
What's the nickname of moxa grass? What are the main points of planting methods?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Artemisia argyi is a kind of plant that can be used as medicine. It is often used to soak the feet, take a bath to ward off the cold and remove moisture. Indeed, moxa grass has the functions of dispelling cold, dehumidification, anti-inflammation, relieving cough and relieving asthma. Artemisia argyi not only has medicinal value, but also can be used

Artemisia argyi is a kind of plant that can be used as medicine. It is often used to soak the feet, take a bath to ward off the cold and remove moisture. Indeed, moxa grass has the functions of dispelling cold, dehumidification, anti-inflammation, relieving cough and relieving asthma. Moxa grass not only has medicinal value, but also can be used for fumigation to disinfect rooms, to be a natural dye, and as an excellent feed additive for livestock. Let's take a look at the alias of moxa grass. What are the main points of planting methods?

What's the nickname of moxa grass?

Moxa grass alias ice platform, curbing grass, incense, Qi Qi, Artemisia argyi, moxibustion grass, medicinal herbs, yellow grass, moxa, etc., is a kind of plant with strong aroma.

Artemisia argyi is mainly distributed in Asia and other countries, such as China, Russia, Japan and other regions. There is growth in our country except in the cold and extremely arid areas. The requirements for the growing environment are not very high, even in the wasteland, hillsides, roads are beside them.

Second, what are the main points of moxa planting methods?

1. Mode of reproduction

Generally, it can be propagated by rhizome ramet, which belongs to asexual reproduction, and can also be propagated with the seeds of Artemisia argyi. Rhizome ramets are usually propagated in November every year, while seeds are propagated in March, where the border is about 1.5 meters wide, which is high and low on both sides, so as to prevent water from gathering into pits and causing plant death. Choose rotten farm fertilizer as base fertilizer, the amount should be sufficient, mix well with the soil, watering, and the amount should also be sufficient.

2. Soil selection.

Artemisia argyi has a strong adaptability, all kinds of soil can grow. As long as there is sunshine and smooth drainage, of course, it is better to have moist and fertile soil.

3. Lighting requirements

The growth of moxa grass needs more sunlight, and the place with sufficient light and ventilation is the most suitable.

4. Control of planting density.

When the plant grows to about 5-10cm, it is planted in the relatively humid soil, the plant spacing is 25 cm, the row spacing is 30 cm, and 2-3 plants are planted in each hole. It is necessary to keep the soil moist in the process of transplanting so as to ensure its smooth growth.

5. Key points of field management

If the plant survives, the seedling fertilizer should be used when the plant grows to 30 cm. Urea can be used as the seedling fertilizer for spreading in cloudy and rainy days and foliar spraying on sunny days. Regular ploughing and weeding is carried out, mostly in mid-April. Moxa grass is generally harvested in June, and after harvest, the garden should be turned over and applied farm manure, barnyard manure, cake manure and so on as base fertilizer.

6. Main points of harvest of Artemisia argyi

Generally, the first harvest is carried out from May to June, and the stems and leaves should be separated on a sunny day. Dried and packed, stored or sold. The second crop is usually chosen on a sunny day in mid-to-late July. The third crop is collected before and after frosting, and the field needs to be managed in winter after harvest.