
What are the methods of fertilizing flowers and trees and matters needing attention?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, In the process of planting flowers and trees, fertilizers are generally used in order to make flowers and trees grow better, flourish and bloom more. However, different types of flowers and trees, different growth periods of fertilization methods and key points are different, but also need to pay attention to some matters. Below

In the process of planting flowers and trees, fertilizers are generally used in order to make flowers and trees grow better, flourish and bloom more. However, different types of flowers and trees, different growth periods of fertilization methods and key points are different, but also need to pay attention to some matters. Let's take a look at the fertilizer methods and precautions for flowers and trees.

I. methods of fertilizing flowers and trees

1. Urea and ammonium sulfate

Urea and ammonium sulfate are quick-acting nitrogen fertilizers with high fertility and quick effect, but the effective period is not long. Urea is partial to alkali and is suitable for flowers in the north.

Ammonium sulfate into the soil into acid, suitable for southern flowers, it is best to add water 1000-1500 times dilution, and then watering, do not sprinkle in the basin, otherwise the flowers and trees will be "burned" due to excessive application.

2. Potassium dihydrogen phosphate

Potassium dihydrogen phosphate is an advanced available phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, odorless and tasteless, with remarkable fertilizer effect on chrysanthemum, rose, dahlia, kumquat and other ornamental flowers.

When applied, it should be diluted in 500-1000 times water.

Flower fertilization: four common flower fertilization methods to make your flowers delicate and beautiful.

3. Calcium superphosphate

Urea and ammonium sulfate are a kind of quick-acting phosphate fertilizer with slightly acidic reaction and soft fertility. When used, they can be mixed with cultivated soil according to 1RV 100, or sprinkled into flower beds and flower beds before planting and used as base fertilizer after ploughing.

When topdressing, add water 30-100 times, soak for one day and night, then take the clear liquid above to irrigate.

4. Boron borate

Boron borate has a significant effect on promoting flower bud differentiation, gestating flower buds and preventing fruit drop. 2000-2500 times boric acid diluent can be sprayed to the flower plant several times before and after budding.

5. Ferrous sulfate

When ferrous sulfate is used to cultivate flowers in southern acid soil in the north, the leaves often turn yellow and fall off. In order to prevent leaf yellowing, ferrous sulfate solution diluted 500 times can be irrigated regularly every 15-20 days.

II. Matters needing attention in fertilizing flowers and trees

1. Fertilize according to the purpose

Fertilization should not be applied blindly, but should be analyzed and summarized scientifically and systematically. If you want to obtain rich mineral nutrition, we should concentrate on layered fertilization, close to the root system, the combination of slow-acting and quick-acting fertilizer, the combination of organic fertilizer and mineral fertilizer, and the combination of base fertilizer and topdressing fertilizer. In order to improve the soil, lime can be used to improve acid soil, sulfur can be used to improve alkaline soil, and so on. In this way, targeted fertilization is like prescribing the right medicine and getting twice the result with half the effort.

2. Look at the trees and apply fertilizer

The nutrient elements needed by trees are different in different growth periods, and nitrogen fertilizer is needed throughout the growth period, but the amount of nitrogen fertilizer needed is different, which will gradually increase with the growth of new shoots and decrease with the end of new shoot growth. At this time, more phosphate fertilizer is applied, which is conducive to the accumulation of nutrients in plants and promote buds to differentiate rapidly into flower buds. Although various nutrients are urgently needed during the flowering, fruit setting and fruit development of trees, potash fertilizer is particularly important at this time, which can strengthen plant growth and promote flower bud differentiation. In the later stage of tree growth, there is generally little need for nitrogen and water, so watering and fertilization should be controlled.