
How to drink tangerine peel soaking water? What are the effects and effects?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Tangerine peel is the dry and mature peel of citrus plants, which has the effect of invigorating spleen, drying dampness and resolving phlegm, so the elders of the family like to collect tangerine peel to drink, so how to drink tangerine peel? What are the effects and effects? 1. Tea drinking practices of tangerine peel 1. Fat reduction

Tangerine peel is the dry and mature peel of citrus plants, which has the effect of invigorating spleen, drying dampness and resolving phlegm, so the elders of the family like to collect tangerine peel to drink, so how to drink tangerine peel? What are the effects and effects?

I. the tea drinking practice of tangerine peel

1. Fat-lowering tea: five coins of tangerine peel, three coins of Hawthorn, one coin of licorice, two coins of Salvia miltiorrhiza, boil with 1500 milliliters, boil over low heat for another 20 minutes, and filter. It has the effect of reducing cholesterol and blood fat, and is suitable for hyperlipidemic patients with strong physique. It is not suitable for people with frequent diarrhea or peptic ulcer.

2. Malt tea: five coins from malt, three coins from millet, three coins from tangerine peel, two coins from Shenqu, one coin from licorice or a little rock sugar, boil with 1000 milliliters, boil over low heat for another 15 minutes, and filter. It has the effect of appetizing and invigorating the spleen and promoting digestion.

Second, the method of taking tangerine peel

1. Wash the tangerine peel and store it with the tea, and brew it with the tea when you need to take it, which can not only make the tea taste more fragrant, but also greatly improve the refreshing effect.

2. After drying the tangerine peel and soaking it with liquor, it can be taken in about three weeks, which has a good effect of clearing lungs and resolving phlegm. And the longer the tangerine peel wine is soaked, not only the efficacy can be increased, but also the wine will become more and more delicious.

3, in the daily porridge, you can also add a few pieces of tangerine peel according to the specific situation, which can make the porridge taste more fragrant and refreshing, but also has the effect of invigorating the spleen and appetizer.

4. When burning meat, you can also put a small amount of tangerine peel, which not only tastes more delicious, but also has the effect of relieving grease.

Third, the efficacy of tangerine peel in soaking water.

1, the treatment of stomachache: many people have stomachache due to the unscientific work and rest of life. At this time, tangerine peel can be used to relieve the discomfort of the body. Boil tangerine peel and ginger in water, then add a small amount of brown sugar and stir well before taking.

2. Expectorant and cough relieving: tangerine peel is a common traditional Chinese medicine in our daily life. It has good ventilation, spleen-strengthening, anti-greasy, expectorant and antiemetic effects. If there is a cough and sputum, loss of appetite or indigestion and other stomach diseases, will drink the right amount of tangerine peel bubble water can promote the recovery of the body.

3. Chronic gastritis: grind dried tangerine peel into powder, then add a small amount of sugar, and then take it on an empty stomach with lukewarm water.

4. Cure bronchitis: brew tangerine peel and garlic with boiling water, and then take them instead of tea.

5. Loss of appetite: brew dried tangerine peel and red jujube with boiling water and cover it for ten minutes. It is recommended to take more before eating every day, which can not only increase appetite. At the same time, the treatment effect for indigestion is also very good.

6. Cold and cough: if the body has a cold and is accompanied by a cough, you can put the fresh tangerine peel in a pan and cook it in water, and then add a small amount of sugar to take, which can not only help the body sweat, but also quickly restore the body to health.

7. Beauty and beauty: orange peel contains a lot of vitamin C and essential oil which are good for health. After drying the orange peel and taking it in water with tea, it can only refresh and ventilate, and make the smell more fragrant. After taking tangerine peel, you can get rid of the toxins in the body, which can better promote the coordination of circulation in the body, the skin will get better and better, and people will become more and more beautiful.

Fourth, the taboo of tangerine peel soaking in water

1, too much stomach acid can not take tangerine peel water: the main effect of tangerine peel is to strengthen the spleen, regulate qi and resolve phlegm to relieve cough. the main symptoms are stomachache or indigestion. Tangerine peel has a certain dryness and dampness effect, if it is some patients with stomach fire, qi deficiency or dry cough, it is best not to take too much to avoid more serious illness of the body. Healthy people can take it once a week and don't overdose it.

2. It is forbidden to take tangerine peel water during medication: tangerine peel has a certain effect on drug enzymes, so patients who are taking medicine had better consult their doctor in advance if they need very peel blister water to drink. Avoid affecting the efficacy or adverse effects on the body.

3. Pregnant women should pay attention to tangerine peel water: tangerine peel has a good appetizer and the effect of resolving phlegm and dryness, so it has a good effect on some patients who cough more phlegm, nausea, abdominal distension or loss of appetite. If the constitution of pregnant women belongs to the situation of qi deficiency and dryness or Yin deficiency dry cough, while the body is accompanied by real heat and hematemesis, it is suggested that pregnant women must do a good job of avoiding certain foods to avoid bad effects on themselves and the fetus.