
Where is the grapefruit tree suitable for planting? What are the key points of cultivation techniques?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Grapefruit, also known as Wendan, incense, Zhu Zi, Nei Zi, etc., is a kind of fruit with thick skin, big meat, sour and sweet taste, with a wide variety, which is more common in the south of the Yangtze River in China. Where is the grapefruit tree suitable for planting? What are the key points of cultivation techniques? 1. Grapefruit

Grapefruit, also known as Wendan, incense, Zhu Zi, Nei Zi, etc., is a kind of fruit with thick skin, big meat, sour and sweet taste, with a wide variety, which is more common in the south of the Yangtze River in China. Where is the grapefruit tree suitable for planting? What are the key points of cultivation techniques?

Where is the grapefruit tree suitable for planting?

1. Climatic conditions. The annual average temperature of the place of origin is 17.5 ℃, the extreme high temperature is 40.5 ℃, the extreme minimum temperature is-9.2 ℃, the frost-free period takes 238 days, the annual precipitation is 1725.3 mm, and the annual sunshine is 1898.6 hours. The low temperature tolerance of grapefruit is better than that of sweet orange, orange and Wenzhou mandarin.

2. Topography and topography. Grapefruit on the terrain requirements are not strict, plains, beaches, hills, low mountains, less than 500 meters above sea level, slope not more than 25 degrees of the mountains can be planted.

3. Grapefruit is not strict to the soil, and the suitable pH value of soil is 5.5-6.5. Alluvial soil, red-yellow soil, purple sand soil, vegetable garden soil, as long as the soil layer is deep, good drainage, can be planted. Sandy loam is the best soil.

Second, what are the key points of grapefruit cultivation techniques?

1. Choose a place to build a garden

The pomelo tree has a strong ability to adapt to the soil, there is no hard soil requirements, can grow normally, but want to obtain high-quality, high-yield fruit. Try to build the orchard on the sandy soil with fertile soil, deep and loose soil, strong permeability and drainage. When building the orchard, it is necessary to reasonably plan the orchard layout, determine the orchard area, reasonably distribute the planting density, and set up a series of preparations, such as roads, drainage and irrigation facilities, so as to facilitate the later management. Try to build orchards in places with adequate transportation, communications and water sources, so as to facilitate later transportation.

2. Selection and planting

After the establishment of orchard land, choosing a good variety is the key to planting high yield, to choose disease-free and harmless, strong growth, strong growth seedlings. In the process of transportation, attention should be paid to the mechanical damage to the seedlings, which affects the quality and growth of the seedlings. After the grapefruit tree is mature, the tree body is larger, so the planting pit should be dug big, the depth and width should be about 80cm and 100cm, and the soil should be pressed layer by layer with organic fertilizer when planting. After planting, the fixed root water will be fully applied, and then covered with forage to preserve water and moisture.

3. Young tree management

After planting, the management of young trees is very important, the fertilization of young trees should be mainly more and less, and quick-acting fertilizer should be applied at least twice a month. And some vegetable crops can be planted between the rows of fruit trees, which can not only loosen the soil, but also be turned into the soil as fertilizer after maturity. Properly cut off the long branches and use the methods of wiping buds and controlling shoots to improve the permeability of the orchard crown and promote the photosynthesis of fruit trees. Then the trees were properly ring-cut according to the growth of the fruit trees in the later stage.

4. Fertilization management

The fertilization of grapefruit is mainly based on farm manure, and a lot of nutrition is needed in the process of grapefruit growth, so it is necessary to ensure sufficient nutrition for the growth of grapefruit in the process of planting. Chemical fertilizers, especially chlorine-containing fertilizers, should not be used when pomelo trees bloom and bear fruit. The trees that bear fruit for the first time should be fertilized at least three times, the first time after harvest, then the second time when they sprout in the spring of the following year, and the last time when the fruit is strong. It is mainly based on farm manure, and the later topdressing work depends on the growth of fruit trees and soil fertility.