
How much is the price of potatoes per jin in 2020? Additional fertilization method

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Potato is what we call potato, which can be used as both a vegetable and a staple food. Potatoes are rich in starch and taste soft and crisp, and different varieties have different tastes. Potatoes are grown all over the world. Let's take a look.

Potato is what we call potato, which can be used as both a vegetable and a staple food. Potatoes are rich in starch and taste soft and crisp, and different varieties have different tastes. Potatoes are grown all over the world. Let's take a look at how much potatoes cost per jin in 2020. The method of fertilization is attached.

How much is the price of potatoes per jin in 2020?

The price of potatoes in January 2020 is about 1-2 yuan per jin, which varies from place to place. According to the relevant website, we can learn that the recent price changes of potatoes are as follows:

The price of potato in Ganlu Temple vegetable Wholesale Market in Changde, Hunan Province is 1.4 yuan per jin, while that in Jishou vegetable and Fruit Wholesale Market in Hunan Province is 1.3 yuan per jin.

The price of potatoes in Beijing Dayang Road Agricultural and sideline products Wholesale Market is 1.3 yuan per jin.

The price of potato in Xinfadi Agricultural products Wholesale Market in Fengtai District, Beijing is 1.1 yuan per jin.

The price of potato in Jingxi Fruit and vegetable Wholesale Market is 1.5 yuan per jin in Huailai County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province.

The price of potato in Bayannur Sijiqing Agricultural products Wholesale Market is 1 yuan per jin.

II. Fertilization methods for potatoes

The fertilization of potato is mainly organic fertilizer, proper application of chlorine, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, at the same time, the application of trace element fertilizer can also increase yield and improve quality. Potato is a potassium-loving crop. The effect of potassium fertilizer on yield increase is obvious, and the effect of potassium sulfate is better.

1. The amount of fertilizer applied: 300kg / mu of organic fertilizer, 6kg / mu of pure nitrogen, 4.5 ~ 5.5 kg of diphosphorus pentanitride and 8kg / mu of potassium oxide.

2. Fertilization period: nitrogen fertilizer should be applied by stages, and the combination of base fertilizer, seed fertilizer and topdressing fertilizer should be used to meet the nitrogen requirements of potato in each period. Phosphate fertilizer is generally used as base fertilizer or seed fertilizer, if it is used as topdressing, it should be applied deeply, but its fertilizer effect is still not high. The application period of potash fertilizer can be used as base fertilizer or seed fertilizer, or foliar topdressing in the later stage.

3. Fertilization method: the base fertilizer should be mixed with 300kg / 500kg organic fertilizer and 15kg / 20kg compound fertilizer. The specific method is: first, autumn application, that is, before autumn ploughing, organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer are scattered on the surface, and then ploughing and raking, so that fertilizer and soil are fully mixed. The second is spring application, that is, sprinkling it on the surface before spring ploughing, and then ploughing and raking. The third is to apply seed fertilizer and apply it in the sowing ditch when sowing.

Topdressing should be applied reasonably in combination with the growing period of potatoes. The time can be selected in the seedling stage, bud stage and early stage, each topdressing should choose different fertilizers, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium combined application. Generally, nitrogen fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer can be applied at seedling stage and bud stage, with ammonium sulfate 25 kg, diammonium phosphate 20 kg and potassium sulfate 20 kg per mu. Phosphorus and potassium fertilizer were applied at bud stage and early flowering stage, 10 kg diammonium phosphate and 15 kg potassium sulfate were used. Nitrogen fertilizer should never be used again after the early flowering stage, so as not to cause excessive growth of stems and leaves and affect the transport of nutrients to tubers.