
What are the planting prospects of passion fruit in 2020? What are the planting techniques?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In recent years, passion fruit has become more and more popular. Many friends like sweet and delicious passion fruit, and some people use it to soak water or make sauces. So what is the prospect of passion fruit planting in 2020? What are the planting techniques? First, hundred incense in 2020

In recent years, passion fruit is more and more popular, there are many friends like the sweet and delicious passion fruit, there are people used to soak water to drink or do sauce. So what are the prospects for passion fruit cultivation in 2020? What are the planting techniques?

I. Prospect of passion fruit planting in 2020

1. Passion fruit has certain market potential

Passion fruit can not be planted in every province, only in the warm tropics, subtropics can be planted, like the cold north is not good for passion fruit, which makes passion fruit a specialty of the south.

Passion fruit market there is room for expansion, many people have not eaten or even heard of passion fruit, but people who have eaten will generally fall in love with the unique taste of passion fruit. In the future, with the expansion of market demand for passion fruit, the heat of passion fruit will continue to rise, so there is still a market for planting passion fruit.

2. Passion fruit growth cycle is short

Passion fruit planting can realize the fruit hanging in the same year of planting, and the planting benefit is very high. Can take advantage of the current passion fruit so good market cultivation passion fruit, so planting passion fruit is able to make money.

3. Passion fruit planting technology is constantly improving

In the future, the planting of passion fruit will be continuously optimized to realize large-scale planting and production of passion fruit. The planting technology will also be continuously improved, and the output of passion fruit will also be increased accordingly. Then, we calculate according to the price of 4 yuan/catty. The output of passion fruit just planted in the first year is about 2500 jin, and the output value per mu should reach 10000 yuan, and the profit is still considerable.

2. Passion fruit for environmental requirements

Generally speaking, passion fruit is suitable for growing between 20-30 degrees Celsius. If the annual average temperature is lower than 18 degrees Celsius, there will be some problems in the planting process, which will lead to difficult results for passion fruit. Passion fruit needs sufficient sunshine. Because passion fruit needs sufficient sunshine, it is recommended to plant passion fruit in sunny places.

III. High-yield management techniques for passion fruit planting period

1. Pre-colonization preparation

Generally, 3.5 m *4 m plant spacing is used for planting, and 50 plants can be planted on one mu of land. It is recommended to dig holes in advance, and put 10-20 jin of decomposed farm manure in the holes, and also add calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer, so that after planting can promote growth.

2. Select the right variety

At present, there are many varieties, which can be selected according to taste, appearance, market demand, etc. It should be noted that some varieties need artificial pollination. So choose carefully.

3. colonization process

Generally, planting begins in March. You can choose the purchased fruit seedlings, dig a 20 cm small hole in the planting hole, put the fruit seedlings in, fill the soil layer by layer, compact, and use the Sea Spirit root application type as the root fixing water. After planting, it is suggested to cover the tree tray with straw, which can improve the success probability of fruit seedlings.

4. fertilizer and water management

Passion fruit has a large demand for nitrogen and potassium elements. It is recommended to apply high-potassium compound fertilizer or water-soluble fertilizer before flowering or after flowering to improve flower quality. If compound fertilizer is applied, half a catty is generally appropriate for a tree. In the mature fruit stage, fruit strengthening fertilizer can be applied again, mainly with high potassium fertilizer. In winter fertilizer, organic fertilizer + compound fertilizer + medium trace element fertilizer is recommended.

5. bingchong prevention

Aphids, thrips and fruit flies are the main diseases and insect pests of passion fruit. Stem rot and virus diseases are common diseases. It is suggested that imidacloprid and chlorpyrifos can be used to control aphids, thrips, fruit flies can be trapped by all-catching fruit flies, virus diseases are mainly to eliminate aphids and other transmission vectors, and the control agents of stem rot include potassium permanganate, hymexiline, chloromycete·fine nail cream, etc.