
How to raise carnations? What is the moral of carnations of different colors?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Carnation is a very popular flower, many people will choose carnations for their mothers, and some people like to grow carnations at home. So how do carnations grow? What is the moral of carnations of different colors? First, the culture prescription of carnations

Carnation is a very popular flower, many people will choose carnations for their mothers, and some people like to grow carnations at home. So how do carnations grow? What is the moral of carnations of different colors?

First, the culture methods of carnations

1. Control the temperature.

When some flower friends plant potted carnations, there is always the phenomenon of leaf withering. The main reason for this problem is that the temperature and light are not controlled properly. Carnations like to grow in an environment of 13-25 degrees. When carnations are in an environment above 30 degrees, carnations are very prone to withering, and the illumination time of carnations should be between 6-8 hours, which can promote the growth of potted carnations.

2. Pay attention to the watering principle

The root rot of many potted carnations is mostly due to excessive watering, so when watering carnations, we must grasp the frequency of watering, so as not to cause stagnant water in the basin. In case of plum rain season, pay attention to loose soil drainage for carnations, except for carnations blooming season to timely watering, other times do not need frequent watering, just need to keep the soil moist in the basin.

3. Pay attention to fertilization

The last point of breeding carnations is fertilization, in addition to fertile soil, but also to ensure the fertilization of soil, before planting, the bottom of the basin should be fully fertilized with potassium, calcium, nitrogen and phosphorus. And in its growing period, liquid fertilizer should be applied continuously, usually once every 10 days and a half months or so, and once after picking flowers.

4. Methods of reproduction

Carnations are usually propagated by cuttings, and there is no limit to the time of cutting, except in hot summer, any other season. When cutting, select a plant with no diseases and insect pests and strong growth, with 3-4 pairs of unfolded leaves for cutting.

5. Disease and pest control

Attention should be paid to pest control. Common diseases of carnations include rust, gray mold, root rot and so on. Dysen zinc can be used to control these diseases and insect pests and sprinkle them on the soil before planting to prevent carnations from these diseases and insect pests.

Second, the significance of different colors of carnations

1. White: sweet and lovely, innocent, representing the purest love, is a gift that can bring good luck to women.

2. Pink: pink carnations symbolize great maternal love, which means that I will never forget you, beauty, youth, love, wish my mother forever young and beautiful, touching, beautiful, maternal love, female love, I love you passionately and so on.

3. Red: represents family affection, warm love, enthusiasm, yearning for mother, with the meaning of blessing mother's health and longevity.