
What are the common varieties of bamboo? Attached planting technique

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Bamboo is a common plant, which is very common in daily life. There are bamboo in many parks and scenic spots. So what are the common varieties of bamboo? What are the planting techniques? Let's take a look. What are the common varieties of bamboo? 1. Single bamboo

Bamboo is a common plant, which is very common in daily life. There are bamboo in many parks and scenic spots. So what are the common varieties of bamboo? What are the planting techniques? Let's take a look.

What are the common varieties of bamboo?

1. Single bamboo

The so-called single bamboo is the longest high-quality bamboo in the genus, with fine bamboo quality and strong fiber toughness, which can be woven into fine bamboo weaving handicrafts like silk and silk. This kind of bamboo grows in the shady mountains with fertile soil and is the best material for bamboo weaving.

2. Four Seasons Bamboo

This is a variety of bamboo introduced in recent years. Four Seasons Bamboo belongs to tufted bamboo, which is famous for its bamboo shoots. The biggest characteristic of four seasons bamboo is that the culm is thick, tall and straight, each one weighs dozens of jin, and its fiber is delicate, propagates and grows very fast, so it is a good material for papermaking and has great economic value.

3. Spotted bamboo

Spotted bamboo, also known as Xiangfei bamboo, is a scattered type of bamboo with tall, straight stalks and brown spots on the surface of the bamboo surface, which is said to have been formed by tears spilled on it by Yao Emperor's two daughters and husbands, hence the name "spotted bamboo". This kind of bamboo is mostly used in building materials, and it can also be used to weave bamboo strips. For example, the ancient rope for pulling boats is made of this kind of bamboo strips. It is characterized by easy erosion of water, light weight and strong pulling force.

4. Bamboo

Phyllostachys pubescens, also known as Phyllostachys pubescens, is a typical representative of scattered bamboo with tall, straight and hard culms. Bamboo is about 20 centimeters in diameter and is a good material for architecture. Bamboo shoots can also be made into delicious dishes, called "Yunan slices". Bamboo is mainly planted in Zhongyan Temple, Deyun Temple and other places, and is rich in Changning, Sichuan, Chishui, Guizhou, Jiangxi, Zhejiang and other places.

Second, the planting technology of bamboo

1. Potted soil. Bamboo prefers acidic or neutral soil, which can be planted with fertile and loose sandy soil, or farmland soil mixed with humus soil and fine sand to increase soil permeability. Bamboo is a plant with shallow roots, which can be planted in flowerpots with shallow mouth, and then matched with some moss and strange stones, which can improve the ornamental value of bamboo and appear fresh and elegant.

2. Watering. Although bamboo likes the wet environment, it also avoids waterlogging. Bamboo needs to be watered when it is just transplanted, and it should be watered less at ordinary times so as not to cause rotting roots.

3. Fertilization. When potted bamboo is planted, organic fertilizer should be mixed into the potted soil, and after normal growth, proper topdressing can be applied with 0.5% urea.

Bamboo is tenacious and easy to grow, and it also has the meaning of tenacity and perseverance, so many people like to grow bamboo at home.