
When do sweet potatoes usually be harvested? How to use potash fertilizer?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Sweet potato is a kind of crop with high yield and easy to grow. It has strong adaptability and is widely planted in the north and south of the country. When do you usually harvest that kind of sweet potato? How to use potash fertilizer? First, when do sweet potatoes usually be harvested? Sweet potato is divided into spring sweet potato and spring sweet potato.

Sweet potato is a kind of crop with high yield and easy to grow. It has strong adaptability and is widely planted in the north and south of the country. When do those sweet potatoes usually be harvested? How to use potash fertilizer?

First, when do sweet potatoes usually be harvested?

Sweet potato is divided into spring sweet potato and summer sweet potato, usually called early sweet potato and late sweet potato. The planting time of spring sweet potato is usually around April 15 to "May Day" International Labour Day. The planting time of summer sweet potato is generally in the middle of June, and the seedlings of summer sweet potato are cut directly from the seedlings of spring sweet potato for cutting. The growth time of spring sweet potato can reach 160 to 200 days, in the appropriate harvest, the later the harvest, the higher the yield, the longer the growth time of sweet potato, the more starch in the sweet potato, the need to make starch, vermicelli and other processing enterprises are most welcome. The growth period of summer sweet potato is relatively short, usually about 110 to 120 days. From planting seedlings to rosette stage, spring sweet potato is the period of rapid root growth, which is mainly rooting, underground, root growth is fast, shoot growth is slow, generally after about two months, before entering the aboveground growth stage. The late sweet potato goes through about a month and a half.

Second, how to use potash fertilizer to grow sweet potatoes?

1. In the application of base fertilizer, we must do a good job in the use of potash in base fertilizer, such as adding plant ash to organic fertilizer, according to the amount of 100kg to 150kg per mu. Of course, you can also eat farm organic fertilizer with more potassium content, which is expected to be between 4000kg and 5000 kg. If you are using plant ash, you must be careful not to use it with acid fertilizer, so as to avoid acid-base neutralization and loss of fertilizer effect. In addition, sweet potatoes are still chlorine-free crops, so it is best not to use potassium chloride, but to use potassium sulfate.

2. When cutting sweet potato vines, you can mix the potassium solution with potassium sulfate and water to soak the sweet potato vines for about an hour, so that the survival rate can be improved when cutting. The proportion of potassium solution is 1 kg of potassium sulfate and 50 kg of water.

3. After 30-40 days after the sweet potato seedlings have been planted, you can start the first topdressing. The hole application was carried out according to the standard of 10 kg potassium sulfate per mu. When sweet potato vines grow to 100 cm, plant ash can be used as topdressing, because plant ash is also a kind of farm fertilizer with very high potassium content. The standard is 40 to 60 kilograms per mu. When the sweet potato is about to mature, that is, about 50 days before harvest, foliar fertilizer can be used. 1% potassium sulfate solution or 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution is sprayed on the sweet potato leaf surface, usually 2 times in a row. The interval is about a week. In this way, the yield of sweet potato can be significantly increased.