
You can't plant whatever you want on your own land. If you don't understand these five prohibited items, you will suffer!

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, At present, there are many projects to start a business and become rich in rural areas. Fish ponds, fruit trees, pigs and chickens and ducks are all very good projects to become rich. Now many people will think of planting some cash crops in their own fields, but some are explicitly prohibited. Here are the following

At present, there are many projects to start and get rich in rural areas. Raising fish in fish ponds, planting fruit trees, raising pigs and raising chickens and ducks are all very good projects to get rich. Now many people will want to plant some cash crops in their own land, but some of them are forbidden. Let's take a look.

You can't grow whatever you want in your own land!

We should know that many of our peasant friends do not understand the nature of the land in their hands, and the land owned by most farmers now actually belongs to basic farmland. The basic farmland refers to the non-occupied cultivated land determined by the overall land use planning according to the demand for agricultural products of population and social and economic development in a certain period of time.

Permanent basic farmland is neither a certain proportion of high-quality basic farmland selected from the original basic farmland, nor a basic farmland that can never be occupied. Permanent basic farmland is what we often call basic farmland. The addition of the word "permanent" reflects that the CPC Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to cultivated land, especially basic farmland, and reflects the attitude of strict protection.

Prohibition of basic farmland

1. Non-agricultural construction is not allowed to occupy basic farmland (except those prescribed by law).

two。 It is not allowed to reduce the area of basic farmland in the name of returning farmland to forests in violation of the overall plan for land use.

3. It is not allowed to occupy basic farmland for afforestation and develop the forest and fruit industry.

4. It is forbidden to dig ponds for fish culture and livestock and poultry breeding in basic farmland, as well as other production and management activities that seriously damage the tillage layer.

5. It is not allowed to occupy basic farmland for the construction of green passageways and green isolation belts.

What can be planted in basic farmland?

The State Council stipulates that grain, cotton, oil and vegetable crops can be grown in basic farmland, and farmers can reasonably choose their own planting direction in these categories. What is more worth mentioning is that the following cultivated land should also be designated as basic farmland protection zones and strictly managed:

1. Cultivated land in grain, cotton and oil production bases approved and determined by the relevant competent department of the State Council or the local people's government at or above the county level.

2. The cultivated land with good water conservancy and soil and water conservation facilities is implementing the transformation plan and the medium and low yield fields that can be transformed.

3. Vegetable production base.

4. Agricultural scientific research and teaching experimental fields.

If you want to make use of farmers who want to do some farming or grow cash crops, you need to go to the relevant local departments for examination and approval, so that you can continue to grow and breed.