine, raisins and other food. The common way of planting grapes is greenhouse and open field cultivation, and now there are potted grapes in many places. What is the method of growing potted grapes? How to survive the winter safely?

What is the method of planting potted grapes?

1. Variety selection

The grape varieties available for pot cultivation are Jufeng, Jingya, Jingchao, Idou Jin, Heolin, Jingyu, Fenghuang 51, Tilawa, 8611, 8612, Zizhenxiang, American Heidi and so on.

2. Selection of containers

It can be used as a container for potted grapes, which generally has the characteristics of beauty, firmness, good drainage and ventilation. When choosing a container, the size of the container should be determined according to the size of the placement space of potted grapes and the size of the tree. The pots, baskets and grooves that can hold the matrix are all potted containers, and it is better to choose plastic flowerpots and earthen pots on the balcony; larger bonsai pots and grooves can be selected in larger spaces such as roofs or courtyards. At present, most of the potted grapes choose 30-40cm plastic flowerpots as planting containers.

3. Fertilization

The principle of fertilizer application for potted grapes is to apply less frequently. The pot seedlings that have not yet borne fruit generally start from the seedling height of about 20cm (that is, 6-7 leaves) and apply cake fertilizer and water once every 7-10 days until the end of September.

For the fruitful potted grapes, in order to meet the requirements of fruit development, it is best to apply them every 5 days, and then apply them according to potted seedlings after fruit harvest, and pay attention to watering immediately after each application of liquid fertilizer.

Potted grapes can also be foliar sprayed by spraying 0.1% Mel 0.3% urea solution 2-3 times in the early stage of potted grape growth, and 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution 3-4 times every 7-10 days starting from the fruit expansion period.

4. Watering

When watering, the water temperature had better be close to the basin soil temperature, and it is appropriate to water before 10:00 and after 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the water quality should be good, and the watering times should depend on the season. Generally, the temperature in early spring is low, and it can be watered every 2-3 days. With the increase of air temperature and evaporation, it can be watered once in 1-2 days. After the temperature gradually decreases in autumn, the watering times gradually become less, and the basin soil is moist.

Second, how can potted grapes survive the winter safely?

1. Shaping and pruning

Winter is a very slow stage for grape growth, and it is also a suitable stage for pruning grapes. Because the sap flow tends to stagnate at this time, less nutrients are lost in the wound, and there is little damage to the pruned plants. After reasonable shaping and pruning, the potted grapes are not only beautiful in shape, but also grow stronger.

2. Don't lose water

Although the grape plants are dormant in winter, for pot growers, watering management should not be relaxed, otherwise the root system will be damaged and the bud eyes will dry up once the water is lost, thus affecting the growth at the beginning of spring. The approximate watering interval here is once a week, so that the basin soil base can maintain a slight tide and meet the water demand of potted grapes.

3. Increase the application of base fertilizer

In order to ensure plant growth in the coming year, some fermented organic fertilizers, such as bean cakes, chicken dung, sesame sauce dregs, etc., can be combined and applied after winter. Note that the amount of fertilizer used should not be too large.

4. Control temperature

When the weather is frozen, the potted grape leaves have the ability to move it indoors, so that the plant can go into complete dormancy without sprouting in winter because of a short rise in temperature.