
How to grow high yield beet in spring? Attached 2020 production technical guidance!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Affected by the epidemic, people will vigorously develop the planting and breeding industry this year, so as not to get enough to eat later, and now it is time to grow sugar beets, so how to grow sugar beets with high yield in spring? How to control diseases and insect pests? First, beet introduction: 1. What does beet look like?

Affected by the epidemic, people will vigorously develop the planting and breeding industry this year, so as not to get enough to eat later, and now it is time to grow sugar beets, so how to grow sugar beets with high yield in spring? How to control diseases and insect pests?

First, the beet introduction:

1. What do beets look like?

Sugar beet is a plant of Chenopodiaceae, and the main cultivated varieties are sugar beet, leaf beet, root beet and forage beet; today, the main understanding is root beet, that is, edible beet; its edible part is the tuber of sugar beet. Edible beet can not only cook and eat, medical care is outstanding, its nature is flat and slightly cool, and it has the effect of invigorating the spleen and eliminating food, resolving phlegm and relieving cough. at the same time, beet root is also an important drug for the treatment of blood, known as the "root of life".

2. Where is the sugarbeet suitable for planting?

Sugar beets are widely grown in temperate and cold temperate regions, while warm and warm regions are grown in cool seasons.

Second, how to grow sugar beet with high yield in spring?

1. Pre-broadcast preparation

Timely soil preparation, required to achieve flat, broken soil, clean, solid, to meet the needs of different cultivation models. Soil closure treatment was carried out 1-2 days before sowing, 96% Metolachlor EC could be selected to control field weeds. Prepare pelleted seeds with a germination rate of more than 95%.

2. Sowing and seedbed management

(1) Mechanical precision direct seeding planting mode. The use of precision sowing machinery sowing requires straight sowing lines, neat ups and downs, uniform depth and uniform soil cover. The sowing depth should be 2-3 cm, not too deep. If the soil is too empty before sowing, it should be suppressed first. When sowing, we should check while sowing to avoid missing sowing and preventing the phenomenon of broken ridges. Dripping water for the first time is carried out immediately after sowing, and the appropriate drip irrigation amount is about 30 square meters per mu to ensure seedling emergence. After the seedling is complete, if the weeds seriously need to be weeded chemically, the management work such as ploughing and weeding in the field should be carried out when the sugar beet grows to 6-8 leaves. In case of strong wind in early spring, the methods such as increasing drip irrigation belt or mobile sprinkler irrigation equipment should be used to replenish water in time to ensure the whole seedling.

(2) the planting mode of drip irrigation under mechanical plastic film mulching. Sow seeds when the ground temperature of 5 cm is stable above 5 ℃ for 5 consecutive days in spring. The requirements of sowing and dripping for the first time are the same as those of mechanical precision direct seeding. After the 8-leaf stage, the sugarbeet was irrigated through once to make the foliage flourish rapidly. After sowing, pay attention to checking seedlings in the field, if there are insect pests, you should spray pesticides in time to improve the seedling preservation rate of sugarbeet.

(3) planting mode of paper tube seedling transplanting.

Choose the place with leeward to the sun, high terrain, flat ground and good drainage as the seedling raising site to build a plastic greenhouse with a small area and a small arch shed. The fertile topsoil of wheat stubble, corn stubble or potato stubble which has not been planted for more than 5 years is selected as seedling soil. the seedling soil requires no herbicide residue and few weed seeds, and saline-alkali soil, clay, raw soil and sandy soil are avoided. Seedling bed soil 300 kg plus 2 kg seedling bed special fertilizer mixed evenly, seedling bed application soil pad height of more than 10 cm, and flat, rolled, do not use "underground or semi-underground bed" to raise seedlings.

The seedlings emerged 7 days after sowing, and pay attention to heat preservation. The temperature in the greenhouse was kept at 25-30 ℃ during the day and above 10 ℃ at night. If the temperature is too high, it should be ventilated and ventilated in time to prevent high temperature sprouting, hypoxia and excessive humidity in the shed from causing blight. Try not to water the seedbed, spray 25 degrees warm water in the shed to moisten. The seedlings can be transplanted at the age of 30-35 days, and should be watered before transplanting, so that the seedling bed has enough water and is easy to separate the paper tube; 4-5 days before transplanting, 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate aqueous solution is used for foliar spraying; 2.5% dioxin 2000 times solution is used to spray the seedling bed to prevent the seedlings from being damaged by insect pests after transplanting to the field.

3. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests at seedling stage

In the seedling growth stage, with the rise of temperature, weeds breed in the field, and diseases and insect pests begin to occur, which need to be prevented and controlled in time.

(1) prevention and control of blight. The mechanical precision direct seeding planting mode can be used for spray control, the under-film drip irrigation planting mode can be applied with water, and the paper tube seedling planting mode can be sprayed with 95% carbendazim 4000-5000 times, or with 50% thiram wettable powder 8-16 grams and 35 kg water.

(2) Prevention and control of insect pests. After emergence, beet weevil, grub and ground tiger should be prevented and controlled in time. Before sowing in the field, grubs and other serious underground pests were evenly applied with insecticidal granules and fertilizer before direct seeding. After sowing in the field, if beet weevil, grub and ground tiger are found to be seriously harmful in the seedling stage, directional root irrigation and spray control can also be used to spread poison bait between rows. In the paper tube seedling planting mode, the poison bait can be scattered on the surrounding soil in the seedling shed, and the seedling bed can also be sprayed to prevent and control. 10% chlorpyrifos granules 1.5-2kg, or 3% phoxim granules 1.5-3kg, or 5% carbosulfan granules 1.5-2kg, or 8% toxins granules 2-3kg per mu.

(3) Prevention and control of grass damage at seedling stage. Before the 3-4 leaf stage of weeds, 400 ml / mu soil spray with 16% Tian an Ning emulsion was used. After a week, 21% ethfuroxime 350-400 ml / mu + 20% net EC 100 ml / mu or 10.8% high-efficiency Gai Cao Neng EC 30-35 ml / mu can be used again to spray to control grass damage.

Generally speaking, in order to achieve high yield, sugar beet should not only prepare for soil preparation, but also deal with seeds, and do a good job of water and fertilizer, weeding, pest control and so on after emergence.