
When will Chinese food be sown? Detailed explanation of planting technology is attached!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Han cuisine, also known as amaranth, is one of the most popular green leafy vegetables in summer because of its strong resistance, easy growth, heat, drought and humidity tolerance, less diseases and insect pests and high nutritional value. So, when will Chinese food be sown? Detailed explanation of planting technology is attached! 1. Chinese cuisine

Han cuisine, also known as amaranth, is one of the most popular green leafy vegetables in summer because of its strong resistance, easy growth, heat, drought and humidity tolerance, less diseases and insect pests and high nutritional value. So, when will Chinese food be sown? Detailed explanation of planting technology is attached!

When will Chinese food be sown?

The best sowing time of Chinese cuisine is February-May, February-March is generally planted in greenhouse or small arch shed, April-May can be interplanted with eggplant, beans, melons, can also be mixed with other leafy vegetables. In a few areas, seeds can also be sown in early autumn in late September. The suitable temperature for growth is 23-27 ℃, the growth is slow below 20 ℃, the temperature is too high, and the degree of stem fibrosis is high. When the temperature is below 10 ℃, it is difficult for seeds to germinate. It is a kind of crop with high temperature and short day, which is easy to blossom and seed under the condition of high temperature and short day.

II. Detailed explanation of planting techniques of Chinese cuisine

1. Land selection and preparation

Amaranth has strong adaptability to soil, clay or sandy soil with flat terrain and convenient drainage and irrigation can be selected, and alkaline soil is the most suitable. Planting under the condition of sufficient water and fertile soil is more beneficial to improve yield and quality.

Apply base fertilizer before soil preparation, apply rotten organic fertilizer 2000kg per mu, turn deeply after fertilization, make a border after turning, and make a ridge with soil, the height of the border is 10cm, the width of the border is 1m, and the length of the border is determined according to the plot. After making the bed, the bottom fertilizer should be applied once, and the compound fertilizer with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content of 15:15:15, 50kg per mu. Spread evenly to avoid excessive local fertilization and seed burning. Scrape the soil with a rake and mix the soil with fertilizer evenly. Because the seeds of amaranth are small, the soil is fine when raking, which is conducive to seedling emergence.

2. Sowing seeds

Because the seeds of amaranth are small and only 4 times the size of sesame seeds, it is not easy to spread evenly. In the process of long-term sowing, a practical sowing method is summarized, in which fine sand and seeds are mixed evenly according to the proportion of 1:5 before sowing, and then sow directly on the ground. The amount of pure amaranth seeds per mu is about 0.6kg, rake the border surface with a rake after sowing, so that the amaranth seeds are covered with a layer of soil, and then step on the border surface to prevent the seeds from being washed away during watering, resulting in uneven germination.

3. Watering

When watering, spray water should be sprayed to prevent the border surface from rushing out of the pit, where there are no seeds, to prevent excessive water from washing away the seeds. Sowing amaranth in spring, due to less precipitation, dry air and large surface evaporation after watering, it is easy to make the soil surface hard and dry. Amaranth seeds can not break the topsoil layer and do not emerge after germination. After all the water seeps into the soil, the plastic film is covered on the border surface and compacted with soil around the plastic film, which can increase the ground temperature and promote seed germination as soon as possible.

4. Field management

Amaranth seedlings are smaller, more than ten days, weeds are much higher than seedlings, must be pulled out in time, otherwise compete with amaranth for nutrients, affecting the lighting of amaranth. About 20 days after sowing, topdressing was carried out for the first time when the seedlings grew more than 2 leaves. Choose sunny day, apply ammonium sulfate 15kg per mu, and water it in time after fertilization. The second topdressing was carried out 12-15 days after the first topdressing. Apply fertilizer for the third time after the first harvest, the usage is the same as above, in order to promote the growth of smaller amaranth after harvest, pay attention to timely watering after each fertilization and pull out weeds.

5. Pest control

Han cuisine has strong disease resistance, and the main disease is white rust, which can be controlled by strychnine or mancozeb. The main pest is aphid, which can be controlled by imidacloprid or aphid spray.

In addition, it should be noted that amaranth is sown and harvested in batches. The first harvest is mostly combined with inter-seedling, generally at 40-45 days after sowing, when the seedling is 10-12cm high and has 5-6 leaves, the interplant is harvested one after another, mastering the principle of large harvest and small seedling and uniform seedling, so as to increase the yield in the later stage. Topdressing in time after harvest. Amaranth mainly feeds on tender leaves, so it should be harvested in time, otherwise the fiber will increase and the quality will decrease.