
What's the nickname of kidney bean? What are the points for attention in planting?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Kidney bean is a common legume vegetable, its young pods or seeds can be used as vegetables, can also be processed into canned or directly pickled, frozen, dried food. Kidney beans are native to Mexico and Argentina in the Americas, and are now grown in many countries.

Kidney beans are a common legume vegetable. Their tender pods or seeds can be used as vegetables, canned, pickled, frozen or dried. Kidney beans originated from Mexico and Argentina in the Americas, and are now cultivated in many countries. They have strong adaptability to the environment and like short sunshine. Let's take a look at the nickname of kidney beans. What are the planting precautions?

What is the name of the game?

Kidney beans are also called kidney beans, kidney beans, concanavalin beans, lentils, jade beans, beans, rich in nutritional value, vitamins, protein, fat, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin C and so on. Kidney beans are a good calcium supplement food, twice as much as soybeans. In addition, kidney beans are also rich in a certain amount of dietary fiber, which can promote intestinal motility.

Kidney beans are a high potassium, low sodium, high magnesium food, especially suitable for heart disease, hyperlipidemia and other symptoms of people eating.

It is worth noting that although kidney beans have high nutritional value, their daughter Liman has a toxic protein that needs to be destroyed in a relatively high temperature environment. Therefore, when we cook kidney beans, we must cook them thoroughly, so as to eliminate the toxicity of kidney beans and make better use of their nutrients. If it is not cooked and thoroughly cooked, it will cause poisoning.

2. What are the precautions for kidney bean cultivation?

1, planting soil requirements

There are no most soil requirements for growing kidney beans. However, if you want to plant kidney beans as cash crops, you should choose places with loose soil, deep soil layer, good drainage and strong air permeability, so that the yield of kidney beans will be higher.

2. Lighting requirements

Kidney beans are short-day plants, although inseparable from light, but also to control the light, so that kidney beans planted better. If the light is insufficient, it will cause kidney beans to fail to bloom and fail to bear pods. Or the phenomenon of delayed pod bearing after flowering, branches and leaves will also grow excessively, which will have a great impact on the yield and quality of kidney beans.

3. Temperature requirements

Kidney beans are plants that like to grow in warm places. If the temperature is too high or too low, they will get sunburn or freeze damage. Especially in frosty weather, kidney bean death rate is very high. The optimum temperature for kidney beans is between twenty and twenty-five degrees Celsius. Too high temperature or too low temperature will cause kidney beans difficult to pollinate and bear fruit.

4. Moisture requirements

Kidney beans in different growth periods for water requirements are different, after flowering and pod, water requirements to be larger, so watering to keep up, otherwise water shortage will lead to slow plant growth, yellow leaves and other phenomena. However, do not water too much at one time, so as not to cause water rot.