
What is the nickname of traditional Chinese medicine bone skin? What are the key points of planting techniques?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Ground bone bark is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine with antipyretic, blood-cooling, lung-clearing and fire-lowering effect. in fact, it is the root bark of Chinese wolfberry after drying, which is common on hillsides, hills, wastelands, roads or sunny places near trees. What's the nickname of traditional Chinese medicine Di Gui Pi? What are the main points of planting techniques?

Ground bone bark is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine with antipyretic, blood-cooling, lung-clearing and fire-lowering effect. in fact, it is the root bark of Chinese wolfberry after drying, which is common on hillsides, hills, wastelands, roads or sunny places near trees. What's the nickname of traditional Chinese medicine Di Gui Pi? What are the key points of planting techniques?

First, what is the nickname of traditional Chinese medicine bone skin?

The nickname of traditional Chinese medicine bark is wolfberry bark, which is generally dug up in early spring or autumn, peel off its root skin, remove impurities and wood core, and then wash it clean and dry it in the sun or at a low temperature. The ground bone bark is mainly distributed in Northeast China, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, southern Gansu and the provinces and regions of southwest, central, South and East China. There is wild growth in Japan, Korea, Europe and other places. The bark contains cinnamic acid and a large amount of phenols, betaine, codone A, lycium A, lycium B, β-sitosterol, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, 31 acid and so on.

Second, what are the key points of bone bark planting techniques?

1. Soil requirements

The demand for soil is not very high, fertilizer resistance, drought tolerance, salt tolerance but afraid of stagnant water, so it is more appropriate to choose good drainage, fertile neutral or slightly acidic light loam. The salt content of saline-alkali soil should not exceed 0.2%, such as strong alkaline, clay loam, rice and swamp areas can not be planted.

2. Methods of reproduction

The common propagation methods of ground bone bark are seed propagation and cuttage propagation. If the seeds are propagated, you can choose the ground bone bark with good varieties. So how to judge? For example, ripe fruits with large picking, bright colors and no diseases and insect pests are relatively good. After picking in summer, soak it in warm water, rub it, wash it, dry it and set aside.

Mix well with moist sand when sowing, put it in a greenhouse to accelerate germination, wait until 30% seeds are white or soak in clean water all night before sowing. It is possible to choose the sowing time of spring, summer and autumn.

When cuttings are propagated, excellent mother plants should be selected, Lignified annual branches should be collected, cut into cuttings of about 20 centimeters, and bundled into a small bundle and soaked in a basin for two or three hours before cutting.

3. Key points of management

Weeds are weeded once a month from May to July, and young trees are pruned. It is also necessary to build adult trees after five or six years of plastic cultivation, pruning withered branches, cross branches and root sprouting branches every spring. In autumn, comprehensive pruning should be carried out, and then good fruiting branches should be selected.

4. Key points of pest control

The common diseases and insect pests of ground bone bark are black fruit disease and Chinese wolfberry fruit fly, which should be prevented in advance, so as to reduce the damage of diseases and insect pests and affect the yield and quality of ground bone bark.